u °WATFJIL00 Quorum-mm. September 22. 2010 A r “7 Business Proï¬le 1 1: . 1- , l "W 12362}. , ~ a?" I} i . , A “ , V IIISIliI'EII “if [HG' l n , \ i -_ l "2,1: 71†fl â€i \ ‘ On Thursday. ‘e F ‘ , -â€""â€" A A , ~ - ‘ .. October I4. 2010 ,, W. ,_ l ., " w. "l f) L€~'S’_'f ll“: 117111"; ' ' f from 1) a_m. (0 , _...A...,.. A- , M,†<.......».>- .-..____. ..._~.‘ _ ‘1 :'-‘;‘:T'E~"Jé.‘.'_;_"'A‘:'35ï¬â‚¬2 , \ 12"°°"5‘-J°h"'5' i 1 “menu,“ s_( _ res f KilmarnockSchool : I ‘ l~ ' (SJK) will open its l t After:- sur next Open House f; doors to the public ' A ' u» _~.s,_\ Towns," October ‘lJ, 2010 Sam-12pm , for a “hm" w'de ~ open house. 1 '; Guests will be ' A: - treated to a student ) - ' guided tour and S 4 f A' will have the o - t: JO n S 519â€"648â€"2183 ® portunity to speai with teachers. staff and the gold standard for educational excel- KllmamOCk WWWijSChOOl-Ol‘g SEA+E ‘ current parents. Families with children lenc'e. Followmg the PYP philosophy. SCHOOL __..__-.... 31 from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 are SJK 5 Lower School focuses on educating Luandaâ€"iâ€" Mitten-uni u "it u . ~ - _, encouraged to attend this special open the whole Ch'ld through a halance Of “I?“ ‘ ‘ house. academics. phystcal, emotional and ethical ’ , . , . A , ,» x exx..'“_A-_vt~,ez ._ a “wag. " Located 15 minutes from Kitchener. Wa- 90W?“ learning. Students have a 905“ " ‘ ‘ ' " ‘ ‘ ' (â€10m Cambridge and “we attitude towards school. setting the awe mum-mt mun-um» f on A A A , . , ' . __ learnin . ,. campus in the midst of m- M 8 . ' A ’~ ‘ A The ourne towards maculatel roomed wt ' .g . J . y . . flaw DODGE GRAND CARAVAN CUSTOMER mm mg mg mg g, A termitesmmg begin; m CH0|CE FlNANC|NG ‘ fed pond, SJK is a leading â€a .t unior In, erganen W ere $1 9 m “ Canadian coeducational. i u - i e the “hm! S youngest Stu" ' ’ / $146 at 5 99°30 independent day school _ . 1- dents‘have the attention ofa FULLY E D,V6, â€a ,. p _ d . ‘ offering an exemplary aca- 5 ' A»; full-time teacher and edu- moouomoum A - ;A' Br-Weekly lot so months e' demic programme from A , â€PM“ â€S‘F’ams' “W ABS.PW,PLKEYLE$ ‘ ' and 50 Down A“ Junior Kindergarten to - xx? 1? with four 811le specraltsts ENTRY,T'NTEDGLASS. A < ‘ x g f; Grade 12. .A \ in French, Mandarin, mustc 3mm - WW GE'Q‘A‘T‘GH TU MVP»?! A SJK offers an in-de th and physical education “NEURAYERJOTSMOEE â€Wan-"ï¬ram AF We 50 MOl'lth is; academic curriculgm Students in Lower School . 1’ starting immediately in ie also offered aniarray Of A†â€we“ â€a†59°" W1“ 7° PM.†3mm A its full-time Junior and “Mumculaf “m“m be" Pnoe includes everything, plus HSTand/lcence extra Senior Kindergarten pm ginning in JK. A variety of Payments are OAC. See dealerfordetalls f grammes, The Lower ‘ 7 ,>‘ athletic, ans and general in~ .-â€"-..s mes includodlbut HST-nettle. extra School Programme UK to i ' terest clubs are offered dur- , â€"-~â€" . . x Grade 6) meets the guide- ' mg lunch recess and after l v r ' lines set forth by the Ontario Ministry of H schools . C* a; k 3 Education and is proudly the only school in Our students. as part of the academ- n l, . a" the region accredited to offer the prestigious cally chadllenlgmg Primary it??? P": 5 : v . 3 I I I" I B I ( PH" Y gramme, eve 0p 0 [7051 IV? a I“ E’ an . m. m L ~.-' xggslging‘fa aurea e mary ears love of learning fostered in the classroom. s 1 u h rt- .t s a R ll ‘ The pyp is internationally recognized as in co-curricular school activities and in the w w w . b u a t a t (l a n m ' 0 EXPERIENCE THECO‘.lFORT. Take the lead for your ,; lilllll'll ’ t '-â€"â€"â€" FEELTHEDlFFERENCE. = ' l . famlly S ea t maumum g} - WMdMMMâ€"ï¬uy , Meatball-styles , = _“ g . (Wm-wmummn 4" $1 â€3“ “Aâ€; f - mebrxes-amadm ._ ' ' . 4? - On-sttehbwheteoumcmd “A . A; My 5; Paladinsmmpletealflrhuuu osmium-urn A family~run company for three generations, Sangster’s has trusted natural health solutions for your family. \ W Waterloo Town Square _' um in r ‘ m m “Inâ€! “I! (locat|ed Next to Cora s) was sums mm “mm . n“ W“ M f“ m (at ' 5194800249 7 momentum-sis 747-3112 sangstets com mmmmhxumu mm