WATiinuX) calcium - My, September 15.2010 - ll t : i 1 i l Volunteers delayed by RCMP check *4 M“- “be†‘ ‘ We“ 4‘9““ W“ BYCHMuthmm; date as a pardoned sex ' all the programming, from ‘ ‘ ‘35 :â€" PARKIHLL offender will now be asked to swunniing to cooking class- ‘ l (hm/tide Ala/f provide fingerprints. It's aii es I (WW. ' - effort to identify sex offend So far, only one volunteer \ W i ’ _ ti unlucky similarity to ers who have been par has been flagged and ï¬nger a unlqu. _ . ~ ., , t ‘ _ a pardoned sex dotted, and their legally printed, She was told the - ‘ a, r ‘4 , . ~ . â€V l ' iffender means it changed theirname. Wdll would be four to six ‘, h I“ ‘ I i could take months for some 'lhose ï¬ngerprints will be months before she can start a .. i 3 . = volunteers in Waterloo sent to the RCMP and corti working with children. ,, ' ‘ _' 2 :3 ' 1' ‘; Region to have their crimir pared to those of the offend “We‘re between a rock 7 ‘ i ’4 ‘ l I“ ‘ j I ital background cleared. er before the record check and a hard place.- Smith . -' 7 ‘ ,. ‘ ., ‘ ‘ l'hat's the scenario that can be completed. said. i t . 1 . . . .. , ' i could play out for about “We anticipate we'll have “We fully support due â€t, ‘ j " “" at - ' i 1,400 people across Waterloo to process a significantly diligence. because we have a 7i I; J I; I‘d? l‘ I" I’ l ‘ 9 _ I': I Region this year, higher number of vulnerable vulnerable population, And i (2"lc It It]; ‘ ‘l"‘lllt‘s ‘ ‘ V ‘ V ‘ V n ‘ E III 2009, the Waterloo sector records checks," we have to be as careful as _ ‘ V ‘ A ‘I‘IA‘DI I‘ILS‘ '3‘ I Regional Police Service deputy chief Brent lhonilin we cart with people coming l;[“,s Premottsly WW†t r r v s V I processed HARD record son told the police services in here. l‘l’tllll that perspec- I ‘ H (Iv “50mmâ€! ‘ I [3'13 check requests. (if those, 18 board Wednesday. “Delays at live we support it." “w" h†m†"â€0 shrubs i g‘ â€q l g “I, required additional process- this time are in the neigh- But if the delay happens 1 ( ( 1 ‘ ' g' ' i " l ' ' ing that tooka little longer. bourliood oftliree months." to more volunteers, they'll i ).2 , i Q N i But in July. the RCMP Nancy Smith, human have to change the way they 5) f. 3.3!.)3.†5‘ 541m ‘ a) _â€" g 1' lg," broadened their require resources director at do business, planning to ï¬ll wt -0, int ~~ or 1 tot c 1 iii ~Q, lUr * L I merits for record checks of KdeAbility Centre for (Zhild volunteer spots six months â€a, --r, ,,,, , ,_ __ _s ,. __ ,...__ ;, . M “av, . A A . I those who work with vulner» Development, said it's too before they are needed. " “atâ€. A, ,7,., 666 Victoria St. N. Kn, gr ,,, ;,, a, t. A, ,, .. v, W m , I able people: coaches early to tell how the new The local police service is involved in minor sports, day process will affect their army currently testing a connec- m...‘..-.-.-..I-.....