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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 May 2010, p. 31

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I WATERLLX) CHRONICLE ' Wedncéda)‘. Mny I9. 2010 0 3| h! H- U H 2 .2, . I l'I\ on (In) Ll)“ Prim-‘3?! g: / news ‘ ‘ _ A a. _ PRES'HGIOUS! LARGE ’ 7 7 'CO 22.12 W [I Home SerVIces Notices WM ‘ ‘ 8 remove nova ton N t} "1 11211211111225, 1* ONE YEAR FREE m H N ' “‘ Furniture, Metal etc.’ Moving m LAUNDRY" m Available ‘Free Estxmales‘ I a 2 Wm Sutes amiable 3 bedroom 33.19% gmmé'omflflmfie M 3 M ‘Eavestrough cleanlng‘ 1 ”5905“- ” Penthouse nth Wm! cm «W babel: 2mg, Bus route ' ‘3‘"44'104'0151 . 2 t ' I . 1. WW '0’ '0” P05 0' (Rimes inc , cannula) entry andsmomtoled y. ry (any Ashby and Jo. Fischer SemorsDIscount Mtothedtmo random 24m 5“ an teaoortrmsnsoo S ‘ For rates caM sempooi smug,“ m3," “its“ store Andante Now NY I atutday, May 29th, 8 p,m_ . 1 am , 519-580-JUNK (5865} 51940416641 and m; gem my“) 5|9-m-l9l6 W St. Agatha Communtty Centre, I RELIEF FROM YOUR JUNK GRIEF 519W ~ my: mums um: um ASK "WWW-11m My 2. “(km “0- new 5319-2744719 ‘ CALL MM TO BOOK A “IR mmznfifi ' OPENmt'OfiE” 1 pm 1 - - 2 -~ _"""'"°“”"" . . .2»... w » - H“i{“}”"-Ҥ'({" w w *â€"'=‘- m cm” We Bung Waterloo 9 11115 e Lang: . 315mm“ - Hardwood Ced od T Backing onto «mm mm 2 42322112121. rlght to your door. ' ' - F100" arWO S OWGI' » - Cummm. gee-cs tour H1 3,. y 3, I . Sandmg, Installatxon, Repalrs "9 1 C C V'C'OHO Evthrrts there Mmutes f 4.11,? NP: 0 Custom StaininiSpecx‘alist installahorls,sandtr|u °d""°°d‘ m., Kitchener. Pork fix“ WM We?! 5:00 "“““ ' ' Guaranteed Toug estProducts "‘5 ”mm“? °‘ . Dynamm bachetor. 3 m‘mam at ”5195535634 W W“ ' Ovr15 me do“ ”5 2 &2bedroom 1 2mm .. ‘7 yea “knew" ’5’ Yam apartments At! Indoor Pool 0 V‘lslt our showroom onlme 519-223â€"4382 mc'us’ve Frldge “filmy a, wwwkwhardwoodfloorimca : Same‘ balcony ‘ SW 57, 0006 - _ ‘ an ry. tenms court, 5'“: 749 I '20 ( '3" 919-089‘1023 at; my 1“,” t. onsrte management, I “ UVFE I? m any»: %<9 . . - ( . ( - - ‘” ""‘ secure bouldm Walk J“ ‘Wh 7‘ or 011.241.1151.; 1 m r3222.“ M322 Parkmg mg 11.21331 , 12:12221122r2\222t~ 2 ”5881“" ' Voted M in Customer Service! . hCfitflWELLM’ 212 2 212 . Large, Spacmus Mm‘Lm:m:t Pl 1 W. n7 andevemn s 1. 2H. .1, .1” .,. 51835}ng mnamagma ianEhâ€"Lffqnfit dmfimff 8330 'SCAPE "“““ “""“‘~‘ sites MSW: 131M. Water “79“‘WI8’ 7"9-21‘1-5‘77 Hi hpoint Apartments gem igggg‘nygnw; .___..__ Recycle We 121g Ynur Garden.” 15 cgnmwooos cuss mains»: 3985 "an?" ”M w LOVE! MONEY! . w TERm'b'Efiwug ' I t 4 1 77m For Spring Clean Up Beam, me. M, and 51121.29 use n", A RONICLE - Garden Maintenance 1 Design : 3:; page bedwgms SLfifi'wiofim 12.93;?"310 519-886-2830 - hm Cm mom Lie b21521 1331313: V "E‘éfigtfimwfé'F‘ Nevispaper â€" Deck Maintenance n O { l2: .2 V ? t SDCtaK 100m. tenms a Vlew m‘is'fal'fiifls fa WW" ' ' ~ Odd Jobs FLAT ants: court. ensue mgrht. Manor ' ' ' ' ,2an E w Mom we secme budding, at! 2n m2 [curt Wat ‘ ‘ "“3 5* MATES 5m “an; tncluswe, Parking extra Watt. to Fatrwew WSW DECO‘WED can Linda (a 519591-4902 .. .. .2 Man m are»? new raw f ‘2 « 'I \2 in u h =h 2 am I x , land scapefirogemcom ‘ “I Ask aboutmove-in incentive! gafiafihfif 215“”;5-2 (N: u '1 HUN 1 inldturt 2(1); 251;? 523; Voted :1 in Customer Service! ggmms 98““ um * 3 M2746 In sc‘edue Call 519-893-1310 mutuality.“ a mans u [I . ‘ \ Decks 5 Fences bucks I PM â€" The (Nectar, Omaha Mtnlstry at the ~ . m! TWO Great 5nd,:omgm mtends 107 tslsgedaaDtlrchtor‘s x, t ‘ . 