Wm-Wywnzoro-rs Feds commit to internships Tl ' ChmnicleSrafl ‘ ° hefederalgovemment â€5' n €55 announced Friday $80 - million in funding for t ‘ ' \ ' ' student internships in g V ‘ \‘ southwestern Ontario. ' ~ . o The money will come . . ‘ \- ‘ ‘\ ‘ from the government's Fed- . Dev agency for southwest- ‘\ ~ , . ern Ontario. headed by - Cambridge MP Gary ‘, ~ ' Goodyear \ \ W at 15 There are a lot of viable ‘ business ideas and innova- ‘ . / Toma mmm tions being produced in “£1,519.62;th Canadian post-secondary ‘ institutions, but getting W those ideas into the hands of O business is a problem. Goodyear 531d _ MlTACS‘ Arvind Gupta at the government‘s announcement. â€Canadian busrnesses do momma not do well in getting ideas ing at AGFA HealthCare‘s Members of the research into the marketplace." Waterloo ofï¬ces. AGFA is the community were also excit- Goodyear said. type of company the pro- ed about the government's In order to bridge the gram is targeting. venture. gap, FedDev committed $80 Atif Khan. 36, was an Arvind Gupta is the sci- million over four years intern at the company. entiï¬c director of MlTACS. a to programs that offer sci- The internship was of research network that offers ence and engineering stu» great value to Khan. internships. dents internship opportuni- “I found myself in a He praised the govern- ties. unique position where my ment’s investment. citing is The internships will pair research has the opponunity as key to a successful econo- ' undergrad and postgraduate to be applied in the real my. . students with small and world," Khan said. “If we dont ï¬nd ways to ’ medium sized businesses. It's the type of program get young people involved in "It will provide real~world that the government hopes industry . . . we will not have ‘ experience,†Goodyear said. to create more of with its knowledge economy,†he . ‘ . t» ,‘ He announced the fundâ€" investment, Goodyear said. said. - ‘ a g . Councrllor for l Q. $343.5: 3 ‘ †Ward 1 Waterlo . -‘ a . t» if r (s . . . 7‘3 7 ., "’ o l o o . A Provo/r Comnntmont to Contmumty Sew/C0 i 4.006 -; 4.19/o 5.60/o t 1 Yield to Maturity . Yield to Maturity i Yield to Maturity ‘ . . . . ‘Fma.’ 79/335 020 Final 07/16/2025 E Final 05/01/2029 Hennk Noesgaard IS committed to banging ' M ‘ - M 0 I I I k... .31....“ h“ transparency to Councrl's daemon-making, ‘Yleld effective 09/24/2010, subpect to avatlabrltty. Yield and market value may fluctuate If . . . ~ sold pnor to matunty, and the amount you receive from the sale of these securities may be controlling Its expenses, and [Educt'ng our debt. more than, less than or equal to the amount originally Invested. Bond values may decllne m a rlsmg interest rate envrronment. Any bond called prior to maturity may result In reinvestment kl th b0 . . "‘ °’ ° â€WW Vote Noesgaard for Ward 1, the candidate with. E To Invest in these quality corporate bonds, call or vlslt your local . . . _ Edward Jones advisor today. IE Proven economic expertrse In leading companies out of ï¬nancial trouble thereby preseran jobs in our community. Davld Friesen - F. . I Adv- 9"“ Hub†E A demonstrated long-term commitment to "18003 ISO’ FmanCIal Advtsor n, in at th belts t of oommu VOI‘VOMO Ibl 9 ""9" 55, E’b Street E. 50 Westmount Road North . . â€y Sutte 108 ON 2 Waterloo. ON N2L 2R5 our atrzens. Waterloo, N J 4K8 5198850988 . . 5198801649 0 [E A passron to actively speak-out for the beneï¬t of the crtlzens of Ward 1 and Watodoo. madmrdionescom Member 7 Canadlan Investor Protection Fund www.noesgaard.ca ~ l‘Ztluttrtllones _~ . ‘- m EL EC T Henrik Noesgaard