-.. care providers, hospital staff, ofvolunteers tion that would allow them 7 ‘ A ., , _ . . , teachers and teacher’s aides. They have more than 400 to send fingerprint data to . a. a â€a 2: i 1: - z i L: I o {m Lg.) }' W; a - People of the same gen- people who provide class» the RCMP electronically, and ’ ‘ ‘ . †‘4‘- “ r - - » - ‘ “'4‘ " "" der and with the same birth- room support and assist with reduce the wait time. n, I ‘r , . “v '\ i ' r ‘ . . , . . . . Vote expected on long guns , . - . i J. 5 . Tm" 0990‘" â€we; ‘ z. ' Continued from page 5 help bring those people to ‘2 y . .1 a .. x _ ‘4 _, 7/ ‘ .3 0% , , , justice,"hesaid. - "s ' f w fl; "‘ ' 0“" ’- - 60 h serVice calls. Masstcotte In the past 10 years, 16 a , I N J ,- '~ ' _\. 1 . mont term said. police ofï¬cers have been _â€" . 4‘ is? a ’, 0 .11. 7 .' . w rs __ - “a"‘w’mmwm†“An ofï¬cer responding mum on duty by firearms FINE AUTOMOBILE BODYAND PAINT . . ,, "d 1‘ s “ ' , to a call ofa person who is â€"â€" and 14 ofthose were by -- c ‘ ' ‘ ' ' 3' ‘j ' . - ~ . distraught â€" he was long guns. h v .. w. . :. ( ‘l ' , f informed on the way to Massicotte compares "x; ‘1' ‘ ~~ " ~ ’ ‘2‘" ' the call that there's a long the gun registry to plates “‘ , 5% _, . ' ~ , ' _ gun registered. lt gave him and registration for cars. 2 \a a.“ ' N . . 71" ‘f " the info he needed going “Think how difï¬cult it ' ‘ ' - ’ ' r . into that situation," he would beto investigate hit Specializing In All .36, Ple said, and runs if cars weren't ...~..: “ . “It‘s just another step. licenced and registered," EUROPEAN AUTOMOBILES ' ,\ny type of disturbance, he said. "it's mind-bog- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" . Investme ts it‘s important to know " gling to me that people . 2 ( But it‘s also a valuable don‘t understand that," Dealer AUthonzed by that bea r fr it investigative tool, he said. The local police serv- Mercedes Benz BMW Mini ' 1 u \Wien four RCMP ofï¬cers ices board is also Joining . . ’ _ . ’ _ ' ' uere shot and killed in ranks with the (lanadian AUdINW, MltSUblShl, lesan ’0 l M i , , . ,, i ii‘ . ‘ T , l [M i i W i r ,r .r' w . ' ) w. _ . ~ so I ‘ ‘ , “112â€â€œ um rt gistry was .\ssot iation of l 011cc Meficulous Restoration .n.‘ ’ tl’lllel in providing infor~ Boards in observtng today , , . , , matiori to t'tltivit‘t the as a National Day in Sup- or'g'MI Pal": F'n'Shes men involved. port of the long (itin Reg~ UHSUI'PBSSEd COl i530" Repair , , ,7 .. ‘ » _ - ‘ , “The gun registry tlltlr istry. Waterloo MP Peter 15 Centennial Rd. Kitchener i221:airlift/mm, lib \l‘ 1â€â€œan 5‘“ â€I?“ at prevent the crime. but Braid was unavailable for WW†. a 7‘ 77 se ‘1†1 f l‘ .di‘ l .111 in ll did provide a tool to comment 519'578'2052 "'Jmumom I ‘1 ‘ m I '0 k l | ’ ‘ “ï¬t 20/20 VISION "/3 ' 20l O OLYMPIANI . O C " U I O C ‘ * 5’1“?!» 5’ it, ‘3 3" * “(3:13:11 1." l I- I I Fit“? -' .15.? ' ' MN“ I: k 943143: if“ fW',;- 4 â€3'" “I m“ - . _ r,†“mimmmmwma - ' - ' ~ 1. mmmmMImwmm ® . . » 4 “ menbsflcmmkyouusmmbrmm f; - maehlovomyOlympicvblonl' _. . c, _ . leve' ' . " .. l . For more on Jeannieâ€: story. visit: . ' ’ ' y P «I a mJofltmdeom/lomnb All-Loser LASIK available ‘ - . \ ‘ , ; ‘ _ .V FREE Consultation: 519-772-2020 LAS/K MD . Jeannie Rochelle KITCHENE-R wzurmoo m .‘niot‘t'wwtw atom.» to omit ‘“ 1‘ i" l ‘ --' i“ l“ ‘1' " ’ ‘ ' "' . "-15 “ ' . 7005 LASIK MD ptllii til I i