WWW-WWZSJOIO-zs â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"“â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" _. i v; < 3 i l . Heap breaks school record inwin ‘ r i" g: 31‘ " ‘ e Dillon Heap became Laurier's " . 1' if \3 u 1 . i C: a" a 3 all-time leading punt returner with ’ 3 ' ’ f3 ,._ my}. 3° i * 1,368 career yards as the Wilfrid it _. m , t " ‘ Laurier Golden Hawks defeated -3 . ’1 was, the York Lions 68-14 at University r r a , *1 2'" “if - .‘ y, ' Stadium. ‘\ d f‘ -â€".. , .. 3 3 ‘ kg . . , 3 The Golden Hawks got on the v , _ an \ ‘ (1,? ‘6"; . 6 i‘ scoreboard early and often against 6 ’ y 3 ‘ ' I A: 333331.343}: -Z i A ' , the Lions with starting quarterback "~;.$al I 4â€" x "I Evan Pawliuk hitting a wide open -\. ~ ‘ ‘ Mark Surya for a 42-yard maior- .~- 3 ....__ .. I: it“ ‘ 2010 WateI'loo Munlc lElectione Surya had his best game for Laurier ‘ - -_. _ 3 ' '. . \\ , ‘ Ina picking up 66 yards on three recep- ‘ 'u‘nâ€" “Jar-f , i. ' ' . "9“ VIII! Candidates tions. .7. .I 33 3 3 3.3 3. The purple and gum continued ' Town Hall Meeting Schedule for Candidate Debates to roll from there with a blocked . ‘ . ~ ., - . Tue 5.921 WW.WM.WM kick and recovery by Mitchell ' ‘ ‘ “ - "' Wed 891322 Mim.mm.m Bosch for the Hawks second major - . ~ - , . . .. . 7 e my 5.9 23 No mum term 2 a; m mm of the match. Heap. a WCl grad, »- , ‘ , 3 3_ Tue Sepza Wad 3Wm,(:otmunitynoorn.lkt:ormick Cunmntty Carma concluded the ï¬rst quarter with a 3 A ‘3, ' * -~ Wed Sep 29 Wed 4 Saddam, Room 201m M 22- yard touchdown reception to j . w. .. . _ _ 3 f“ Thu Sense m5m.floan208.mm give the horneteama2&0lead, in 5; ~ -.... ’7' ‘ ' h“ ' ‘ 3 Tue 0ct5 mem.mm.wmc addition to surpassing Stefan H.) “3 33 _ ' Wed one M7Cenadates.lleuserm,m Ptaszek's school punt return , \ ' "h" “5"†' - . -« » \. -.. Thu Oct? www.mnocm record. ‘t j , Tue Oct19 mwmmmmaamreo in the second quarter it was the “ . . 3 “33* \ , (Check www.mtenootloteecom) running game that provided the V ..- .. w» - Wed 0cm WWWMTBO scoring for the Hawks. Anton Ben- Thu Oct 21 Mayoral Candidates. Hm Hats. MARC . nett picked up two majors. both on ’ All from 7 PH b 9 PM one-yard runs. while Shamawd The Golden Hawks' Felix Odum, left. and Patrick McGarry go for the inter- â€I“ 9' ' . , Chambers put on a show, running ception against the York Lions in Saturday's 68-14 win for WLU. See mWaterlooVeerom M W W m at m Orie'single 3" to for24 yards andatouchdown.losh '°""‘â€â€˜Wâ€â€˜Â°'° â€mmmmw‘ iiu‘uloeetlortmdtutlcuolatebtoe. â€a" Pirie scored laurier's ï¬nal major of Bosch. who had 5.5 tackles. Gian- Oct. 2 when they host the Guelph m “m Won 'W M‘ the halfwithaï¬ve-yard dash. carlo Rapanaro also picked up his Gryphons during the annual 3’ j ,3 .- - w » ,» _ . , [aurier wrapped up the scoring seventh career interception. Homecoming game. Kickoff is at 1 ~ : ~ ‘ . ‘i .. ' , . late in the fourth quarter on an Shane Burns also had three pm. 3 3 , 3 . 3 Isaac Dell rush. knockdowns for the Hawks Tickets are available online at ' ' The Hawks defence was led by Laurier will next be in action on ticketslaurierathleticscom. Each vote comb. 8' m W m C ' . Green Bl“ f 31%; i Waterloo Manl’ Soccer Club O O , I. Information Nights m TW°U‘S“°'2°“ °"‘d°°' - 3 J" v I * . u. ‘ I ' : L . i wa'garbagef’ay" = i?» mummmmnmmmmummammmrzsazsmmzaa. 0 Monday In Waterloo 3;???" 2010 to nudity Players interested in participating in a omnpeutive' program. REP tryoum assess the over- . Tuesday in Cambridge 74.3: "’ a! ski! and M level of Plum. 0 Wednesday in Kitchener 933C!" Whiz??? at an tour (4) sessions is strongly mum. It will be mastery w attend at least r _ one tryout sessions on EACH weekem. YouwillreceiveaGl'eanillthisFall! :g‘ Playmereadtedharmmthematncanopy2o-30minuteepnormthestanotmelrm.Topre- ‘. new .m. mummllmrwmaï¬m' mmmmmmw. Drop in between 6:30 and 8:30 pm. to see the W tonne M" also be M atthe field.) displays and talk to Regional staff about this exciting ‘ 3 program. 0 Thereba$5.00Tmnteepuparï¬cipamloreechrymnseesimpayableatmï¬eld. _ 33333.3 33 .. 3 3 3 3. _ . â€"A - MMmmdmuimzm.m.shMpads,wm§ms,wnscmmmm 3'91 .. . .> -~ (in. - "c a may" ' inset“ ' V 73, j; 3 “fig": “- ‘ ' ' 03 . 3y t. ““33 m m- a,“ '5’? 33“ . 3 W.,.’:- _ ,. ' . Players must attend tryouts tor M respective age group (see Ace auto table below), 43%,} =33; - as; * . 3; - The tryout schedule may be updated until September 24. 2010. “a? , ~ is J ‘3' Mt New: 31’ if» H", l: 1 V H ““3613 '33fo ' '3 maammo m2‘3,2010 3:33.: 3&3 33:23.: . .7 ._ ». .5: t 3 3.; 3 . . ,, 9 3m u17-ta u17-ta U15 eats U10 Gets U14 BOYS W U12 slats W ii . t; . ~ . :~ 11 mm mom mama-mm : fls$iu£ s '3' - . .1 ,3 ‘. Lid-- - , 1 3 3 BOYS GIRLS a. £53; 3 pm mmm- W "mm m- *‘ S? r V "* in“ "nation FICIIB c." U10bom Ulim U12btfll u13mm U14bom U15bnm 016mm U17bom Ui8bom we. of Moo wan: Menage-lent 4 519-883-5100