$4 on \1 l ltltlt l( “RON“ Lt - “whit-mitt} \qitritiliei I I JUN! \ I I. - TH E CITY OF :. . , , Waterloo For more information, please (ontort' _:;1 V City of Waterloo t! 100 Regina St South A Waterloo, Ontario N214A8 . P 519â€"886â€"1550 F 519-747â€"8760 TTY 1-8667863941 www.waterloo.ca MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS WILL BE HELD ON W Conseiller. consell des ecoles sépnrées de Inngue frnnenlse MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2010 A person who has been appointed a voting proxy must "We" pour representcr la Region dc Waterloo ct les (‘omtés dc for tho following offices: in person before the City Clerk, City Hall. Main Floor. 100 Bram» dc â€al'dmfln‘i ct dc Norfvlki ()l- 151C1~ FOR WHICH \‘0 TO BE Regina Street South Waterloo, Ontario to complete a required DOROTHEE PET'T‘PAS VOTE TO Bl“ â€El 1) AFLliCTFD form including a statutory declaration that the person is the Maw} City of wait-rim ‘ i i 1 Wm" WWW" “5 a “0""3 â€my WW . Couneillort ('in of Waterloo Ward 1 Southwest I The OW Clerk s Office WI“ be open for [his PUl'POScT fromf W C ) 1ҠIf “I ‘ “.w' p 1 ) Ward 1 Lake'h "u l it 8:30 am. to 4:30 pm†Monday to Friday.tnc1uding Les bureaux de scrutin ordinaire seront ouverts de 10 h it 20 h f u 1' l ' 'V ‘ ‘ VJ u a ' _ 5 ( 1 Election Day. October 25, 2010; sans t‘aute. Les electeurs recevront une cane postale durum 12! ( ounCillor. ( "y "1 Waterloo Ward 4 Northeast 1 ill 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm on Saturday, October 2' semaine du 27 septcmbcr 2010 indiquzint 1e lieu ou ils dotvent Councillor‘ City of Waterloo Ward 5 - Southeast 1 3010‘ Sunday. October 3. 2010 and Saturday. ()cto- se presenter pour toter (‘ounullon City of Waterloo Ward (1 her 16, 2010 (Advance Voting Day‘s)‘ ( cn'r"|‘( dumb†I Proxy nppllcntions may also be completed during the DA] ES Du SSZBLJ I IN EAR AIS I [QIPATIQIS ('ttunL‘l110r. City of Waterloo Ward 7 Uptown 1 Advance Votes ll Conestoga Mall on Saturday October 2 Le somedl Chair. Re yional \lunici alitV of Waterloo 1 "“1 Sundly, October 3‘ 20l0. 2 octobre 2010 de 10h it 18 h Conestt ‘d Mull L- P , ’3 Councillor. Regional Muniei ulitv ot‘Wuterloo 1 ' Le dlmlnche ll Iii 551) Km Street North 1‘ V SUSAN GREATRIX. CITV CLERK ‘ _ w p g \1eiiibre. Le Conseil scolaire de district du City of Waterloo 3 “Mb" 2010 de 1“ h a I “ h Waterloo. Ontario ('entre-Sud-Ouest [French Language Public 100 Regina Street South Le km“ 7 School Board. Region ot‘\\:itcrltxx Counties ot‘ Waterloo. Ontario NZJ 4A8 , lluroni Nlidtlleses. Perth and Wellington) 1 “Nb" 2010 Mairie de Waterloo. I" étage . . u . ., t u . Le vendredi Waterloo City Centre \kmer. “Marlon Region [)istrtet Sehool Board 3 ELECTIONS MUNICIPALES - 8 “an," 2010 de 10 h it 18 h 100. rue Regina Sud Please note the l‘ollovun v acclumations LE 25 OGOBRE 2°10 AVIS DIELECHON Le vendredl Waterloo, ()ntano ‘ ’ , ‘ ‘ b H A\ is est par la presente donne aux electeurs municipaux de la 15 octobre 2010 ( 0U"¢'â€â€˜"~( â€Y “IQXRIIIECS‘SCIX'GM 2 Northwest Ville