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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 26 May 2010, p. 6

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s - WM “(LOU canomcua - Wednesday. May lb. £010 . ° R ' (1 ill' ' ' k Gonnâ€" lam 98 /o eglon owe $20 m 1011 m tic ets AGAINST INCH/«morn Poona PARKHIIJ. quence You can‘t just issue a tick- standing debt. 7 Chrunhleslafl et, and tlieti there‘s no conse- “When they have to renew. it ‘ amul “motion quence." they don't pay tip they can‘t rovincial offenders owe the In the past. people could end renew," she said. 9 Region of Waterloo 520 milâ€" u iii all for such tninor offences After six months. the debt oes ‘ P l is - lion, and it doesn't look like as utipaid parking tickets. and to an external collection agency i Please email me . . ' . those debts will be cleared up any» that‘s not something Torigian last year. the province gave your opinion (If time soon. wants to see happen now. municipalities the ability to lack l - The dent in regional coffers "That's just too harsh," he said. fines onto property tax bills. i gordhoguefOTmUYW-fom gordhoguelormayor@gmuil.tom comes from otitstatidiii titles - “So we really want to see new solu- It's not an option the region has i g . y for everything from environmental tions." resorted to yet. E . spills and health and safety viola The province transferred the "It’s a new tool. How effective ll i 1 t 53?" tiotis to speeding fines and parking revenue. and the responsibility for will he. the jury is still out," I’letch i 1 A C “if?” ,..‘<%m tickets. ' collecting it, to municipalities in er said. ”I don't think it would be a ! I L i, - , ~ ' pic I "fr-l Some of the debts are almost 20 2000. magic bullet." ; /_\ /” I I}, .â€" ' ny e at years old, reaching back to 1991 At that time. the backlog forthis For otie thing. the Region ot \ J LIL/J“, ' V 5} Besftrfror’n . About 40 per cent of the unpaid region was $14 million. Waterloo doesn't issue property tax /“ ‘ ' 1 ‘ «swa’ our am! y ' fines are pre-ZOllO. and growing They‘ve been hacking away at it bills â€"~ so they woultl have to work ~ f ‘ “f? ”1 ~ 70 VOL/VS" ’ staler by the minute. ever since, collecting about $2 mil- will all of their municipal partners : trips; SPECMLS .. “The farther yoti are out frotn lion each year. Still, the outstand~ to make that happen. 1, . w 1»?qu .. s» “a. May 25 - May 29 “k the offence. the more difficult it is ing debt has grown by $6 million I‘letcher also pointed out that fiesafil M“" ~. -.~;‘ ' " St re mad 8 ked to collect," said Kris Fletcher direc- over 10 years. many of the unpaid fines could be , ' Store Made 0 e m0 tor of council and administrative “I don't think it‘s that big of a from people who don‘t own prop “2 PORK LOIN - > . ' PEAMEAL 3 services for the region. problem here." said regional chair erty, or don't live iii the region. . ~‘-" ' BACON CHOPS $1100“, 4,99 ea "Sometimes it's very difficult to Ken Selling. “it's kind of a rolling "It adds an extra administrative x... - ' Made a find the person." amount. It‘s prohably more of a layer."she said. ."_ “Cooked Smoked (Sliced) Store Made De“ SI‘Ced R039 More than $1 billion dollars is problem for some smaller munici- “We have to know who the per OKTOBERFEST 33990 kg CH|CKEN OR 35 99 owed to municipalities across the palities," son is. and where they reside." . l TURKEY $13 2T k . m province, according to the Ontario The region has a fairly substan That can be particularly dllflr SAUSAGE 4 49)b W“ Association of Police Services tial collection program. Fletcher cult for charges under the liquor Ileoe we a e 99“ 5" or ar'c Boards. said. But she points out it can licence act. such as drinking in $559li 5924 kg SMOKED Th . . . » . . , . ., , ey ve recently asked the sometimes take up to two years for public. Polite can hand out a fine $2.99 lb $4.19 lb SAUSAGE $7d7kg 33.391!) province to allow the municipali~ an unpaid fine to even hit collec» but the offender may not have a X ties more control over collection tion. if a case oes to trial. driver’s licence for identification. Mime tmductswmnka 0 h g h j d (1 Th ‘ ldh ‘ m“ P F ‘ ," yr? , tactics. nce t e region as ( ecl e eregion Wou ave to assess Jinan” ImwandMéL. PRU", We support all our local "We certianly support finding a the fine is officially