to - WATERUX) CHRONICLE - mind-y. beptember is. zero . o o o - Tories question LHIN spending 1’, . Retooling for the Trades 1 1 ~‘ Bit BOIVIMNAC $82,000 could have done to large organizations are run." ,. ' Conestoga Collage presents... Chmm'Cls’SlulT help bring an new nurse Hudak said that $15 mil . 1' mnemonngb,m"m_mmnnam“anhbkmww _ . ‘ online or deliver patient lion.has been spent ‘on i, g†1 -. (“my College Came, (mm. Md, and Wanda, (WM ntano Wye (on care. salaries and consultant lees l â€#7,". ., a . ‘7. n [S dwgned m support pimped“? emanates. â€9.5m servative leader Tim “ at the Waterloo-Wellington -, y if V , apprentices and employers whowant to ensure success in their Hylldak made a calm. The LHINS are LHIN Since 2006- and â€5 i f . apprenticeship training. paign-st e stop in Water 00 - own annual report shows who “on“ m m a.“ 7 last week decrying what he growmgfatter that it is failing to meet sun 1 9 ‘ W W "4“ sawascontinuimwastebythe and more dards it has set for waiting 4 . - lndrvtduals considering a career in the trades . . . It ‘ _ Waterloo-Wellington local "3- d times for long-term cart- f it , ' â€Wm‘kï¬wmwamwmw'e ““5"" "'3" HealthlntegrationNetworlc ape 11/920" beds. alternate care beds 1 ‘ as if“? ._ aâ€Â°â€™Â°""‘e‘h'p"a'""l9 ‘ Hudak charged that the doing nothmgfor and MRI scans. : hr ‘ ~' *1 «i ' EmPlOYe“ IMG'eS‘Ed'" "'6 Success OHM" awenmfl local health body's chair. health r n “The Lllle are growing a; - 5} Kathy Durst, billed taxpayers Cd 9 fatter and more expensive ‘ .- v“ . ""“'9'â€W"‘°'"“°“‘"‘°"’ $81900 in el’ diems dd ' th' r hrll ‘ i {a " tr ' 5 . '. Contact the Conestoga Career Centres to reserve your spot! We ' d‘ 1 ph O t . ' ‘m Hudak an â€Ding :10 (1,128 or L“ I I I it,“ «'31.: ,. otter continuous intake and information sessions at both locations. accor mg 0 ‘ e n an? Ontario P“ W†care. sai I" d ' -' ‘v. . . a, '; Public Accounts. for what is lludak has pledged to i “New “in?“ Meir COMPits essentially a part~time posi» Durst, the former chief eliminate the LHle and ’ Tet!†L96 U53 330m“ tion. He said she billed $350 administrative ofï¬cer for the reinvest those dollars into 3 49 (“93350300 9“ 5223 (519i â€â€390 9“ 333 per diem for almost every City of Waterloo. said the frontline healthcare, making - a, 1 :1 1 “°°@‘°"“‘°9°‘>°"“ 'baumanocm‘WK-m“ weekday even though the position has a much broader it a major component of the ï¬lms local health body meets just scope that the one that is upcoming 2011 provincial fl EMPLOYMENT once a month. being painted by Hudak. election. He reiterated that ‘ “A a N CON ESTOGA ONTARIO “She has turned a volun- â€It has both local, provin~ pledge last week. A Cm,|_wl_w M .. teer. pan-time position into cial and system requireA 'That would beabig step g ’ .c...i'..._..',..’.':. a full-time job.†said iludak, merits.†said Durst. who has forward for families strug- ‘9 standing in front of Park- also served as the chair of gling to get a loved one into . wood Mennonite Home in the organization that repre- a long-term care home." he m. waterloochron'cle_ca Waterloo. Imagine what the sents all the LHle. I also said, Clalmlng there are ., sewed on many of the almost 2.000 people in the provincial committees Waterloo area presently on that came up with the waiting lists. “Spending up policies and proce- to $250 million on these dures that got the LHIN bureaucracies is fur» _ LHIN model up and ther evidence that (Premier) ‘ mummy-WWI: tidrr'rrg "inning" Dam" “will†150W“ ' The health bodies touch with the needs of lio- Is the tine to lease the intuitively designed 2010 tnflniti 617 Sedan with its ' " powerful 325â€"â€? 3.7-litre engine orthe lnflnid El. leaturingthe industryvlirst have d {"1le bigâ€"en aveï¬â€˜ge Sgtarifins. . k Around View Monitor'- dellverlnlavlrtual scorn.- olyoulwrmundinfl. Visltyour 3’0““ 0' a out we e l era 5. were quic Infinitl retailer to test drive today. This is inspired performance. This is the wary ollnflnlti. years and were creat» (0 respond, issumg a release ed to eliminate the that said the LHle reduced Ministry of Health government bureaucracy by Regional ofï¬ces and $98 million each year over the former District the old system. fl ~ _ Health Council to bet- Durst said the LHle are ‘ ter align them with non-partisan. and keep local r~ ' 1‘ \\ groups like the Com- politicians. municipal ofï¬- _ .