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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Jun 2010, p. 11

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WATt-Jttm CHRONICUE - Wedneadiy, turns 9. 2010- ll 9 E anew: ”a ; _ M" 55’; §§€u§ggsgiÂ¥2§§§e . I. , S I at .gng 533m at LII/l. I ‘ Eéiligééésgrgt‘éifiligfi -â€" . , , '_ , ’-~ ,3 I 2 u . x 5:533 gagggggqéwgagg o . . _' ~ §'%§§E§§§§§€§§§:ӤEEF§ - ,5‘? 1 é'§:" :‘ 3%.33 - - g a. ,. r g . 3 ,_ g ; Next comm] wtll gg§§ggggt§$§§géggfitg “ ' ' +, .5; g; 523*:5,‘ g4: ’ a E: _ e a . : S 2 ~ ~ 5 "(modé’t’dé’ ThIs sprIng, keep your money. $32.55; ggtggggtggt whether usmg the Sigigggéé “fight“- l - - - 5. 357:: :ié“.§!, f; I Mumapal PrIce Index % $ $ $ $ Eggggfiggéggfih; . ‘ .;‘.,‘ 3‘ iiv‘g,!,lh‘p755’ ”WWW“ A" ttgeg‘é'iug generates enough cash gag? ii; ‘gijié - 5?. "t,_1;‘f,',_;5 i}? m W W Donut) pupa-ms: FIRST MONTH We” DUE AT .. SECURITY ’ g g; a f; g g g s i; §.; 719.7,}. «m ’ FINANCING PAYMENT PA DELIVERY DEPOSIT Ea; ginsenstésgée , ,Hew‘q ‘gr, i=7 :gi;3yi§w’;:;“_33.ff onenmybymomnmucmm.muumtowmns. - Eiggaeafiféi’i F I 1 he Munit‘ttml [’rlt'e llltl('\ is a . :3? = {:ng ; ii i g’ij': ii ttxet'ul tool to xet (In rtttex In % ::§§§§2;:eigff.i§;é§i than It make»eu‘ryt)nt‘mtttul~ m, "5 ggfigi‘gkgfévziégga. h Ultltd ) 1» mm L’ll\‘ ehIet finant‘ial PURCHASE ' r 33%; {51“ :13“ s _ 2 a: tlfillct Iltlti mt... ' GET FINANCING MON-Ills gig?“ 2;”: €§§§3g§§g lol the past threeyettrs, the (My ' ézgg%§§.§1ig‘iéégzgz; . . . = i ,u . ; L t. s. r .» hd‘ ““11 ”W Ml" 1“ ‘9“ 1“ “L“ “3“" With TOTAL PACKAGE PRICING, all you need to do Is choose your vehIcle and 90. E??? a .- 52? t, a 2%.: if gig t‘ount'Illon will eonstder eonttnu» itafiiifi‘éséfég 335533 ing that praetiee during the 20” ggi‘ggsgfigggi: gésé'fifi: . I h. ,. ,. we, Egan nigh? ééie ‘Iet e ereaexasa e ‘ , ' ”f e. f :36 g izi; and generally predtetable tax rate, it >» ”$525 I Ford Focus §E Emu-mm i Eggggég ESSEEEES‘EEEEE (l(){‘\ not generate enough money“ r “at”: ; a §§SEEEE§E§§=§§§ Egg; 5 to (tn-pr all the guy‘s wants or 1:53.? WMMMN wan \ mm ”3:3 E t Eigngiisgégg IIeetls,l\1a\"irtsai(l. {I . o 0 «, §g§53§§§2§§§§g53 0555:: .4 . / _ .V , W 4,. o , g}; «in gfi Egl E; i5 - MP1» .1 good measure of Inflar . W: :3‘ -_ @ APR 52:3. 