as -WAlhKuX)CHwNKJ£-Wednc~day.Novt-mber17,2010 m... WWW~M GUELPH WELDING COLLEGE N agy takes on captain’s role GETS ADULTS BACKTOWORK mmmm mg a pay, of added Neyouatacrossroads? Jobhunting? Tiredofadead-endroutmeandlookinglouhetter life? Lite Chronicle Staff games “We didn't Susie Flynn,8rad CallanderandMike Lay,youmayï¬ndbeingawelderistheanswer. , On Friday, give up, and we Inthenortheridoquelph there isasmall but succesle privatecareercollegetl'mforalmost 20years 5ԠWaterloo 5‘5““ Waterloo bf?“ just have ‘0 keep has been training adults like Susie, Bradardeiketo become mghtafterwwellâ€"paidwelders :aptain ECO: N38!†[115mm] 6: é“ a will mecrlitality, . . . , nows e as to s ootout e ore ' sai‘ . Simeopeningrtsdoorsmi992,LlPSkillshastrainedhundredsrimenandwomeningeneralncldrng make the transition from a falling 6-4 to digestiva also and pipe welding, TheTraining &Test Centre, knowntolool Industry as'LightspcedTalsocemfies quiet leader to avocal one. Brantford on . believes his team theseskillsiortheCamdwnWeldingBureauand/orthel’eclwal’ SafetyStandardsMithonty‘ . Nagywasnamed captain Saturday showed some~ DespflewddmgbeWJamaleMina!“"adeï¬ugenymdmemg'idmlerfwnd"â€bum lastTuesday. Head coach That leaves thing on the ï¬tlorhel After ten Yeéï¬wlmaGCO'QEYOW" company "13‘ W35 9°l"9 ‘0 WWWQM Dean DeSilva said while the team with an . weekend. of a trade. Her past experience with soldering and small steel proiects took her in the directional Nagy is quiet in the locker 3.12.1 record. .. . He also thinks MMr room. he leads by example good for eighth . .1. the result against 'l wasalittle brinervousabout welding because most ofï¬rewelderslknewweremen. Whenlwent on the ice. in the 1838115 7 e. ,, a Brantford WOUId toLJP SkillsandspoltewiththeinstrmorWstudents,lMcornl0flablErlghtaway. ineverfeklilrel Nagy wants to become They are ’4»: have been much wastreateddifferentlybecauselwasafemale'. more of a leader in the neck-and~neck 5‘ different if the . . . , . , - dressing room. with the Winter ottNagy Siskins hadn’t Susie completed general welding and pipe welding training at UP Skills and upon graduation, a . . . . immediately WM toalocal union hall. Thequaiiï¬cationsearnedat UP Skillsgotheracalltodoa [want to talk a little Hawks}:th Sit at8-1_0-2. I been called foraï¬ve-minutr. pracp’calweldtestwhichshecompletedandpassed. Thenextstep willbeanaptitudetestandpending more, he ““1 _ . Kitc otter and ‘LIS'OWC . maaorin the 575‘ period. ‘ those results.5usiewillbeirwitedto beqinaioumeyrnanapprenticeshipprogram. Though hes quickly meanwhile, arent too far We killed that penalty _ _ , m! adapting to the new role, ahead With 10 and 11 Wins for two minutes, but then m*gf;‘h‘qum“mswm“UPW"WVM;°M‘Q°«WL°$W° Nagyd‘id notseeit coming respectively. they ended up scoring a m“ lipprogramwhidikvzillgumeiagluevemygoali WM“ 35Ԡ"'94fo directlyinto “l was actually a bit Nagy said he felt “pretty couple of goals." DeSilva 5“ ya" a" “9mm†a ‘5 â€mm" 35““ mmm. shocked when they told me,†good" about the weekend's said. 'I chose UP Skills becauselcwldn’tafford tospendtwoyearsatacommltycollegedoingaslmllar the 19-year-old forward games “in the second and third M393!“- Asa Single "lathe! l mmoomlbllmï¬ and Wmummwwmifflam said “I wasn't expecting it at “We played with a lot of period. we outscored them wage. Bythe time I ï¬nish myapprenticeship, I can earn well over $30.00/hour.’ all." heart,†he said. 4.2." SomeweldinggradflikeBradCaflanderaimtoowntheirownbusiness. BradoarnetoUPSldllsabout ln Nagy's ï¬lmy"? games NOW that heart haste Th? Siskins next home 12yearsagototakeaémonthgeneralweidingskillscourseandleftwith4CanadianWeldingBureau as captain, the Sisluns con- start translating into wrn- game is Sunday at 1:30 pm. tickets anda markoi 1mm", tinued to tread water. splitâ€" ning more consistently, he against Stratford. Brad's hard work paid off in spades. 