wmuncnmaaimiaaiyise‘liimba 2. 201a; ii â€" V I l v V . N O . IFS ’ I’ll/Ll ‘ Quinn-L m g 011 W ere you can run a i I}, a . - \ , ._ / t‘lu' Family Fellow enthusiasts can provide Internet is one possibility. but for to Yul“ “ wealth ofkmiwledge \ l \ l i\\ l ’ those preferring human contact to PECMLS last column. I extolled the _‘ . ‘ endless hours at the keyboard, I 0'1. 20 - Sept. 25 vinues of combining physical ( I \ l 5 have a few tried and true methods â€"â€" activity with philanthropic effort. that apply to other activities as Store Made Cotl s e referencing the Waterloo Half T V" " well. ore Made POLISH SAUStllGE $2 59 Marathon as a favourite challenge. First and foremost. ï¬nd a store 09“ Sliced $5 7‘ â€J - lb I've since had several individu- _ ‘ specializing in your preferred BAKED Store Made Fresh 4.02 als â€" a few even runners â€" tell me ' activity and make it your second _, - re Made ONION ‘ ' ~ they had no idea Waterloo hosted home. I've found that specialty ‘3 Deli Sliced 0R BREADED ‘ its own marathon. I can assure you ‘ ' store employees tend to be enthu- W DUTCH PORK SCHNITZEL 1.00 ea it's true. although I've only run the siastic devotees eager to share HAM .â€"â€"_.__ half marathon myself. The race is = ' . v ' what they know. particularly with LOAF Frozen “Wild†even a certiï¬ed Boston qualiï¬er. To ,. novices such as myself. Ask them 38.3 kg 38 80 kg LAKE ERIE learn more. visit about upcoming events, local 33 99 33 99 PEBCH $15 49 www.waterloomarathon.com. pENNY groups and preferred locations or - lb - D â€H5 W ' ‘0 lest I somehow give the wrong Al F RD routes. All our PM mum m We are now [akin orders for our impression with all this talk of half w 0 Other customers can be a great M.S.(;.. Glute- a Locus: free! “1 ll Raiser?" Dru -Free marathons and such, let me set the race lists for my ofï¬cial ï¬nishing source of information too. I've had w;- uso my a: m M y 3 record straight. Hundreds. even time. I always start at the bottom. many a fellow runner join a con- water in their prod-coon. Fresh Thanksgiving “"1Ҡlhousands’ ofWaterloo runners "ls mUCh quCkerthalway' vemuon upon mmeaflngmy 303i Liiiiwiiip i lllll‘ Ht ‘(lt'llii‘lt'l 519-699-4590 put myefforts to shameonaregu- How doesone learn about local inquiry toastore employee. w ‘ w _ L . I, y . .; . . . 1 ‘ ‘t I t‘ , lar basis In fact, when checking mnningevenis? Searching the mmmmm 12 .. I v . ‘ M . .. .. a . wwws emm eimea sea †y \wâ€" . . ' I -. 1 ' . ’g _ I g S _ I. g - .. 1‘... A ~w...... iii), 7-3.; a â€.44, ~ . .._. - .__ -m w, _.. M, . * ; j, . u w » e Q" ~ : . i : . - ,. . , ‘ mm" W“ â€MM†__ .,.. W .. y .» ° 1 " Q.Howdoiknowwhattherlghtmortgagelsformei ?‘ 3 Qzlntroducingsolldioodstoyourbabycanbeaconhnlngand ' ' AThere is no doubt that the Best Investment that you can ever make in 3% scary time. When should you introduce solid foods to your your lifetime is the home that you buy and live in. Your home makes i- -‘ g ( baby? . , memories. “.1565 your family, PWdes shelter and safety. its much "1°†7". ' A: It is recommended to begin introducing solid foods when your 5. - ,, than just an Investment. Making mortgage payments increases your eq- .: baby is between 6<8 months Some experts say you can begin as . . “‘9’ 39d Y0“I net worth. Homes 80“â€) "in“: value {W319 long term. 50 ‘ ’_" . adeIC early as 4 months. It is important to remember. however, that > "95 brings us to importance Of the Right Financmg. "5 important to work a": H. m... . , W...“ your little one receives his/her main source of nutrition from 3 “m,“ knowledgeable Mortgage Broker who can offer you sound adwce ' L . either breast milk or formula for up to a year. To introduce solid . on different products. save you interest. offers fired or variable rates. prc- :c." \ foods before 6 months does not generally increase your baby's payment â€Mk9!" payment frequency. penalties. "5k tolerance. hm"? . caloric intake or his/her rate of growth. Please also remember Karen Monteiro. spending, ï¬nancial goals. budgeting and the list goes on. A broker should ‘ g S m as, your baby's digestive system may not be ready to handle solid