dc Waterloo que. comme plus diun candidat se son! Le somedl 16 octobre 2010 ' ' , ' ‘ presentes it ehacun des postes suivants, un scrutin sent tenu au Member. walcrlaï¬bgglko_lrlcfl%[5r‘3“ SChOOI Board moment et au lieu indiques dans la present: en \ue dielire un Mm nmmuowm candida: achaqucmsm. Wu Menihre. lie ('onseil scolaire de district catholiquc Centre Sud POSTE FAISANT NOMBRE cL-Jnnc 23:11:12:teemSgggfclilatï¬irlï¬adm12:31:? (1‘reneh Language Separate School Board) to represent the ONET DE SCRUTIN A EURE de-Ehaussee 100 rue ï¬cgtna Sud Waterloo Ontario et ellc Region ofWaterloo and the Counties of Brant. Haldimand and Mllre.\"llle de Waterloo _ l doit remplir une demande de la maniere prescrite. y compris M)ROT:€gog(ngT-PAS Conselller â€" Quortler l â€" Southwest 1 une declaration statuaire attestant quc la personne est bien ‘ ‘ Conselller _ Quartier 3 _ [Junhon 1 celle qui a éte’ choisie comme mandataire, A DVï¬ N! E V! INNS; DEXS Conselller â€" Qulrtler 4 â€" Northeast 1 A cette fin. 1e bureau du gret‘fier de la Ville sera nuvert les Dam anmn Time C onselller â€" Qunrtler 5 â€" Southeast l heures suivantes: V ‘ Saturdav October 2 Conestoga Mail] 10am to (1 pm Conselller â€" Quortler 5 - Centrnl-Columbln l I) itch h 310 a 16 h 30.dullu2n:1i au Lena???) y compris ' ‘rut . .‘ l _ l L ; Sunday October 3 Conestoga Mall 12 noon to 5 pm Conselller â€" Qunrtler 5 ' â€WOW" I â€l dc J75; of; h I!" ‘0' j 2 o: (I) re] d h 3 ‘ ll e a . esame I oco re. e imam: e Thursday October 7 ( my “a†10 am m 5 pm Presldent, Munlcipnllte region-1e de Waterloo 1 octobre fl 1: 53"]ch 16 octohre 2010 (jours dc 1' riday October R City Hall 10 am to (i pm Conuiller réglonnl. Municlplllté scrutin par antictpation). Friday October 15 City Hall 10 zim to 6 pin réglonole de “name 2 V t d' (M ibv l6 (_ t ‘ 11 11 It) , t 6 Conselller. conseil des ecoles publlques de SUSAN GREATRIX. CITY CLERK/GREFFIER DE LA ‘ ‘1 â€r d1 ( r I 3‘ a “’m ‘1 pm longue Inglnlse pour représcntcr la Ville dc VILLE ’ Waterloo et le Canton dc Wilmot 3 Clty of Waterloo/Ville de “karma W Conseiller. eonsell deg mm puhllques de v 100 Regina Street South/100. rue Regina Sud MQNDA} , QCIQBEB 25 2919 Inngne fronenise pour repre'senter Ics Regions Waterloo, Ontario N2] 4A8 dc Waterloo et lcs (‘omte's dc Huron. dc MIddIcsL‘X. (519) 747-8705 All regulnr voting locations wlll be open between de Perth et de Wellington 1 , l0:00 mm. and 8:00 pm. end no longer. During the week “3“,â€th 10‘ 2010 letters “ ill be mailed Priere dc noter les elections suiwintes sans concurrent to .111 C1L‘C1()f\lnt1tt‘zlllnglhc location ot‘thcrr mung place If (‘onseiller â€" Qulrtler 2 â€" Northwest KAREN SCIAN you do not recent ti letter please contact the Clerk‘s Ofï¬ce at ('onselller. come" dc! écoles “pork! de “nu." Inï¬ll“? 519â€"747-x7o4 or 519-1414777. entail elections (l\p\fl1k‘f100 ca pour represcnler la Ville de Waterloo or \ mi ihe( ity s “9155110 at W 1“ ï¬nd ct les (‘zintons de Wellcsley ct dc Woolwich out where you tote ROBERT "£111 JANEK P. JAGIELLOWICZ