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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Jun 2010, p. 6

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Pâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" , W 7 , 7 7 7 , , l , 0 'WA'I‘FJUDU CHRONICLE ‘Wedfiésday, lune 9.2010 0 ; WWW-aordhaawformayor-mm Opponents not sure of City’s commitment ‘ ° lOO%ogoinstom motion, _ i “on“ - position paper was mm 15 Continuedtrompage l ibn the area, ' which is make something out of this situa- , . . ‘th ‘ .. ordered by King Street. lion and make this work" mmm'mmig' C°°' ‘ One of the challenges‘we have Phillip Street. Columbia Street and Councillors also approved a - 1! "h . . is that theres lots of v1stons out UmversttyAvenue. community irnprovemeni plan for ' WWW Ski W“ Mme there and lots ofthings we’d like to Easson would have liked to see the area. That plan will allow the and C°""“°"'C°"°" do, but we dont own the land and commitment to that plan. city to target funds in the area for - Entrepreneurial talent With strong (neither vision) is a short-term fix." “it gives them some wiggle room projects like streetscaping and facilitation abilities d'Ailly said. “For us to address the if they want to say they're doing parks. as well as incentives for 1 F v . Naturally W0, Wm, my money, problems in Northdale, we have to something but then stick to the cur» developers I if at“, w; your money start at squlare one.” rentvision," she said. Attracting developers will be (Iounci vote unanimously to But Mayor Brenda Halloran iital to any plan the city or consultâ€" t . i r" ”MN” “5 " 7M ' d m find-U "- commission the study. It will cost believes bringingan impartial voice ant comes up with for the area, said l the city $150,000 and will be funded to the debate will be important to (bun. Diane Freeman. t , from reserves. resolving issues. Since the city doesn't own any E 7 ' , 4 Deborah Easson, chair of the “The key for all ofus will be hirâ€" land in Northdale. it will he imporâ€" ( 1 v\ .. Northdale neighbourhood associaâ€" ing a consultant that will bring the tant to make it an attractive place to /" r 7 I I i I I ‘ Only the tion, has been battling the city on expertise to this.” she said. invest. Without any support from J L / .. " ' 305? from the Northdale issue foryears. Halloran was also concerned the private sector. any vision will v_,,/~” out Fazttily “l’m cautiously optimistic." she about how students came off in the fail, Freeman said, , to Yours" said after the meeting. “At least (the debate, gaining a reputation of "i hope we don't continue to y SPECIALS ' a cttyt isn't sticking with the status beinghooligans, seek a vision that is really funda» June 7 _ June 12 ’ qua" “Students add vibrancy and a mentally uriAimplementable _______.______ (buncillors backed offon an ini- positive aspect to this city," she because it‘s a public planning . Store Made Deli Sliced tial plan to endorse intensification said. “All of us are determined to process relying on private money." HUNTERS OR TURKEY - - - - . .- 5m Made AND LE“ LOAF MW 53 99 m Conflictmg wsrons over what to do mth Northdale tyle Chemo or ____________‘__'__ . . _ , . ‘ Banm MACDONMD One of the main reasons to sup- single-detached dwellings for ecoâ€" T. Smoked Spicy Salsanca Bright Brand Yellow Chronicle Staff port the city's vision is that it does- nomic reasons. he added. RING SMOKED CHEESE $6 99 n't have a huge impact financially. Keast was backed up by Univer- R08 1 41k ' | f there was a consensus Monday said local architect Bill Lobban. sity ufWaterloo student [an Kasper. BOLOGNA SAUSAGE cu S 5 g b about what vision to use for “1 don‘t think proponents of "Students can not afford to live 3505 iii) 57 25 kg Cut Your Way Lean Northdale, it was that there is no maior changes realize magnitude of in brand new. threeâ€" bedroom, 5 S consensus financial impact their proposal LEED-certified apartments," said 2-29 lb 3-29 lb S|RL0|N STEAK $14 31 kg ‘6'49 lb” A hundred people showed up to have." he said. “Unless you ovm the Kasper, referring to HUG's green A" a" M products w, m“, m Our Bu ers are the meeting and more than20 dele» land. you can't do (what groups plan. , (lunchtime and M512. FRI-1a rg gations spoke their minds about such as HUG are proposing)" He also reiected the characterir We-hotuve an excellent selection Store Made’ Gluten, / the troubled neighbourhood and But something needs to be done zation of students by neighbour» olNltnu FREE products. LBCtOSC, MSG Freell /, opinions came from across the for the residents who live within the hood groups. “Not all students are 3031 Lobsinqor Line Heidelberg 51945994590 spectrum. neighbourhood, said Albert Street beer-swilling, streetâ€"peeing, flit“ “ ’ ' ; _ There was much support for a resident Keri Munson. workvspraying deviants," he said M0”"w‘3d- 8“ Tm“ 47” 8»8: Sat “303 WWW-Stemm'flmeals~ca plan from Help Urbanize the Ghetâ€" lie and his neighbours are sick Administration from [JW and to in Waterloo of dealing with behavioural issues Wilfrid laurier University gave a to intensify and and don‘t believe families will move joint presentation on the schools green the into the neighbourhood, Munson vision for the area. i. ' ne igh bo u r , said. “This area is crying out for The institutions envision a "tini- ’ ‘ hood, but a some big change." versity commons" â€"â€" an area for 'm' strong contin» Mackenzie Keast. president of students in the areas directly adjar gent of belief in the Waterloo Students Planning cent to both schools. ' the city's cur- advisory. argued against the notion The rest of Northdale could be for LadleS & Gentlemen rent vision. that planning is causing behaviour- intensified and aimed at young which seeks to a] issues in the area professionals and highvtech work- main singleâ€" “Students are not the problem. ers, said David Mchlurray. vice? f a m i l y they are a symptom and you can president of student affairs atWUl dwellings in the not sweep them away with 71)”ng Councillors eventually decided n e i g h b o u r â€" changes," he said. to commission a land use study and Treat yourselfto our hood. Many students prefer to live in form a citizen-led task force. Mafuture/Pedicure Nail Bar. ' And, if you have extra time, try our . , > exclusive Rain/ores! Treatment! ' I“ The Reinforest Treatment is new to ’ i t ' Canada. Lay down'in a relaxing recliner H y A R l’ t; (‘) N F l R [r i F N _ and let the pampering begin. ‘ 7 ' s . " xi - . . .. 5 * at g»; t “uswatcrtreatmentmcludesascal --\“ " It . .. f” L . .. t, and facialmassagemleanseandfiuh _ Au.“ ».' ‘. , . - A 3“ _ cucumber mask, followed by a hair i; a" U} "".'k‘i’<;f>‘ shampoo and blow dry With a neck "' . -, ”y” a and shoulder massage. , ‘ , . 31. "vi; ' .~ “5mm Qt» .~ Q» I‘ve" new? ‘ . 3, .. . _ . ."i rt" . ,. j _ «a, , no“; in." (can Wham- _ ' .' u l,- ., t ”is k», ., .. . . -..- v" , s '1 0. J' sigh: ’ '“_‘V-,,f;-w m “gate? " "e;g‘;: a 7 ' N A R r _1 if $23“me . . with! * -' ' “if” mama‘s» . r 355 Er D Street West (between University& Fisher-Hallman) Waterloo 1 519.883.1268 .. , M i t:ti",::t‘i.lii lllt it.i‘ ,“t .. y . ) i _ i , . /"ll/[I/( . /tt/tti ° ”it“: 1 l L 7â€" 7 7M

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