zo-wxi ERLOO CHleCLl-J-Wednesda ,Se ember 15.2010 0 (7/0†(WCIh/aq‘nuitation Busmess Proï¬le . I O f Complete South Pacrfic - Australia IIISBOIIBI' the WOI'III V N “and Willl Bullas "all!“ ‘ FREE mm PREVIEW The cold months are coming here in Let Bullas take you on a journey through 3.. ' . at mcwatfflmlnn Waterloo Region and that means it is one of the planet‘s most picturesque ’ 7 “JCS-Sept. 21 G 7 pm time to Discover the World with the help areas! Learn more about the trip during ' a mo n ed by Robe rt Bullas of Bullas TravelsThe travel agency has a an information session at the Waterloo number of exerting trips to exotic trips Inn on Sept, 2|. For more information. . kPaflS Feb» 13 for 28 days all over the world waiting to be booked, visit bullastravel.com. ’ ‘ i . | Let one of the corn any's friendl staff If the South Paciï¬c isn’t callin to Call to reserve today P y ‘ 8 _ _ _ , __ help you ï¬nd the destination that could you, consrder seeing the world in one .»/â€"\‘“\ - 3 l 9- 5 hâ€" i“ transform your life â€" or at least your country. Bullas Travel currently has ‘1 BUIIOS swam.“ \l \ I\»1tlia;.ai winter. openingsforoneofitsraretn'pstoSouth --â€" ._ .-. xx a». lmll M , 7..., 1 . . 2., Owner and president Roben Bullas is Africa. See stunning waterfalls, haunting :_â€":: . _ 7 x 7 _ ,7 . , . an expert in the South Pacific. Every desen and vibrant, multicultural cities all 7.5 5 Travel year. he leads a tour to Australia and in one country. Bullas' South Africa trip â€"_? :1:- . New Zealand. The company is now leaves in 20l1. but spots are ï¬lling up offering spots on Bullas' Complete quickly. See exotic wildlife on safari or 7 South Paciï¬c Tour â€" a 28-day trip that explore the history and diversity of \ visits the highlights of the South Paciï¬c, Johannesburg. The nation is fresh off » mg “Ila including destinations such as Sydney. hosting the World Cup and its vibrant . 9 Fiji, the Great Barrier Reef and the energy has taken the world by storm. 2» , .1 “ fjords ofMilford Sound. Another popular destination for u. Travel B'OZ‘f Australia and New Zealand are today's traveler is South America. Bullas . a sum", ymï¬k' breathtaking destinations that Bullas has has comprehensuve packages that Wlll pa , , been traveling to for more than 30 years, allow you to see all the hotspots in the . stain and wrinkle-resist“, ' W _ _ _ . 7" _ -1â€" e.‘:, 2- ' ‘; . certified UPF 50+ ,- 1 at '.. 31?- n a g __ ' 1.2.42: 7 g- . 3‘33“ 43%? 1% ’ ‘ " ’ ~ ‘27} was 31:1 ea..' .4. . 7 7 __.. ’ H a“ ' a . . ';- was: a»: “ ' a "’ “mar-3a . «a; » ‘ . . ,_ ‘ 1illey°°e-""*~" â€m «a? . ‘- rag - i v . "f W‘ I T \ fl :1»? . R mmmutm "‘ bk him Elam 0 Marlon-m ‘ . \ ‘ . Voomm ~ Cain-A e than _ ' \ MOI (“WNW _ . ea 06 hahhfluMfl.“ _ , : momma-mama ~ » -' ‘3‘ ROM EO“"‘“"‘AVE DA theme Hakim!†187,107 King St 5_ It’s been a FABULOUS ï¬rst year for , " , 519-579-9200 I www.romeosalonspa.com The Classic PlusWoman ; â€"12 I would like to say Thankyouto mydten' ts for g2†their patronage and positive response» ' Romeo Salon Please accept my invitation to celebrate with me. , 5W ' Uptown Come and see all the new Fall lines and enjoyan .a ' weltmni's afternoon of Fun and Fashion. 3†‘ Raw-aw Mama Date: Sunday, October 3, 2010 ‘ ' , H" "m†Time: 2 pm. Fashion Show w: (DUMMY Contactlris if; '. mm W†728 Belmont Ave. w., Kitchener, ON 3 {£32 , , appointment 519-603-1424 . todaiv! Email: theclassicpluswormegnuilm ;‘ . x ' _. , .., THE CLASSIC PLUS wow 14+ 7 1:}. ; a??? . . ,;