z: tumour» cumulus tmmymbfl 32.3010 ‘ W “mmâ€"WM ., M “Wmâ€"w . _ ._. .. ._. ____._.___________...a_..__________.____._.__...__s__._._r , .. WWW J I “I L WWWâ€"W ~ - . LJ 1, l l M,“W.AM~M.WW M_‘ W. .. N.. ....,. . . ~ , . . L . l l I I Stage i . \h | EVQHTS . Rows; on saxopho‘éte and Rob Hannam on the Square. Tickets are 5254837 For more mm" m ’ «at . » .. t; keyboards Call 747.5522. mation call 519-745-4711. ‘ Tyrone“, 56 King St. N.. ptesentsTim Louis, 7 H“ Galleries ‘1 on me EDGE TERRY Flu-ls . 5628 Theatre on me Edge presents live improv Terry Fallls, author The Best laid Plans. will Tuesdays 330 P1110!“ 519'954' . ’ ' ., . ‘ comedy every Thursday "is,“ at B p.m., appear Sept. 23 at 7 p.m., at Waterloo's First Maxwell's Musk Punt-e. 220 King St. N.. Water- ,m_ “54 a, the Waterloo Community Arts Centre, 24 United Church. corner of King andWilllam loo, presents David Celia, Mike Evin, Peter m m mumm my Reyna St. S., “5,13er Admission is 35' Visit Street. Hosted byWordsWorth Books. the event Kata, Wednesday: Canary Mind. Brass Mantis. The Kuntz House Community Gallery presents www.tote.ca is free. Call 519-884-2665. The 0m†Thursday; Sulferinjeezus. Shady 1‘s, the works of artist Connie Melnick. Sept. 24, at . z . we 5mm Set PM“)? the 500“! 5h“ “MSâ€! 171 King St. 5. Waterloo. Call 745-8445. M†\ . . . : -m.re- l'5i-"3«1'*’~ Marshal landingThe Nights Below, Saturday. , guys up nous GILBERT All) WM SOCIETY Call 519-498-5705. J†7 3 » ' Drayton Entertainment presents Guys and The Gilbert and Sullivan Society presents trave- The Duke “Wellington, 33 Erb St. W.. Water- CANADIAN M7 MID GLASS GALLERY Dolls at the Drayton Festival Theatre. 33 loom on the third Tuesday and Thursday of ‘°°' presents Chm“ every’l’uesday. Mme Th Canadi Cla d Glass Gall 1 Wellington 5L Dmvton- Tickets are $42- $2150 “Ch "mm °°“ï¬â€â€œâ€˜"8 sep" 23' 730 Pm" 3‘ Tm“ mwwm’da’†â€mm" B am an†Glaess Famoï¬nlumllnznnes in the £55??? for under 18. Call 519â€"638-5555. theWaterloo Adult Recreation Centre, comer of ny everyThursday: Gean Sept, 17: luneyt. Glass Scene. u show slam." Se t 25 at 25 SEPARATE BEDS King and Allen Streets in uptown Waterloo. Sept 10. Caroline St 15,003] 5195145 1885 P - . _ Se Seriesticketsareswforanyï¬veshomand ' c] ' ‘ ', ., , ' mghi‘éeflmelm mszeï¬ag‘esï¬â€˜eds include light refreshments. Drop in or call Car| . \‘ l I“ N 333105 ‘ my; ‘ f - ’ , - lambsï¬cketsare $42. $21.50 for underlafcltu “um“ “ï¬lm‘s†a“. «that were. "MW†“in“ 519.533.5555. THE â€DEE AND THE GENERAL ’ ' ‘ ' †‘ The Harbinger Gallery presents Lunlnoso: Jody THE M m OF Will.†The PM Mn‘ Cinemas presents The ludge HM IRON “no . _ Joseph: Continuity. Bruce Comm“? at 22 mm and the General. Sept. 23, 7 pm. at 46 King St. TheX-W Chamber Mum Somety presents the Dupont St. a. Waterloo. Call 519-747-4644. m m N.. Waterloo. tickets are $10 at the door. Call “mam Trio. Sept 25- 8 mm at 57Youns St W- mm “can; gkments‘l'h; 932185112113 _ SIS-8854444. m. 379_ Slater}?! “chem are $30. $25 senior, $20 stu~ Be rt f o illlam espeare n starting . . . . ., . , ent. 519-886-1673. Sept. 10, at 76 Howard Ave. Enumï¬cketsare “11511 