2 . - r r uh er sectlon . , 2 and e ‘ ‘ F r) '2 mficiim.’ Bedrooms .MLfiFii‘fl t at d T9 £72m“? ”PM" fig 1 ‘0' f ' 2 m .2 2m \ My; ",2? ’, " _ . . . “-95 1 no awe pnngs ater 40m . 3 ' t N ‘3 A 1 “:31 D l“ ”"é‘é’fisn‘fg'm :21 ”'11 > .2 1’1 Nome We Water'oo Under these ‘ , ' . = : : ’2 “ L1 .. he, “In”; ‘ g 232055 to Fhocooee mm: 9,3 52:: Wu >echons of the EPA. the Dtrector may 3_ '- 5 J"; r :‘Ht, e he“ 3mm “NW” Puhhc hang“ Smock mum; atrbarng‘2ugyden reauare a pevson who caused or ‘ - I, 1 fi '1 . SPECIAL . t i “9'9““ Park and Matt $912: :51: “38 M Dermmed the dtscharge 0' contaminants ‘ ‘ W cons FIST ,, - J ' ; W mto the naturai enwonment to take 10% off Decks and Fenc s AWN" M “”0”“ “we Auger Hote- from 540 50 tax SIB-5734229 M 5825 cgtam acttttms antd attachment? \ - ‘ . _ easures o oro ec me we 2., A. ._ 235 Morgan Ava. Kn, W envtronmeht and to prevent, decrease or But for children wtth a severe 5194602277 - 877.377.8009 m 519 894 3409 P f _ I ehmunate adverse ettects \ t ' ‘ ‘ S I - 2 ’ . free esttmate a . .parkpropertxca T e S ona The 9,0003“ Order Wm revoke and ‘. d.sabmt) or life threatenmg 3091.732;me ”ewe rentace a orevvous Order was saw: on ‘ Wmm‘g’ w an 1 U I :1:er aim: law we: Septekmber If. 7137983 tSand was amended 2 Minus. dream are eluswe Customer Sanstact-on w” " "7’: ‘ an ugust 2 .C y enwonmentat “1: gamutâ€"H.037” Bright, Clean 1 and 2 Bedrooms 21"“532‘22 if 3.13;? Appeal Board W5 amended order The Sunthine Foundation was .ur ,1 your 1h we ‘ Secure Building . I? “311111,: suttei Ant 'egfigiirfimflmmgngfi55:1”; 0‘ K DELMAR m glohse to 3102mm "‘ 3J3 flgg‘s'glg remed2a2' wort} plan tommdress the 2 m“aired for them ~ to make c 00 s. tg ways a, 52,5240”, contammahon a the 1m ementatvon the ‘ CONT'fieCTING a Outdoor Pool urn-waned can WOW Dian dreams come true, one Chfld 1 cm at RENOVATIONS DESIGN sum) ‘ we»: . _ . 1 g... . m A remedtat Work Pun tor the ate, 1 coutucnuc if}; m 1. M91” DR mctudmsgreceht sort and groundwater 3‘ a “me 2 o Adcmom o Baeements 2» 8.1! 2" WESWF'WL“ HI((318002 Klfrhenerl Room. 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Catt us new ‘2 1 than“ m ‘ 2 3 Bedroom - CALL SAM @ 519.241.1124 ‘ MINUTES The Munrstry of the Ehvtronment s also ‘ .5 In Same Laundry ff In" requmng assurance be urovwded to the \ and hep brmg Sunshine mm .â€"- . ~ w 8:?“ ”Ed L 9'11 1‘ V Crow tor the pertorrhance of the work. 1 ADVEHT'SERS " ‘ ,m. a“. Wi52'l2‘ ';“'2',d,°:," soecvhed m the Dvector 5 Order a special chudi “f? \\ [CT BASIC .\I If .\"r 'at 1 W 2.7 a ”1.2”” {an Rem mm 0mm 1 t . 1 apprec: e I Rentals 5,9 32,3 1",; '1. 21.210221 2 up. Davis ('nmp Mr Tutt'rprmtfing ‘ 2,2 M, a“: 1"”? “1 bl Officer 1 l rack Imp-mum When yw Can ”fiftxgéa‘t “1 pg; tum / W Coordinator N ‘ 1 1mm!» nr 1 tut tntmwvmmy 1m 2 a a“. W m. ,wâ€" ‘ , I ‘ MOULD REMOVAL tell them 250 AU?" "9'" ___7 02m, 2.2 2... 51mm. WW1": r 2 3 Sum 1})?1n] us 7111‘ Sutvms Insulin“! Cou'ttry HM D, VIC'OTIG ‘ "ONION"! . 1 5m Rm Wm ‘U‘ “00' \ u m [4“th 2 ‘ ‘ - k I 2 0mm N c I 2 “1222122“ wt. Rt-hmlt ”a“ youf ad ”9’00"“ PC" 2 N f W 6, I Y .-~\ Ex?“ 1 WARRANTY Indoor cool. no gluon a s. I "’3 M M 1‘ Fri. 313225172366 ' \42] t 2 ma awn/me m the Chm“. {$533353 ‘W- 1 Awesome 2 E-mail: mummm.” : 2 '1 2 1 ' 2 22 n ~ . . ‘ 1 2 , , .2 ‘ ‘ 222. ‘ 2 ‘ C18 21.221221112112112,~21" w mum 2110711010" ‘1 On Wolmmgwnu Corp ‘ 1.300. 451 -7935 ‘ t 2 t 22 ' 519745-0602 51° 743 W") LWW2 w: 90532123363 ‘ . t

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