WATERLUO CHDNICLI! - Wednesday. September 15. 2010 - 23 Riding the roller t New look Sls' kins open season with losses to Cambndg' e and Stratford BY Gnu; MMTDONAU) . ‘ _ Ch roll 1H? Mir/7 . - {I 3 z . Wm ._ . . ye- ’ . . 1 he Waterloo Siskins . â€a a . H l I. ‘3;.f’-1:T;~’25_3';1ï¬>§§2"{-.'f£;':,§§a .: Ti"~'$'7«,‘i";m‘~.{?§3 3 3" 53713;.- if". "t 1, I opened the 2mm: ‘ a N '-" \ 7:“ “e? t “whine » » 153% 4, * l. 1 son with two losses, The ‘3.) '2. n\~§ . 1-. A ‘ =55 Ital-6.3% ’11:; .35" 5‘ .5" ‘7“1‘;’¥;A&J;ï¬;&3‘€i."gt'zlsg‘é’. .2. ' - I 4 - ‘ . " . 1‘ "i ' â€is" 3 â€views. rv"‘;-‘.,»&r:a..,<g “20.43% Afar “:3; r...‘y:ttz‘.«t§¥.=.nss ‘1':- ‘ ' ‘ team fell 3â€"2 Saturday to Lam» _p-‘ « , Q _ a 94:13., ' “1%. 1;; F: 3.. @233; â€55’: ï¬â€˜l‘“!i€ x «1‘6; M 73.2%; ’(g wag}: q 3.- {ii-'1'" i ‘ bridge in the ï¬rst game of the I " k ’ 1f 1 g Erica "fig. .. if, 2?“ HM?» ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬g‘ggg . "2?: :‘3 if: " '5“ f†’_ 3‘ 0’. l regular season and followed it . â€" . R \. ‘ “1.3:“: Liv-J's,“ ?M~.‘l§‘h&‘4sԤ}:yw 3;“: it; 7} 13;?1 3‘55“; 5 f7 S ,3 l up with a 6-2 loss to Stratford in f . ". t - VQ ‘ ' K .7 3i ~ . “We ‘) .. â€359-331?" 3.2-3.3 . y a. _ , ‘ .. i l , h ‘t. 7 "it" ’ J’ ,g'f. . T.- " v _ .1 4%»: ’J ' I :53!“ }â€œï¬ â€˜2‘; __.,‘. ‘1‘ 4 ‘ :‘I‘_ ‘ the home opener on Sunday. § 4 , . 1 . -« .7 115;: u...;f,/ ':> K}; tr. {if}; _ v.‘ . . .1- , While the result was the ,3â€, '. 2" " l ' ' l ' "‘9‘ ' ‘ â€â€™â€œWb‘xr " l 7,, same. both games were very difâ€" g \ “ ’ r? «a; w." ( - ferent. said head coach Dean ' .‘-\_g; f' V' I ‘ [)eSilva. ‘ \ â€a. , .f‘ my, .1 ‘ _ a The Siskins. with 17 new a 1 ‘ , . I! players on the roster. managed '4 ‘ 4 -«/ . ‘ g g to come back after getting down ‘ ,7 \ c; m ’. ‘ 1&5. . 2-0 to Cambridge. losing in the 7 ’ 3 4A â€" 1‘ 3,», . g ’2. ; is \ ' a 5’1375214’“. ’ * . «’3:- s _ shootout. . :;_.- 9:. ‘ ,ngws 4:15.325" \ ,. 'r “ . - I 53", ; . f v .‘ The team fell apart whlle getâ€" ’ ixï¬inw 2“ ; t 3‘ ~\ '~ 2 x21; 7‘53“ ‘ 1 . . ting blasted by the Cullitons. ’ <3 2;...ng air-r H ‘ 4“""""'.f’,/ ’3‘“ - “ ‘ , “a " 2"†, 9’) considered in many circles to be .592; _ ‘ or? "‘~ ‘Q a.“ 5/ 1' 562‘“ " â€H 'l . ' league favourites. “' y l j?" " , , \ ./ ‘ . *1 f ' - “ ' ' ‘ It‘s all part of what DeSilva ~ ' I ‘ ,, ““‘ , f â€9% †‘ 1 ., ‘ ifâ€? . expects to be a “roller coaster†of (f 7: 7:; “I," 5 ;. ,, , _. - x.‘ ‘ . . ' / ‘ I " ‘ aseason. ‘\ M .r *" ‘*" " \~ ‘ - ') '13); ‘x’ ‘ ’ 1‘ ‘ ’ ‘ «a P 7 “Us: ,A r; _> . _ «I . w - ’ " «There is going to be ups and y 1 g 4 “ kW;* :5 "e3 . _. - 7-43» w «a? †-94; ._ downs.†he said. “We have to ‘7}: 9 2}} '4K§~';“ :5 * m“ .6 . ‘s'é'i',’ ., _ ' ~ h“ - {3:493:91 ~f:{"'.‘ make sure we don't get too high it" 7‘ ’ - - Hi; â€My! :M'W "_ 3' gm- " 5â€â€œ. ‘5 31¢"? 