u-WATERIDOW-Wednesday. September 29. 2010 Vikings a team on a mission % 8v BonVltmrw; _ , . ’3. . Chronicle Stu/f ,x .1 . .-" _" 9- . t was the ï¬rst time in a ,, 4‘ _ 2:ng 4?- ’ ; Idecade that the Waterloo ‘ . . â€saw" i “"9 3'. r A. Vikings senior girls has- is} . i! ii. 3%" ‘ ... f m,“ as; ketball team didn't have its {if ‘ ’ ; 15.3% “I?" , 3;. 37. name engraved on either the . *a‘ , ' i g V 24.; . :‘j“.;-.*’“ wcssm OMEN/088A titles, 3 H , 1' t. , w. ‘ at. _ And that doesn't sit well ‘. ‘ “ ‘ xii-'3. 3‘1? " _ . ‘ ï¬ll? with returning veterans like ‘ k . f»,§miÂ¥w \ ‘ 3‘15 , Alyssa Shortt. the team's '" ‘ ‘ » . 3‘ 3 .85 “‘ starting point guard, who U1 2, v. .3 £31â€; a. »‘ a, 3 . still thinks back to the chamâ€" ' 1" . r *‘l “is; j, “ pionship game against the A "' aâ€. ,5. f“ ; KC] Raiders that broke their ’ , "7" decade-long streak. \\ v “it showed us that you \ ‘\: l have to come out strong in / ‘ ( gt}: every single game because _ I .l \ .. i you don't know what‘s going 1. a. J 3/ . it _ . . gr; 4- to happen." said the 18-year :2 .33. I “14:33 . . g5 7“ '. old ï¬nishing up her last sea- fâ€. 6 4‘. .' ,. ‘ :1“ . -- ' ‘ i3" -‘ son Wilh the Vikings. “We 9% ‘ “f \ j , , ‘ . .93. is, ‘ ~ 1 :11 didn‘t give the effort we nor- . 4:) ,5 . In .7?†' .. ,3»; J†" That's won't be the case - ' f. $5 this year as the Vikings take , 3 a “ s: a, g 113...: 3}. nothing for granted as they r ' , \ . .. Mn 43%,. look to start a new title run. sf 3. i ' ’ The Jacob Hespeler Hawks .5"“~.‘r"":£‘ were the unfortunate vic- fa" . " - any“ ‘23:“: tims of that renewed sense " an?! $3.51 ‘. is: of purpose last Thursday as _ We}, 3 ' V the Vikings opened up the . 3.: if.» ' ’1 . ' 7‘â€; 3.35 WCSSM my season mm The Vikings' Ashley Hammerbacher drives past 3 Jacob Hes- s- “a a dominating 58' ‘3 “an†ler Hawks defender in her team‘s 58-13 win 5' _ ’ Vi» “ gaff... That domination was pe ' “mmm ‘ "at?" even more pronounced in ning basketball program. That’s already paid divi- :;1{:;~ the first half as the Vikings â€This is my last year of dends as they won the John ‘ . .1335? ‘ built up a 35-5 lead by half- high school basketball. and i F. Ross preseason tourna- .’ . .* ,3 , time before liberally using know i will be disappointed ment last week, defeating A": ’V 3 . ‘53-...59 their bench. in myself if i don't leave the defending OFSAA dou- -.s..g . . _ tsvw'ge Shortt had 10 points in everything on the floor. ble A champions. Bishop 2'}; » .13. â€21.5:- '~ .1â€; limited action, while Lindsay “After last year's disap- Macdonell. in the ï¬nals. 3 ., _...;.; ‘Mv .:. 53" Taylor led all Vikings scorers pointment at WCSSAA. we Co-coach Doug Ramon, lg} _ 3 ~. “#1293â€; 33; with 14 points. have to win it. and if I don't one of the architects of the {g ' . j z“_,_{.,.?:i......2 1:553." "‘7 But Shortt. the Vikings' work hard and push myself Vikings' decade of domi- s; 3 .. 3.1." ‘ â€f" . 5%}353'?‘1('*::g' floor general. will set the HI regret it the rest of my nance. said itwasagreat run . v . .3. x... - , '5 > - “‘ $315": tone for ththkings this year. life.†. but last year made the girls : of}. 7. “alga“! She's determined to go The Vikings are also get- even hungrier. . :J’ï¬j‘: . ~ ' g .5113" out on a high note before ting a push by playing an “This might be one ofthe .. \ .5"“ ~‘ V 3 “'- . I" , making the leap to play has extensive tournament hardest working groups “‘7' ’ ’ ‘3" ’3" ‘ ’ ketball at the university schedule to bring up the we've had in a few years." i. 1 , ‘3 J†â€058 H . . t. . t‘- ‘ 3 o}( Uhlllli‘m level. level of consistency they'll said Ramon. "We deï¬nitely ~- - . 7* ~ , 1 ' ‘ ‘ ' ' “My style is lead by exam- need to compete in the post- have more depth this year, pie. and if I work hard the season. They only have two “We also have more bal- rest of the girls will follow,†weekends offduring the sea- anced scoring this year, and said Shortt. who also plays son as they travel to tourna- some kids who can put up s ' club ball for the K-W Light- tnents around the province. big numbers." Receive 100 Cash Back when you purchase featured frames with “v ‘ 3 fully coated prescription lenses, by; e ATTENTION COUPLES * v3.“ ‘ Do you wish seat would last longer? ' A a" A Cimncal Wren sway of an lnvestigational Oral Mediation to f ta- mm (in) and mm (P!) ts Demo conducted W _ inmraaaVoumaybeewibleflyouhaveloimeiollowm i I R I J g .1." ‘i. w" °:-An|tioutiaynnoimandtilqnoudwltitin #Wsymmoinhnilustommm OPTOMETHISTS 'OPTICIANS 3‘ *mmvm'cw|‘umnnthâ€ï¬3 iris.co E . WM .1 ‘ .éinunlltiomhipuithhomohmdopwtmior 95 King Streel South ‘ . If but 6 months 511725-3937 .- 3‘ ¢ Your partner will participate In this study with you , , _, . Dr Baryon Anglo. Dr Pohlck QUOld, Dr Daniela Bugescu V. . ' t . ‘4‘ ‘ FOR MORE INFORMATIW' CALL: & and Dr Moc50| Suwolo. Optomermts V'. ' - 1 877 738 0349 -' ,a : . f ‘ - - - is 3’ “4 3" » y g ‘}' semi“: i â€Mmmwwmmmmmnmnuu -~........ Imusswâ€"Mvm'viâ€"qwm-‘lmn â€anâ€"mum... .é‘ ‘_. v’ .. mom-wan Myanmar-Mirandaâ€