Broker AMP be asking you what is important to youfWhat are your ï¬nancial goals? If a“; (on m In). foods if you begin too early A regular growth spurt also occurs at 5 _they dont then " may be rub a 2nd °P"P’°n' lfyou 5“" $19550“ the "I" .9: mm 34 months of age. Be careful not to mistake this as a time to u . ALLIAICI portance of home owners ip as your best investment. all you have to do is I I www.mm begin solid foods. Watch for more on this topic in the segments 101W look 3‘ the {Rem “0'3" market downturn. If you “"3 m the market ‘0' a -:: f. P ' 5" 7'5 7'53 to follow. And remember to discuss all aspects of your baby's care g M monsase- we me a call- I would be happy to set you the R15“! MOHW~ , 0 ° mm and development with your pediatrician! > Channel-'3 "i 0-m'mnmmdwmm' ~ -â€"-â€"â€"-â€".â€". ' ' A. Yes. not because you are going to die. but because you are going to MEN'S I APPAREL I SHOES ‘qg I'we...and you mayhaveexpensiveillnessqelated costs topayfor. 0-WWYW bewearing'EASYCARB" WWW." . v; ‘ You might expect that provincial or employee health plans will pay A: This is a great questiom In today’s economy laundering your own shin makes a lot of sense. 3 for “I these expenses but] many 3: nottfovered. Y'gyems 3%): Of Channer's and EFON insure the quality of their shins to the highest degree. EI‘ON uses a I insurance. you rece w I ump s c“ paymen ' . r a ay . - . . . . ‘ . q... waiting period after diagnosis for any life-threatening illness covered special EASY CARE process on their shirts so that consumers can be environmentally ' ‘ by the Ii Let us show u how critical ill . I insurance can ï¬t friendly and wash their EFON shins at home. By simply buttonlng the shin and hanging it to . Tha'hl into Brogan ï¬nancial I); dry.theshirtwillvirtuallydrywrinklefree. Overtime. your EmN shirtwillpayforitselfbynot ‘ ".m yo p ' having to spend money having it professionally laundered. By making this choice. Channer's customers also ï¬nd their shirts last longer! . "'-‘â€"-"-‘-- ETON shirts. a company founded in 1928. is available exclusively at CHANNER MEN'S . . MMCEIdIleCFECSACDFA. Senlor Executive Hnmclal Comhant, .. APPAREL in Uptown Waterloo. a. McEaclinle Group Private Wealth Managemait. Investors Grasp Hrsanclal Services Inc. ' . . maro-ass-zaaoxzaz. Toll Ream-2360x232, “2519-74053†;. , 95 King St. 8.. Waterloo 0 519.888.9888 0 www.channeiswaterloocom ‘ , Email: Russell.meeadmlcolnvastonyoup.coln ‘ .‘Dl bled t if ‘ ,, “fl? 0 or denied your short term or long term Q.Whatiatepri techniqueforshmpoolrgandCunclltinnlnfl A.- Many people who have disability beneï¬t coverage through their a A. Shampoo removes dirt. oil and product build up. while conditioner _ employment are denied their rightful entitlements because the ; locks in moisture. Use the right shampoo and conditioner for your .1“ insurance company overseeing or providing the beneï¬t coverage g ; hair type. Our stylists would be happy to recommend. www.clemen- ~‘ wrongly denies or terminates beneï¬ts. The Insurer may take the thaircom Brush the hair and scalp before showering. Wet the hair - position that you are not disabled even though the medical evidence and scalp thoroughly. Pour about a quarter-sin amount of shampoo shows that you are. At a time like this you need legal counsel as soon into your palms and rub them together. Using your ï¬nger-tips mas~ ,: t f as possible. If you don't assert your rights. you may lose your beneï¬t sage shampoo onto the scalp and work downwards towards the ends. 3‘ \ coverage entirely. Robert Konduros can help you obtain or restore a... ‘ '3. . heat long hair gently Rinse the hair thoroughly until all shampoo Is Rob Km the beneï¬ts you deserve. removed. Squeeze as much water out of the hair as you can. use a 519.658_6341 towel for longer hair and gently press against the hair to remove Hi] WJDI'LOOM ru- water. Apply conditioner to hair starting at the ends and gently mov- Ddlll'OS "“30"" ‘ Km “â€1",“ lng upward. stay away from the roots. For longer hair use a wide , "on in. tooth comb. Rinse conditioner thoroughly. Visit our website for more [m â€by! Wynn all has†minor-n info.