6;; . â€â€˜5‘ ‘- - ‘ " on the highs or too down on the saw ' 5* - 3» m: x . [‘-2‘f':“;;é{‘;*5e‘m‘1;. â€I..." .; 7r. ~~ . 5‘" A “in?†thgï¬asgsf’t w . I“; jg» at: "â€5 t ‘ . Despite the losses. DeSilva ; '1 . ‘_ 71'.†‘ w“ *‘“’1-.;;1_.«.;;~ ' 3’33“ ' “1 _»- ‘ vhf} 1.: ~-v' 1 . . ' ' "39* 3 i x :13 ’5‘ "LI , found plenty to be happy about . _ . _ . . _ ; in the games. Waterloo SaskIns Chris Chapman is forled by Cambridge Winter Hawks goalie Jeff Flagler on this scoring attempt. but Chapman would find the back of the The Siskins showed resilience net in a 3-2 loss to the Vlfmter Hawks on Saturday at the Gait Arena Gardens. mm" mm in evening the score with Cam- bridge and there were even One of the key ï¬gures in this spite of the loss seekers: ‘ '2, - '5 <‘-.‘.';ï¬=inig,‘gr‘ t..fti:..a¢:::éa-‘ hrightspotsinthe Stratford rout. year's Siskins squad is 15 year "We’re such a young team {Piggy “ '3’ i“: ’7" 2’»; gw’yï¬ I f In?" 3%“ But DeSilva acknowledged old Marc Williams, half of the and we all have to look out for f.'; ‘ ' Nag-5&5; [Liï¬s‘fiiwb girgggan.†his team is still a work in Siskins' goaltending tandem. each another.†he said. " . ‘ .1 i-Zefï¬g‘iï¬ k 1 . ' 'zféj‘fgféfléï¬g’ if. progress and fatigue was a big along with lustis Husak. As for the goaltending situa- ' Z 913‘». g : ‘ $§£§.Auw;ï¬;§§1â€~‘d issue against the Cullitons. Williams was in net for the tion. the Guelph Storm draft . ’ _' g. . ‘3‘?†,_' g 13.â€. ,4, its: j?“ ‘13 â€We have 14 players who loss to Cambridge. pick ï¬gures it’s up to himself or 9 ~ g :2 ' ,’_ Ԡf1¢r~ ‘ could still be playing minor lt wasWilliams' ï¬rst game at Husaktostandout. .. ;' a . - IE.- ‘ "is? in hockey." he said “They need to the juniorB level. “It's healthy competition,†. 1‘1 1 “sf , _ ~ I} get used to the grind." “it was a little nerve wrack- Williams said. ’ ‘ _ ' “' ‘ :1“ r Two games in just over 24 ing,‘ he said. “Cambridge got “I'm sure once one of us . , . if . j _ ' _ y .' . hours might not be what the twoquick goals and l lmewlhad starts winning and doing it con- ' , v" f "- 1‘ . is; young players are used to. but to settle down. The team was sistently, (DeSilva) will give us ~ ' ‘ 5 ‘ "7 .1j; ‘ {.1 . as; it's something DeSilva figures leaning on me a little bit and theballand let us run with it.†‘ “' ‘ 1 ‘j_ t 1 _. they'll adapt to quickly. there were a lot of penalties" “the Siskins continued to look ‘ ‘~ ‘ 1 1 a ‘ :31 ‘ 3.," "We have practice Wednes- Williams was heartened by for their first win last night. tak- ‘ ‘ «.1; ""' day then games Friday and Sun- the Siskins' comeback and is ing on the Dutchmen in Kitch- ‘ ' day." DeSilva said. "It's some- proud of his effort and the ener. The team heads to Owen g I. , , ~ 3; thing they have to get used to." effort of his teammates in Sound Friday. ‘ _ - - 2. f).,'_ - ‘ ‘ :41, 15;?" {1"6: ' Vol 0 n at". 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