WAX sumo cnnomcus - Wednesday. sew-mm 29. 2in - is O O O Marj/hill busmess park offers a range of energy conservation products . BYCHAlwrm Phone PAmuu 1 from the unit. Energy bills are typically Chronicle Slag“ ~‘ ‘ about half the cost of natural gas heat. and l“ 60 per cent less than the cost for air condiâ€" n less than a year, lim Bolger has turned 7 T .. _:, - ~ 1 tioning. Ian abandoned Maryhill building into a ' " The pipes can be installed venically on showroom boasting some of the newest j ‘-’. . ,. . i city lots. in an area about 15 feet by 15 feet. energy conservation products. - “n“...k I Bolger has done them in front yards. back- Now. he's out to renovate your energy bill. i ' yards and even driveways Bolger, who owns a company called Earth l So what's the down side? FX Energy, has teamed up with Bostech ‘ :- ‘ “The initial capital cost is what scares Mechanical out of Listowel to open the _ _ ’ most peopleaway," Bolgersaid. T.000»square»foot Smtainable Living Centre. T" l . The system can cost about $25,000 to "What we wanted was essentially a busi- . â€" ' if: $30,000 for the vertical pipes On a larger lot ness park for people shopping for energy ‘ the pipes can run horizontally. cutting the conservation products." he said. cost by about 30 per cent. Sustainable Living features everything - But Bolger points out that a new furnace the environment-conscious could want. and new air conditioner would cost about from retrofit LED lighting to ultraviolet l $8,000 to $10,000. water treatment systems, in~floor heating Thereare also government grants of up to and insulation. The Waterloo resident's core $5,000 available for retroï¬t geothermal sys- business is installing geothermal heating tems. and cooling systems for both residential and A Wellesley couple who was forking out . commercial properties. $12,000 a year to heat their home and busi- But Sustainable living isn't just a show- ‘ ness with two oil fumaces switched over to room â€" it's a demonstration lab. the geothermal system and have brought “This is heating and cooling the build . 4 their bills down to $3,000 â€"- with the added ing," he said, pointing to the geothermal sys- "NW-wt... - ‘ comfon of air conditioning that they didn't tem in the main showroom. . l have before. The front reception area is lit with those ‘ Sustainable Living Centre provides a energy-saving LED lights â€" which throw off 1 return-on-investment worksheet with no heat and can last up to 50,000 hours. . y " ‘ ' i details that can help home and business Large. dimmable lights also line the bright ' w» ’ - xvi-“k‘ ‘ â€H3“ .. owners decide if geothemial is the right sys- hailway. ‘ ' â€3 QM tern for them. The exterior and interior of the once T" ‘7“*"" The worksheet provides the option of derelict cement block building have been attaching a value to reducing your energy clad with high R-factor insulation. Tons of use. gravel was removed from the old tar and The motivating factor for many people is asphalt roof. and replaced with a white rub- the long-term savings. ben'zed membrane. “But most times. it’s environmental.†Bol- They'll soon be installing a solar array on get said. the roof, and setting up a web portal so peo- The centre is open for residential and pie can monitor the centre's electricity usage business owners, builders. architects and in real time. . . _ institutional clients. Even the new landscaping out front is Waterloo "We“ Jim Bolger and his partners have opened the_Sustainable lemg Centre '" “if you're thinking of energy conserva- ecologicaily friendly, with low-maintenance Maryhill. Th" geothermal “mt replaces both ‘ furnace and an "' conditioner. tion, we're hoping you'll come to the Sus- > native plants. Creating community partnerships is the because we believe in the technology.†tainable Living Centre." Bolger said. Rescuing the building, which sat empty way they do business. Bolger said. The geothermal system consists of a . . P . wt 7 . _- ,, . for ï¬ve years. has been a boon for the resi- “When people see what we’re doing here, series of pipes buried underground on the 73 . .€t~§ 3? 35'3 it; 4 7 dents of Maryhill. they know we’re not going away.†property. and a unit inside the home runway 21.5 is ; ;. ‘- , g =, ,‘ ;. " ‘ “ > a. 1- _‘ There's a large boardroom that Bolger will Between the two companies, they've the size of the existing furnace. In winter. xv ;¢;:-§' , “41's 7..- . ' -; lend out to community groups. He got a already installed more than 2.000 heat heatisextracted from theearth tom the it {Qnshi This" '_. I.“ .- \. tower put in behind the centre to provide pumps. and have 18 employees. building. in the summer. the process is 55 ££.;;..; .. . i. j; g 6547“? . high-speed internet, which is now also “We do geothermal every day. it's not a reversed â€"’heat is extractedfrom the build- â€kg-ï¬g“ P J_...,, °<' 4; » enjoyed by many of the village residents. sideline for us." he said. ing and deposited in the ground. it“. . fr .... a g “is?“ 353} " And, he’s hoping to attract a tenant to run an “We've been doing it since long before it The system uses no fossil fuels. is easy to 51 ft}. if y cf *~~Q.‘ 1172331} , . intemetcafé with healthy food options was sexy. and we’ll continue doing it, maintain, and no emissions are created , 3“ 7“ ~ Ti ’ ‘ 9‘- â€-‘~'~" f . , v .. rvrgryï¬ggr . = '- it AIRJV/E‘ST' mm ’ b T! r T J J T k T r â€3111" T "T I?" \ , 10 .â€"P .r _. _r J .. , _. Weéï¬yw 1 ‘ Sunday I ' ,..' ' ' a“)? i ‘ , . 0 7“ _. FREE PUMPKIN DECORATING ‘ 4 . o u tdoo r \ .‘ bf - for kids ofall ages while quantiï¬es last . _ . 4~ " 5 ‘ " ' Ma rket - . t REMOTE CONTROL Models comm/«Hobbies. . , «V . -4 pm . , A ,‘ demonstrates cars, trucks. boats 3. aircraft modeb , .P_. y; ~.. {SE-741? A n t lq u e S - l ' P ' Old Fashioned CAROUSELrIdothe musical J ‘ . -. a? if? < .. it... ._~ .. we)“: 3} , f _. {I}; . 5 fl SWEET TREATS candyï¬ou. Mapping. - . at; - ~ ~ , . . . r w _, a P 5 “a F ‘ ’ MARKET so» must, om 10-0 ,. T3â€??? -' . . .