Contemporaryl mum m pa 0 $111. Call 51957534570. A CD . on the scene . m T [a m. . in a, to, .. release for Kathryn Ladano Will be held at â€ï¬nals â€Also,“ _ . _ F;- . , . , m p.» m theWaterloo CommunityArts Centre, Sept. 25, Pleaseleturknowofany upmmt'ngartsand The Seafront Shakcsveare Fesuval present5_ HEALING GARDEN MUSIC F881 1130 p.m., at 25 Regina St. s., Waterloo. Tickets entertainmemeuemx Include proper spelling. $1,me? hmï¬nm Oct 30 a! the Festival The Healing Garden Music Fest featunng‘ I P are $10. $5 student at the door. Call 8364577. dates. timer and richer prim. Ru us at 519»686~ eatre. or more ' ormau'on ViSit Counter, Katherine Wheatley, The Laws and GIMME “PHONE 9383. oremailadimn’ale’umedaxhronldeca. wwwtfo.stlardf%tl‘valca. others. is Sept. 26. 2 p.m., at Wilfrid Uturier The x-wï¬mnvy presents Cirque de la l ( \\ | |\( ‘, Ca“ University's Maureen Fonester Recital Hall. - e we . - . .‘ Ticketsare$l71n advance, $22.5205tu- ' ‘ ‘ . . ‘ ‘ m .-~ <5» ....,............,..........,...... III- ililililil mutt - ' ' - cancer treatment centres For more informa- NB m PRINCESS IDA don call 519-884-2665 or 519-827-1444. 1mm n... H...‘ H... Auditions for the Waterloo Regional Gilbert and NBS/CUES 51.0 m . Society's production of Princess Ida is Sept. 25. 10. warm u.‘ u... “l. in Waterloo. There are roles for leads and cho- 3°“ Restaurant MW!†â€133 Erb 5" W., 14, Wet norm . ; ruses. For an appointment call 519-267-1250. Waterloo. presents 0161350" “880 Tha- Sept- 15. Visionaries “- w.. a. 16. met place at bacon . . . , . ._ , New“ ï¬llflfl“ I “H“... A 18. From a m , . “m e.) o 3 ea WWW... ill-liltin- . . 20.1000 newts . _ “m ( . H A R M . C Y WWW'MHIII ill-II ililiiliil v 22 _ mitt-bu! “s .....,.’ W... . M. * â€mm ill-- in it. ill-l 373 50. ~ tee noose .. 27. Grim 1 ‘ ~. . 30. on w r, r, v. w?" s . 9.7mm or were“ m _ w... ill-- illilll ill-l ~ n ' eff. t . . m n r, m, mme , m... s e. .......°~= trill-Illin- ‘â€Â°Â°"'°°""’°““â€Â°â€œÂ°Â°â€œ 3m“ trill-Ill I ill-lira mm Friendly Professional Team... when your our health Lt our got-u 431mm m _ . ,. . “WW“ “I “I“ “I ~ . 45m out . ,_ ' we.» . . ammn couples ï¬'wtmm “la H... II. J . ' . “mfgâ€"WWW we“ ill-it unlit ill. k... a Awmmummmwwmio slim-twain . . 1 ‘ “ mm ' â€â€œmm "°""""“ WWW“ n... IIIII “Ill .. . ». hmthmbeethymMn-dmm w ‘ of 31 _ m 62 MM") ’ omnmramummmmm 5“~°"“"‘°â€â€œâ€˜Â°â€œn"‘! slam-tot almanac-w- sslwmumtml “3 ¢ awn-m,“ anâ€, “a, m 60.2001 W“ 6 Not-u 33 mm 64 “Mane _ h. ' ~ ""'"""" “ a Saran,†tumor-lam aim-mum cam-romance ‘ emmmamtyuvlmhrmm 64:0 H or“! In 8.mhb‘nl assume“ WMNMGOIILM k i' " 3mm" “um" my 13 $375?†as: mat-mu 113.me . . â€nun-annual «. ‘ , <2» nammmmwmu gmm‘flwmmm £01“qu wt,- 94“? .'.;.1 ~ . ._ “m,"m m:"'°"""""° murmurs“ about 13:1}: . ;:,: . zip? ‘ . mmuwm 11th sot-mom .. ~ . 4. ,. 4- mmmmmmmmm 7,1Mflm ammonia-m 51.5114: '::.:J:'= ' Tn" ForMore Information Call: 72.3!!!)me 21mm“ gawk.“ with} . ff: ». , 1-877â€"738-0349 rm 5mm... 3mm... we in. $51 4 . . “ï¬lth-15! “so 3 g mmunmumuww-au- 2. new as. was so mum! 1mm: '. z z“? I ' D [HUM 1 flaliï¬i â€d. 3.“ 29.M01MWM SQMM as -, ~gi - w?