'After leaving UP Skills i went to work right away for a custom ~~ iabrican‘ng company in Guelph. lwasthereover iOyears. continually upgraded myslrills and l'm now PEACE trust getting readytoopenmyowncustom welding shop'. F nth ; . r . Bradactuallyaccomplishedtwogoalsatthesametirne.lnslxnionthswhi’letakinghlsweldingtrainlng. MUtual Ald 7., , __; we“ a. iNYFG‘RiTY he also earned the high school credits he needed to achieve his diploma at Continuing Education in “ ‘ " " ‘ ‘ H y, _ ii . \ ~ , Guelph. This unique arrangement withtheUpper Grand District School Board is available to all students ‘ h participating in programs ofl9weeksormoreat UP Skills. stewards lp 'I didn't do so well in high school 20 years ago. so ï¬nishing my diploma was a big deal for me'. i liked - ‘ COMPASSION the fact that I could work on my English credits at my own pace. . .no pressure...and I did really welt ‘ . 92%!" . tradition MikeLay‘arecentweldiriggraduateofacornrrmltycollege.cametoLJPSkillstoupgrode. Discouraged &_ Of UUSI ‘ byresponses from employers, Mikeknewheneeded practical training to bring his skills toa (er-unable 3‘ O m m o n Va I U e S : . level. 0 O ‘ o r 'i'mahands-on learner. llllredmycollegeprogrlntbutmoretimewas spent in theclassroom learning ’ 1" _ . l theorythanactualiy welding. So.lfailed mycertiï¬cation tests. At UP Skillslspendallmytimewelding . -.~'-..' . aMhMpassed dimytatsmmemmry: Jom us for our Fall Member Event 2455. 1 Mike says accessibility to an instructor iskeytothesuccess ofanyprogramiMike passed his allâ€"position Wednesday, November 10' 2010 from 1 lam ‘ 2pm. “ ‘ ‘ SMAWticketsaheadofscheduieandiscurrentlyparticipatinginplpewelding trainingatUPSitllls Our CEO. Brent Zorgdrager, Wlll speak at noon, _ ‘ $5 Though the recession hit this area hard with so many iobs linked to the automotive sector, the job. We welcome the opportunity to share mid-year updates and chat With our -. ‘ 5% market rsgaining strength. Weldersare needed. Newiobs appeardailyontheServiceCanada yobbanlr members and community partners 1% and UP Skills is receiving calls from local industry lookingforslrilled welders weekly. . " . y . . ‘ Not a member yet? Ask us if you qualify Better yet, stop in and see how we work / I" fa“ there are not enough graduates at ""5 time ‘0 5" â€3"“le WWW“ together every day to create a healthy credit union, live out our values, and offer a f if like Susie, BradandMikeyoufeelweiding mightbeyour sixcessstory,youcanfmdmoreiniormation variety of ï¬nance! servrces for our faith communllY / on UP Skills Training trials website at MW or all (not 836-1280 on. £19. Tofind out if you are eligible to receive govemrnentfundingiorskillstraining programs. please Metro \ y ‘ .. theMTCUwebsiteahWA Additionalinformationregardirgeducationalloansmbe ‘1 “7‘l“1“""“"lllil ‘.'-‘»i~1rr 9â€! “““H‘ M ’ “ obtainedl‘romLJPSk‘illsTraininglm. - pr W, .w '1'. ' N)? .m( l ~ wen". i ' ‘ . 4 ' Whistle Bear Open House - Sunday, November 28th -- » - . n " ‘ Everyone can join their friends at the club from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm - i r . I ‘ ll \' .‘i. irrr'2rlrzlir"“il‘ ‘\ l lira ‘in “Mil, . . l. “3‘ y l ‘ ‘ ‘ y " l “ "in“ c“ I?" li““‘i“‘“~ “"“Mr ‘ “‘ 11‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , . 7 ‘4' {i ‘ B I“ y , , . ,, ‘r '37! l. - :4, if! .n'; - whistle Bear s Famous Brunth is only ic’Z pure w . Kw . . we w . 'H‘ii Jim" Er‘r‘r;;‘rulr,rw“‘rir .nW Mil... -l,. ‘ Qt e l l l ".. ï¬rst ll . â€4‘ W '.' ‘ u ‘1‘.“ ‘ "My r‘ 0““; a}. my my. 3' iii ‘ & Whistle Bear truly IS a club for everyone. y MKâ€? B€QV WWW.Wl]lSll(‘l)Cr]l.(d ~ Memberships; 519-650-2327 ext 230 - bradd whistlebearra â€" a“ V M Mr‘ ’2 ii ‘ M2 \‘i’i‘ it. w . 3M. V“ 1.1 r‘u‘lr‘