outstanding, whether the amount collected (”SONPH' meé:nen'sekc'm 0 extended farm family solution to the problem." said they take six months to try to colâ€" would outweigh the cost of collect- “n“ FR ‘ "mun" Waterloo Region Police Service lect it internally. ing it. 3031 Lobsinger Line, Heidelberg 519-699-4590 ChiefMatt Torigian. I-letcher said they have the “But we certainly try to collect Mom-Wed. B~6; Thurs-Fri. 8â€"8; Sat. 7.30.5 WWW stemmlermeats ca “If you're trying to influence power to tag the driver's licence or as tntich as possible." I Ietcher ' ' behaviour. there has to be a conse- sticker of dead beats with out» said. \ f l ' or today s h ADVERTISERS . a‘fl‘“g ea, R [on Of WateI’lOO ed “ 0 Short term training r0 rams "We, . . dd“ st ' an i hp ‘g Ii Oct) appl'EClale It ' . ‘orningl. L’TT‘IOOT l‘ . ‘E‘lilng C t \s(‘\ r P U B LI c N 0 I I c E five ' lob placement assistance 69, ' Financial Assistant e lfor those who qtialifvs 4? WM" you \ A Cam’- thr‘PyOll truly "lake“ dWFrenw _ m NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PASS A GALL , tell "1 REGIONAL SIGN BY-LAW mom Q'Medg‘ ffih°°' lsaw your ad The Region or Watenoo intends to pass a by-law to prohibit or regulate the placmg or erecting of any Sign. www.m lxsc 0° .ca . notice or advertismg deuce on any roadway allowance under the jurisdiction of the Regional MuniCipality 0 248 Stirling Ave. S. “4, Kitchener as In the of Waterloo in PE 519-895-0013 E!“ 30 Ch . l The proposed by-Iaw has been discussed at several meetings of the Planning and Works CPL REAL TRAlN‘NG R romce' Committee and 15 now being forwarded to Councrl The by-law Will be consrdered at the Rewnai Com Maw scheduled for Ill-Ill l _. - lllllIllllllll Wednesday, June 16. 2010 . "Q , ' I ma pm r i Roglonal Municipality or Waterloo . 1 ‘ ‘X l- ‘ AU". l ‘ = Council Chamber, 2nd. Floor Administration Building T I l I‘DCKABIJ.‘ l tsoFmStnotKhanr - \ “pom“ ‘ ‘ Q ‘ ‘ l A copy of the draft by-law is available for rewew in the Clerk‘s Office. Region of Waterloo, 2nd Floor, 150 \ shalt)!"no ‘,|) (,I‘c,lhs Frederick Street. Kitchener during normal office hours A copy at the by-law IS also available on the a “W ‘ T __.. . , CD . Region of Waterloo websrte www region waterloo on ca under the Newsroom/Public notice no it you ‘Dl‘l‘,ll\ I! L /f "' ,_‘}2.‘ i l have questions concerning the byâ€"Iaw. please contact Bob Henderson, Manager. Transportation ' ‘ ' ‘ i. . b‘rl.’ . I Engineering directly at 5196754515 . l£"1‘l I ll‘l - a? l ‘ The bylaw has been developed in accordance wrth the Municrpa/Act as amended , ‘ y 1 1 w 1 _._ y t 4 f“ ‘ 64 ct) l ll you wrsh to speak at the Councrl meeting. please register as a delegation With the Region‘s Councrl and . I; l}1‘ll’l$llb } l "l{‘/ 11.45 I 3 _â€" ._- q . f”, = Administrative Semices Dwrsron at 519-575â€"4420 ll you can't attend the meeting and wrsh to make a A“! .. I ‘ . _ r - " 12. ' . written submission. please do so belore noon on Thursday. June 10. 2010 Written submrssrons can be ram“ 36 Ll” J ¢¢ emailed to the regionalclerk@region waterloo on ca or mailed to the address below . ' ’ _ .. -_â€"_ . I ; Kris Fletcher ’ i )‘ " " 128 COS I Director. (bunch and Administrative Servrcesi'flegional Clerk . ‘ ‘ t l s l 09” . 2nd FloorAdministrabon Budding i ) J J . h 4 I 150 Frederick Street. Kitchener “l 9 . (F, ~ ‘ if / . 519â€"575-4420 4 16"x4 " (To; J ‘ ' ll you require acceSSible services to partictpate in this meeting. please contact the Councrl and Q‘) “q . i “1“ HO (IDs = Administrative Servrces office before noon on Thursday. June 10. 2010 = or a”! for " ~é" ‘ t â€" ‘ - G”) -.‘”' All comments and information received from indivrduals. stakeholder groups and agencres regarding this Q‘, "0 i 5“ " ~ ‘ ' ' . propect are being collected to assist the Region at Waterloo in making a daemon Under the MunrcroalAct. . 19" x 5.. '~ ." ' I l a” I personal inlormation such as name. address. telephone number. and property location that may be k~.~_sL_s____. s_...-_fi‘ek.Â¥_~\-_ included in a submissmn becomes pan of the public record Questions regarding the collection of this = amt Lash-him “cm 666 Victoria SI N . Kit mil in H «i so ‘l a son in 5 Wham" m” be related to M' 80° “Wm III-“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

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