sz-wmuwo alNNluz-Wednuday.5epmnberu. 2010 THE CITY OF a water loo For more information, please contact: City of Waterloo l00 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario NZJ AM P 519‘886-1550 F 519-747-8760 ’ TTY l~866~786â€"3941 m _ fl * N"; ~ ï¬e .’ ‘ a ‘ fl ' ‘ f ‘i;, £‘ 1 r, § â€1 r ~ 3 u ‘ “t y , . sâ€" in - . . a . s » are. . . »- \ , . a. / / L\ " / ‘ ' m- k" ..‘. . Our Home i F’ \ . * ‘ '- w“ Pmyerflngs ’ â€" . 7 7 Collin/i Queen Hybrid . ' a l i at A“ \\ \ ‘ or†i h ‘ n- ‘\ - Q w- -â€" ~ 3- wd ‘ â€arr-ten“ 4. fl . , t y w a... x. ~ g,» . t ‘ c:..\;< : ‘ f , t . N†: y w â€Q! x k ,. ‘ , »*;‘.31’;,: A '~' ' i!" ' ‘ ~v‘r V. 4 (- '~‘ ’ i' N, ~ . “525“ 7.413} a "is - _ a to '.' 52 ..-i vii, ‘ if.) {a "' £15232, J ‘ “fl . -; . ‘ï¬seï¬'ï¬ y ' :’ if? -‘i m r†. V" . _ Waterior " ' V . ' ‘ . S["lill\:li C‘lili‘.’ r'fVQSSCI VESSEL: Stephen Cruise GOLDEN QUEEN HYBRID: jane Buyers Located at the entrance of the RIM Park Manulife Financial Sportsplex & Located across the golf road from the Martin Farm Healthy Living Centre A marker of the historical importance of agriculture in Waterloo. and a Carved of granite in various colours, the pieces of this installation are adorned reminder of the previous life of the site. - with images and words taken from historical dates or artifacts. local geophysical markings. or selections from the Pennsylvania German tradition of fraktur. In PMYEBFLAGï¬ 10h" “03m" this way.Vessel tells the story of the land now used as a recreation park. Located '“ the R°°"Y Peace PW“ A steel frame incorporating "prayer flags" of 4 different materials: glass. OUR HOUSE: Tony Urquhart aluminum. copper and steel.A visual focus in the Rotary Park. reinforcing the Located adiacent to the Grey Silo Golf Course club house values of Rotary Internatlonal. The artist explores the relatlonship people have with the land in an allegory that can be read in many ways: man and nature combining successfully. man protecting nature. or nature imprisoned. Sense of Place: RIM PARK ART EXPERIENCE :lEl) S Celebrate Culture Day as a family through the City ofWaterloo's public art collection! Experience the living story of our history and heritage through public art at RIM ParkWalk or cycle along - an. the trails. and ï¬nd each one of these works. perfectly placed to accentuate the spirit of the site. ecu-mm am 0 counts: non com To com 70 00A". 3mm 24-28. 2010 . _ W'ATFJlllX) RFfllON For maps and further information. visit our website. . RECORD www.water|oo.calpubllcart : munity This self-guided tour is offered as a Culture Days activity. in local partnership with The Waterloo Region Record. PartTBfShlpS To learn more about Culture Days activities In Waterloo Region. visit cultured-ya.“ Program