2 i g x WEE; g r, - ggf non tor no )em' taxes, but It mi ht . ,_ . * i E a ~§§§ 1; h fig E g; I I , g _ 3g 33 ”Lug 1-; lttll(UV?!all1l1bprps5lll‘twlnlht’ o â€" . 1"”)th 72mins 78% , an": “- giggggggggggigggi§§?§§ budget" he «no , , I1 t m f, t V). , ., H: t a , t. “it. WXJLW 3‘93...“ Egééégéiéiégyi 5£§,§§€‘ - that [Ilt‘éilh there I~nt enough . V I - a: 2%? songs.“ rung; ggglgfiigjur’igggé‘aiaif Llel to go around to rover every |%,\ _ V E: :,_ .2. j. . 3,444,; .' t ‘11.: . ‘3;th .5 “Ea-ii; Egg): tyiéggég; ; proleet, metmtng (UllIK'll will have - D , " ‘ ' ' +535; 5,7 :gzigi'é Li : 3?; I a , -. ,- a £5 .» toprIorIIr/e \. ’ " ’ 5’5 iii‘aigiz'éflm “E When asked how department I eggguggaggggaég§ggg€§§ heudx at ll‘lt't'll} felt about setting 3 :égggfiégfifi‘iésgggglgg: the tax rate at MP1. Mavln ‘ > V,’ , 'I "my” . t ggggsi‘ ,5; E§ 5;? answered. " l’hey all feel that MN i~ I. x.“ 2‘ m‘ 10 For“ FUSION SE 311"] ‘ ~. rig cgiégsggg Egggggiggég “Um“‘l'ghvh 2' -.v ‘ 22$}? ,__._____._.. iii; Eggsgi‘ggéggggg} But It hm the effect of keeptng . "L ”WWW” 0 W“ l “a” ' Egzcfiggégfiégifié it. 12 everyone on thetr toes fiscally. I ‘ a, â€" â€" ' '@ /° 1 _; Eégggigé ” 559355: Eli, “1r t't-rtaInly makes everyone “h J ‘; .t APR l . §E§~‘E§;§EBI§%§§EEB§§§ m k’lillnl‘dbll‘." he said "I ,__ "f m In? ,2; ,5 ' in qt“; ‘3? E H lhe \lttnlt‘tpal l’rlt‘e Index Is " ‘3" “ya-micrvmths m l w;- “M 1;; fig; Egg-waif; $23!: ‘ -‘\ - â€" *w“ .. Kg: 24L» :é.i.- based on A wetghted average of the __ ‘1 4., ngS S 33;; EL ‘3 “3'5 Inert-axeolexpenstwl'orthet'ttytn d \ 1§.§§§§5§§§§3i1 §E§E;JZ: year ‘ £5 §;€-§§;§€ F»2 a ti lhe (alt'ulatton t‘retttes .1 per _ / ‘ §%§§E§§§§§S:E;§§i§;§:; tentdge on whtth property tax ‘ , fl F57: EElEf§§3§£i=5fiEW, llHl’Q’iht‘\d|’l'5t‘l l /I" m Ford Taurus SEL a “:ah 3§BB§EQ§§§§:‘S§§§‘§§D%§ lltepttllm ot setttng no. rtltt’Niil ‘ “ WWI“; vi” ”miâ€"=- giggggfiggz':§3§%sggijg. \ll’l um treated In the wake ml the I f - .._ We“: WMMMN Wm l “a“. §§§a§§i5ig $235 ;§ écigg RIM l’urL \tiultldl. when tttxes \lty w" A "‘ j I u 0/ IggifE;;§5;;;:g§§;§Z:-g , rot ltetetl h\‘ it! per t'ent over three H “i. ' 282@ Once o l o FEE; Egiégigfgfi'?‘ £23: wan, \.|1(l lllldlllPLhle(Ullll. Ian \ uh ~â€" adj so now ‘ E§SEE§§Ii§fi§=5§§E§§n MIleIIn . ‘ ‘1 :m-mtor months nan-w ‘ & a“ . 