l t ‘ WAI'hRLUO CHRONICLE ' Wednesdl i June 21‘ 2010 - 3 i l Warm.“ V , KITCHENER COIN SHOP 1 “WWW \tAV WeLuenSeeoucmaNmn-m I MEWS†ANDY WAT-0N imamâ€, W m an. «mu-uh“ 1 ' a ‘ M .5m 519.579.4110 l . . ~- ' > 9 Scott s: Kitchener 519-742-9181 l Life the 1111i V er SB and Hawking I O I C O C i Renowned cosmologist lauds Penmeter Institute during public lecture L 13ma MACDONALD bones in black hole research. if" ChronwleSlafI “My work in black holes . , . began in 1970 a couple of days rof. Stephen Hawking has after the birth of my daughter Pworked with a number of Lucy†Hawkingsaid, illustrious Institutions that - “While getting into bed. 1 real- have helped transform science ~ ized I could apply to black holes Oxford University. University of . the causal theories I had to applied Cambridge and the Institute of to singularity theory," Theoretical Physics in Santa Barr While some of his talk likely bara, Calif. 1 went over the heads of many in the Add Waterloo’s Perimeter liisti- _ // audience, Hawking also took time tute to that list. / to carefully explain current theo- “The Perimeter lnstitute is a ries on the formation of the uni- grand experiment in theoretical verseinlayman’stermsi physics." Hawking told the audi» Universes form like bubbles of ence at the institute during a piib- ‘1 steam in boiling water. Hawking lic lecture on Sunday. . ' said, Many are created but only “I‘m hoping and expecting great some bubble to the surface. things Will happen here." Most flash out of extstence, but Hawking is in town as a Visiting ‘ a few that reach a certain size professor working on the next - expand into something more. . breakthrough at the uptown inslir _ , ' e “A few universes reach critical tution, ‘ -‘ size and expand in an inflationary Sunday's lecture was his only " - manner and form galaxies and scheduled public appearance. : stars J and maybe even people llawkjng‘s talk attracted some big ‘6‘ " ‘7 like us," Hawking said names. including Premier Dalton ' "- 1% He even faced his own mortality Mc(iuint_v and federal ministers I" . in the talk. letting the audience Jim l-laheny and 'I'onyClement, ' ' know what he wants his tomb» It was a sort ofcoming out party m ' Stone to read. Forget any famous for the Perimeter Institute which quotation or fond memory. Hawk- is celebratingits 10th anniversary ’ ing would like the Black Hole lhe Pl building on Albert is till" ‘3: 3 Entropy Formula on his grave reritly under construction With the $3 stone new $30 million Stephen Hawking ‘ After his speech. Hawking nim- wmg, set for completion in 2011. â€'" â€" git-d With local dignitaries and Having the famous cosmologist ' ‘ K u.- â€"_â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"- posed for photos with several fans. in town was the them on top for , llis lecture had politicians and Perimeter ' ' ‘ luminaries gushing The cosmolo- And Hawking had kind words gist's appearance at Pl “shows for PI (‘anada is and will be the centre of "i‘tlamhridgel was the blrlh' some of the most important work place of modern cosmology and - - - 7 in the structure and nature of the theoryof black holes." Hawking i ' attaching;ï¬ggqggggeg,I;?aals:(rtn:'tedsi;:i- universe,†said federal industry said lhe same ingredients are , tanes such as (were! Industry Minister Tony Minister lony Clement being assembled here at the ', f Clement. left and told the audience may for! Mike layaridis, founder of the Perimeter lnstitute In Waterloo ' - i mule he wants on m, ‘Ombstone' above institute. called the usit a historic l'he research done at Pl W1“ be um, a» mu; Mum moment for the Permeter "iviitral to new msrghts. not only "We must never allow ourselves about black holes, but for niitlear "The importance 0f SPCCla] fOSlCY SUfh an atmos ret alled his life in st ieme and to take this for granted,“ he said physics. quantum theory and the places in speCIal times WM“? "132* WWW- ‘a'd Pl “â€9"!†N0†lurok reflected on the st it'ntists and "We are at the point where new st It‘nt‘t‘ of new materials " "31 WORM“ can happen tannot “H W have “â€9 â€UH“? â€f Ym†researt hers who inipatted his life ideas are needed if we are to serve Institutions sut h as the l’erum- b0 overstated." â€akafl “my determination “1 SHUNT}. W9“ d†for good or had our future ' ll‘f hold the key to the future, he H hopes to h? 009 â€f â€10‘" Ill“ ï¬ne," 'l'urok "lid â€dWh'lK He started With ideas of relatm~ 'lhe lt‘( ture was broadcast on .iililed ill-“i" and will d“ "all it can" “l During hi“ k“ â€â€13 Hawking ti‘ and singularities. but made his l\'()aiid Will revairthis week i ‘ K i . . . v, (V ' *\ ‘ Iii-NEH] l‘RUM A TH l: RAI‘FUTIC MASSAGE FROM ()NF Ol‘ l ‘ \ . OUR AWARD WINNthi R|.L!|\ l “(I D MASS/Hui HILRM‘IS l \ 1 l (y, , . , \(i , IN llll ll|)\UR\ (H A SI‘AlNVIRUNMlNl : ‘8'“ i G l N A 5 ‘3 l ‘ ‘ l .. i“: V 1 ‘ l : A“ h kw ‘ ‘ l ‘ ‘ l , 7 AÂ¥i :2 _ _ J