to -wxreruoo camera - mane-day. Somewhat 29. 2010 V V a r a a ' \ V a 1 ‘ < 4 ‘ Ill [Lilo l() T HE CHRONICLE r we , ._ , ,, . . . . . . , , , 7, _ VJ siveness declines. dollars and now no longer has the debate is over. What information Is an outright merger the only responsibility for paying the The m is the “Our position is ï¬rm,†he wrote. has Let S Talk KW way to go? Why not start with $80,000 repair bill. way of the future “Community water fluoridation. in added to question? exploring potential efficiencies The building will be owned by a the right amount. is both safe and through closer cooperation business that has demonstrated The future is going to be all about effective. it's not a debate â€" it is a e are being told that let's Talk between the various city depart- that they are good corporate citi- LRI‘ not tars fact. " 3 WION is just a friendly chat merits? This can be done without a Lens and have invested heavily in While acknowledging that LRT Dr. Hoediono, however, is about merging Kitchener and formal merger. and without dis- the interior of the property them- is an expensive endeavour, it telling only half-truths about both Waterioo Is it? carding Waterloo's ISO-year old selves for over a decade. should be noted that all forms of the safety and effectiveness of any Only the most naive will believe identity. The question on the ballot On the other side, the city now transportation are going to be very fluoride that he asks people to that It is really the beginning of a directs councils to talk about has the opportunity to take the expensive. swallow along with their drinking welliorchestrated process that will merger only â€" it's the wrong ques- $650,000 proceeds from the sale In 1990. oil cost $24.53 per bar- water. . ‘ end only when the cities are tion. and put those dollars to use to rel. in 2005, it was $66.54 and Fluoride is not entirely safe, nor in erg ed This was made clear by a There is no sound rationale for enhance heritage semces , today it hovers around $77.70 per does it have only one effect. merger advocate at a city council merging. beneï¬ts are highly uncer~ The money generated from this barrel. World crude oil production Fluoride certainly does things meeting last January tain, and we will likely end up with sale is not accounted for in the has been flat from 2005 to 2010. in the human body, and these Why would we need a vote to higher taxes to pay fora merger. current budget and therefore More vehicles must compete effects involve varying degrees of start talking? If a merger will bring Why would we want to go this could be used creatively-to address for the same fuel supply. Adding risk. beneï¬ts then the yes-group could route? _ some ofthe gaps that this issue non<conventional supply like the l am not opposed to the topical have used the summer [0 explain Waterloo is a City that works, a have brought to light. . tar sands will not make this com- application or use of fluoride as them to the public All we heard city that has many good things to The city has several other des1g- modity cheaper, it is very costly to toothpaste or rinse for most peo- were nebulous cliches that a merg- be proud of. . nated heritage buildings that. it change sticky bitumen into a pie. _ er will help us "speak with one It is dynamic and will continue owns which also have extenstve usable oil product. This use can be monitored mng and “makea bigger splash to evolve as it always has. let’s Talk repair needs outstanding. One This is the reality that we all closely; usage in these circum- on the global scene n Will it? KW is the wrong way to go. example is the Carnegie Library on must accept. stances is indeed a personal health Is there any harm in "just talk~ My vote will be“No.†Albert St: It is fantasy to think that the decision based on personal read ing about†a merger? These dis- The City also approved theCen- average family will have two or non. _ cussions will be more than a chat Emil Prim! tral Albert Heritage Conservation three cars parked in their drive- Any fluoride product you swal- over a cup of coffee: they will be Waterloo District some years ago,lbut the ways in the not too distant future. low is going to have effects â€" side- between councils involve high- implementation for basic things Responsible politicians will effects Theseeffects are not neces- priced lawyers and accountants, City should use like street signs has yet to be com- plan for a future where public sanly observed in the shun term or . and absorb valu able council and pleted due to lack of resources transportation becomes the main at a young age. . . staff time _ time that should be proceeds of sale Finally, other communities that mode for much of the population. Take the adVice printed on the used for more pressing problems. to create new take heritage issues seriously. have People would be far more likely containers from the other health Studies will have to be redone. The grant money available to mm to make the transition from per- professwnals, “Do Not Swallow cost of these talks will be borne by heritage fund owners mamtain these treasured sonal transportation to public via This P_roductâ€_ . . the may“ buildings ‘ the LR’I‘. This warning is a reqUirement So ifwe really want this kind of he recent decision byWaterâ€" If Waterloo is gomg to be seriâ€" More buses on the roads are not and it IS placed there for good rea- talk. there should be valid reasons. loo City Council to honour its ous‘about preserving our building going to do the job. it may be a son. . . . Where are they? - contractual requirement to heritage, we need to be creative. short-tenn solution, but LRT is the Dr. Hoediono is an expert in The notion that a merger will sell the train station to Paul Punch- So, I am proposing that the city best way to meet the future. oral health. His expertise, like that makeWaterloo betterknown glob- erClothierhas raised someissues take the proceeds from the saleof of his fellow dentists, does not ally is nonsense Waterloo is that need to be addressed. but the the train station and create a her- Cathy MneLellan extend beyond the oral cavity. already known around the world issue also providesWaterioo with itage fund. Green Party Candidate farKW Their training is not in internal through its universities and its some opportunities This fund can pay for repairs to medicine. How long did it take for high-tech industries In fact if It is now obvious that the city City owned heritage buildings, In estin flu ride that profession to realize the dan- Waterloo were to become part of a has not kept up with building implement the Heritage Conserva- g 8 O gers of mercury ï¬llings? different entity it might lose its maggnmce ctr; ailldy ofthe desig- tion District plan and develop a should be an I" As a gigoup,ï¬t‘ljiey suffer from the - ' - . nat eritage u‘ ings it owns grant program or ome owners. ‘ usion 0 con ence. 21:51:: 3:123:33 men. It would The train station alone has had Actions speak louder than individual ChOice They are not competent to dis- Experiences in other Ontario more than $80,000 worth ofrepairs words , ‘ . cuss internal medicine. especially communities that merged during outstanding for several years. So. The time to act is now. 1'} his letter t0 the editor PUb- how an indiVIdual's system the last decade showed that costs the sale is a win-win for taxpayers l|§h9d Sept. 722' DE Harry H01?- responds to a drug. generally rise administrations and the community's desire to diono. PreSIdent-elect Of the " become less efficient and respon- maintain our built heritage. Duncan McLean Ontario Dental Assoc1ation. CPU‘ Hm Gllhuly Thecitygets almost $650,000 Ward 7candi’date tends that the fluoridation Waterloo CLEAR VISION / V ‘3‘ CLEAR ADVANTAGEI w ‘2‘ v i ‘ ' “'-“. M» 3 l “i" r f "I; ‘ w ‘ 11‘3““.f, a ,. . ;» T â€T "1 : 9335“ , ~.'~‘ r "_ 53.; : " ‘1“ MWflORIECIION . , .r x . at. ’t 31-min». A“. . a, . W“ l 6 ‘“ mmmmmsimusann . j ‘ ' roam were attainment: you â€K W. lot helping ® ' . ' . " me compete at my very best? leve' . ' - ' - ‘ For more on Joannle's story. visit: . ' ' if ‘_. ‘I ‘ i. www.mlloannlo Ali-Loser LASIK available / * I. . 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