3: gig *§:=-_ is€5§§ ’7‘} "It ‘WaNHH't‘llll tohrIng xomestu ‘ - ‘ ‘ - g“ *“u' l ligapggéizgg f:§§g;§i’t hIlIIx tIIthet.t\ttttt'f'hextntl “We l 2駧§§a52§f’§égéii‘fii \\(!lll(l no longer we peztltstmtl val l ”flfiw _ 7____\ iéégbgggifygéuggggiéif lexx hot It \\‘llllltlhtl‘v|‘ .1 \ttttttlllllng ‘ I‘ MFwWWWWqu . I ‘ “$55; F€§§3_§:f i2; when”... l l WhNWSMIMIMFM lmm §§§3355§fÂ¥57i Jigfigfig [It tuntlttll the wexattrex In the ‘ '. l r:fi:;’,;gg;£;¥” .Si:;s.; '3 l l"! nuttltl ‘ TMoWIsmaddfl-ontonmmcurnntlyofhndwm ‘ giltA §,:#’24§=;} ~itE' llplIJIIHHL‘ Illl )lllfiJ ‘ Cm‘mmh‘muoo". anuhmntMRuIr-Ywmd- $10000F .t~;§?t:g';!L‘-£!L§’ 3.": rI-qIan'n lltpl‘rti'lllltfltllltY('.l\(‘ l ‘ program‘mndodbthGovtflMomeonquflWymg l , S; iég£§:§;”l€;fj§§ it? t . >. “W. ,\’ ‘ 'vn Imodet V995 amtncemwermhom ‘ I”; 5‘; >;_‘:-.fig'; i. Intl)t\l\r rim"? “l: R‘J‘k‘“:l“\”:‘ it}: '. E “a“ 2000 103000 will “macaw deg“; ‘ "mmmmm l§;!:$;£ ;: g“??? ii ggigs F?- I - I . ~ I W » - t; . .‘ “ g per tent In soon and 200‘) dnll H: l ‘ In pmnmmp a“ 3mm: Mi mug) Eggg‘ggsgci’ Sigggl iii ”“1"" ”my“ ‘ “WWâ€"“”“t' ’ ”""’ “““fi 1§€¥EEEEBSSQEEI§§15§§§.. lhe Ml’l ”II-amtoIIntIllon Wlll I, \ .._ , t igfiziighfi’xgasfi E21: 3 have to make tough tlet Isions, : TO‘AL GE Now when y: It see ms symtw yam Know the “wowed owe «Dudes Prawn Au Yaxlandtt’w ‘ ‘35 “15‘ Egsjag‘é‘w! 4 gigi Mann Stud PAC$AG Emmy/tame I'mtarto Em rmmmt :4 Fee HI all you have Ir: do Is add dealer adhmtattatton and . A?“ g g a“: I 3 3 :Z‘ :5. a \Vlttlt' lhl' Ml’l lill‘t'll‘w .II I lllllllnl \ pfl\c\N rogtstvatmn hm at up to 5.79% (ml llll (new of on in SL717 and evaluable term the" OM19 away ,‘ 2i :ggig *Siéjg‘léis ”:3: E l hllll). II‘» \llll not l1t'llt'(l. Hum "" ' ‘ . ' '**‘ ‘ ‘ §§§§h5?53{§}'=§§E;S"EE§ l snitl lhere.Ireportmnxotthettuk “ S'Rlusi' Ԥ:;;Sg‘¢§h;h3Â¥f-iiig (- ‘ budgetth.ItIIIlIIt-snotapply to ”um" ”M, iii“ igfiiigalggfifif I 5”“ "."l" M,” W“ "_”"““"“'V m'mwxuz. This spring, vlslt your Ontario Ford Dealer and keep your money. 3; .33! gig , 5mg? “E: w). ‘ no“, [Inn on \llll wmt Ltnlts to wood-mm 3 p a! g: ,Hginang i‘i workouthexmtl Egggisg3i‘zazs;ii E {E ;'lt‘~.1tornI-rstone(”thehntlget , /:~\~\ gg‘g Sing! “:1; .gzggg prot INN but there .UI‘ sttll Int-t ex we I can.“ ‘. Dnvr one ‘ 2 5 SEE! 35a; '5‘ I‘Eggébz o needtohtnltlonf'hemltl .._. E31“? EIEQSHL $3.5; , ,-i, __ . <__ .._ _ _ . _ _ #

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