WATmmm-Wbdmd-y.slptenlbes22.mluoal ‘ j THE CITY OF E] waterloo For more information, please contact: City of Waterloo 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N214A8 P 519-886-1550 F 519-747-8760 TTY 1-866-786-3941 ‘ www.watorloo.ca l Calling for 2010 NOMINATIONS The City of Waterloo is pleased to announce the reinstatement of the Urban Design criteria for all nominations will relate to the City‘s Urban Design Objectives, which Awards program (previously called Site Plan Awards) with three new awards cate- include: ï¬ï¬'éâ€a.‘i“2i'i§°-§$§?§n"é‘i“f£i’iv'e?°fl“£ 33:53:22? 5?! 5532112233532?“ m“ â€mm “m “M“ “ â€is“ “m“ °f â€b“ “3‘s“ design across the City and will have a lasting impact on the look and feel ofthe City. ' â€9°C“ “m mw‘ a“ “we“ “WW“ a?“ PM“ a “n“ “le The Urban Design Award categories include: ° prelim that enhance connectivrty and interaction - WWW This award is in recognition and cei- ' Projects that Promote creativity and “imam ebration of Mr. Bailey, and will be presented to projects that demonstrate the highest - projects that promote sustainable design level °f overall deSlgn excellence. A distinguished jury will select the award winners. Jury decisions will be based on the . muggy For projects, major additions and public spaces that demonstrate design criteria based on the day of approval to ensure a fair evaluation for all projects . an exemplary level of design execution for one or more design objectives or ele- that were completed between 2001 and 2010. ‘ mm“ While in“ maintaining a h‘8_h standard °f desrgn. Examples may “mm" The nomination period runs between September 27, 2010 to October 15, 2010. exemplary building deSlgn. creathlty and innovation, heritage conservation, Iand- All nomination submissions must include a complete application with ï¬ve (5) “a†“5‘s“, sustainable “5's" °' tail bu'ldm85~ digital images emailed to waterloourbandeslgnawardscwmrloou. An award - MM Presented to the inï¬ll, redevelopment and brownï¬eld proj- ceremony will be held in early 2011. Nomination forms, eligibility criteria and ect(s) that best ï¬t within the surrounding context and contribute towards a sense of additional information are available on the City‘s website It place. www.waterloo.ca/uda Eligible projects include site plan projects (such as commercial buildings. industrial The City wishes to thank all nominators and owners for submitting to the 2010 buildings, higher density residential and mixed-use buildings) and public realm proj- Urban Design Awards program. ects that were approved. occupied and released between 200! to 20 I 0. The nomination 50, more information, we“. contact Bebe Khan or Ryan Mounsey is open to property owners. consulting team members and the general public. The key at 5194474752. ‘ . i, s: is†‘ . at:- W; a ,:’a1«'~i:' in L.» _.."". .~ » a, , w “a†.: A: an"; ,,- u “in: ‘t‘ i in “3.4. ’ , e; â€We MAINTENANCE a . . PROGRAM ' , cf ’ .. . . . y " The City of Waterloo is conducting scheduled mainte- '. i ‘ 1 “ N g T ' nance of fire hydrants. This ongoing program is . ' _ _ .. g __ , dcstgncd to ensure that the hydrants will operate prop- . ' <. 4 . ,‘ crly when needed. This years program will involve all “ ‘ ‘ ' hydrants in the city and should be completed by the end -. I o. 9 - o . I to: ofNovember- . This maintenance program is quite routine. however. it , 7 may cause some temporary inconveniences such as re 0" on 8 v0 ers Is . poor water pressure and in some cases discoloured water. Please check your water before use and if dis- g Call or visit the Clerk's Office at Waterloo City Hall to “mm“ W“ ‘5 dew“ New We" a “0"? W“ “P a , l l l l u t , " t and allow the water to run for 5 minutes. This is a tem- ® see it you re on the mini o no a or: on W on s . Dorarysimanom a If your name isn‘t on the list, you can fill in a form to ensure you're The City ofWaterloo is aware that some residents may ready to vote on E|ect|on Day _ Oct. 25‘ be concerned about the water being used as part of this _ , maintenance program. especially in light of the water . To VOte- eveWQne mUSt present lD W'th the" â€amev address and use restrictions in place this year. The testing of fire 6 Signature. or Sign a declaration form confirming their eligibility, hydrants is legislated. Staff will keep water use to a minimum while performing the testing necessary to For more information, visit Waterloo City Hall at 100 Rogllla St. S., call 519-747-8704 meet our legislated responsibility or 519-747-8703, email aloctloosawatorlooca or go to mm.waterloo.oa/olootlon. The City of Waterloo Water Services Staff thank you for your coâ€"operation and understanding. Any , questions or concerns should be directed to the ' ' ' WATE R l- 0 O S E L ECT' 0 N Water Services Customer Service Representatives W t I 20 ll) MUNICIPAL at 519.747.3511