- _ . , __ ~. ‘ munity Care Access cials and the public fully / >-,\ ,1 '* 9 ‘ 1 ‘- . ‘\ ' _ Centres around the informed about the plan- .~ t1 ‘ - .. . "'~ province. Durst said ning theyare undertaking. ‘ pâ€" , .\ ‘-‘ I 'V “ L ‘ “‘ that required some “I don't take this person- " . - c / =â€"†< ‘ ‘ " intensive work to ut all †sa'd D t “l' h ' *1 -.. «N x. « ,3 g. ~ P Yr 1_ UTS- m appy g , ‘ ’r l - \ ‘\‘ all the governance to explain what the role of -L. ‘ ‘ - I ~ ' ' l . , †~ "_ structures in place. the LHINs are. ' ‘ 1 tb" ' ' “ ~ ' l ‘ “The job required “To me this is an oppor- A' W 9 ’ '- “a. . people with signifi- tunity to explain the suc- \" ' _.1; V I ‘1" - ‘ cant executive experi- cesses we’ve had with this .. k ‘ " r ~31? ‘ Cash PurchaseCredltof ence.†said Durst. model . . ,We have govern» '\ L if“); i, _. : 1 “The budget of the ment representation from “"‘r > «2‘. ~ raw l. I, a, . . S local LHIN is $1 bil- across our LHIN and have a. “-9 ‘ g . " lion. been able to demonstrate ... . _ . _ _ . . availableon2010EX35 . “And it required the importance of getting 2010 inflnltl G37 2010 lnftmtt 5X35 mmmn significant start-up the community involved in . experience. and'an the planning of their health Monthly payment "sow†Went understanding of how care system." mirth-rim WW "â€'"â€" WANTED“ orEqulvalarrtTradool‘ $10,795 «Whirled $10,738 ""‘M ""'""m' 7 HOMES THAT NEED ROOFING Southwestern onun'o’ Excited Dal“ s ‘ .v- ‘ ‘ er: 1 7 Homes in your area will be given the opportunity of having Guelph |nfiniti .. g 8 W g â€3%" y, to!" on lNTERLOCK metal roofing system installed on their home at “a .r l. e _. .l . '1‘ ril c ' .r .l ‘ â€"'.., areasonablecost. ... 1-H“ .1. r M: »..-H~.. w_,aawesuz« ‘- : , - ' ' ' ' ' t . 4 s . ' This lifetime product is capturing the interest oi homeowners www.guelphlnflnltlnlssan.Com ‘ across the country who want to know this will bethe last ‘Lease ol‘ler available on new 2010 637 Sedan (GAXG7O Am only and cannot be combined with cash purchase credit tiller. 1.9% lease APR tor a 36 month term. Monthly time they will have to revroot their home. Our product is payment rs $329 with $10,795 down payment or equivalent trade. up to $86 PPSA. $0 security deposit. incl conservation tax (where applicable) and first month" payment are environmentally friendly and comes with a transferable due at lease inception, Lease based on a maximum oi 20,000 lint per yearwith excess charged at $0.15/lun. Total lease obligation is $22,039. "Lease alter available on new Lifetime Umited with an excellent chokg at colours 2010 005 (E65G70 Am) only and cannot be combined with (ash purchase credit after. 1.9% lease AP! tor a 36 month term. Monthly payment is $329 with 510.738 down ‘0 (Man your home and a going ‘0 be introduced to payment or equivalent trade. up to $86 PPSA. $0 security deposit. iuel conservation tax (where applicable) and ï¬rst monthly payment are due at lease inception. Lease based your local morket. Your home can be . Show w. in your on a maximum M20000 km per year with excess charged at $0.15/ltm. Total lease obligation ls 821.634, Other taxes (including HST. exclsetax and $75 taxlpriuel conservation. "WWW and we will make it worth or while it we can it applicable) $86 PPSA. license, rnsurance and registration are extra. Retailer may lease for less. Reuller order/trade may be necessary. oflers sublect to change without notice. yo See your retailer for full details. Offers valid until September 30th. 2010. t Receive a â€woman on 2010 G37x Sea-rt models purchased by midnight on September 30th 2010. W W â€W- Exciudes 637x Sedan base models (GbXG70 Ami. ti Receive a $4.50) credit on 2010 EX†models purchased by midnight on September â€it. 2010. Excludes EXJS base PLEASE CAI I . 6.0". models (E65670 Am). Credit will be deducted from the negotiated price belore taxes and cannot be combined with special lease and ï¬nance rates. Retailer order/trade may â€" be necessary. Otters are available on approved credit through Infiniti ï¬nancial Services tor a limited time. may change without notice and cannot be combined with any other 1 m 889-9960 otters. Retailer may sell or lease for less. 00ers are subiect to availability and may be cancelled or changed without notice. Certain conditions may apply, Vehicle and wheels may ' not be exactly as shown. See your nearest lnl‘lniti retailer or inflnitica lor complete details. TON-hi. 2‘ hour: 7 d.†I m