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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 May 2010, p. 24

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i i , W . 1 1 24 - WAt'i-iutxi CHRONICLE' Wednesday. May 19, 20111 W 1 W ’ “M " ‘ ' W ' l ’I . WWW . 1 MW J I l NWTâ€"TM 1 -- 1 1 f , 1 11 '. ( “H1 1 ‘ 1 / f ' > 77 i b lâ€" ‘ ‘ 1 1 1 1 1 . i Wu” ..¢.»_ 1«W'* 1-â€" .â€"mâ€"~â€" â€" â€"<<‘-‘-â€"â€"~oâ€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"«.â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"~»â€"â€"Aâ€"-â€"- Wm w~~owwM~M~â€"ummmmm*‘ Mn, . _, c. 1 “H" ta 6 luring Robert Sawyer. author ofWatch, May 19. Waterloo County Teachers‘ Choir. with the Woodley and others. starting May 20. at 75 , ____,_‘. g 7 p.m,.at 100 King St. S., Waterloo. Tickets are Kitchener Collegiate Chamber Choir, perform King St. S., in the Waterloo Town Square. For ‘ m 510. Ca11519-884-2665. at KCI, May 19. 7:30 pm. at 787 King St, w, more information call 519-778-4562. ; m Kitchener. Admission is by donation. For more . on THE EDGE ~ infomation call 519-748-0380, m 1 Theatre on the hdge presents live impmi- COSMOMANIA WV HARBINGER GALLERY comedy everyThursday night at 8 pm. The Museum presents (josmomania at 10 King The Harbinger Gallery presents East meets at the Waterloo (lorniiiunity Arts Centre, 24 SLW.. Kitchener. It features real moon rocks NDGE TRIO West. curated by Ann Roberts. at 22 Duponi 51. Regina St. S.. Waterloo Admission is $5. Visit and other exhibits about space exploration and The K-W Chamber Music Society presents the E. Call 51917474644. \~’WW.[0IC.C8. our place in the universe, For more informa- Ridge Trio, May 21. 8 pm, at 57 Young St. W. CHI Cl Q l flSS Gil E tion.cail519-?49»9387. Waterloo. Tickets are $20, $15 for seniors. $15 ADM". ,Y AND G. . LEM I m . for students Call 519»886- 1673 The Canadian (Jay and (ilass (gallery presents , HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL ,\| I 15", Lonfemporaf'Vl ' " Foundling: Michele Karch-Ackerman; State of Drawon Entertainment presents High School 9m“ Susanliow-Beerefiinosfjristianqltadur 1 Musical featuring Canadian idol winner Melisr m MAURO BEND” ‘ [d' at 25 (am ne Sl‘ N‘ 519446- 188" ] sa O'Neil starting at the St. Iacohs Country “WEE Run!) The K'W Chamber MUS”: 500i“? presents KUNTZ HOUSE COMMUNITY wLERY 1 Playhouse. 40 Benjamin Rd Waterloo Tickets The Centre in the Square presents Xan'er Rudd. Plant“ Mauro Bertoli, Ma)’ 28- 8 P1m-1 at 57 1h? kuntz House Community Gallery New?“ , are 342, 321.511 for under 1B,(1a11519-63875553, with Justin Nozuka. Ma 119.11 .m.. at 101 young 51W. Waterloo. Tickets are 5125152011“ Speed '“ C010“ “mm“ mm Andrew Me'“' 1 p , 1 7 1 ~ 1 ’ KISS ME KATE Queen St. N., Kitchener. Tickets are 525-535. seniors. $10 for students. Tor more information If? until June “5' m l’ 1 king 5L 5“ Waterloo. . . . . . ' - _ - _ -â€": _ , - (all fulfil-74548445. lhe Stratford Shakespeare 1.9mm] presents For more information call 519 518 1310, call 519 886 1613. Kiss me Kate at the Festival Theatre until Oct. my CARLMNVA BURMA ' KITCHENER'WATERLOO ART GALLERY 111)? For more information visit ’ The kW Symphony presents Carmina BUf3n31 The Kitchener~Waterloo Art Gallerv resents wuwstratfordfestival.ca. my") GRAY ' w1th_(,ranvahiIharmonic “10” and (,hildren ‘ Re-mix: student exhibit; Is There No One In the PETER PAN t he Centre in the Square presents Dawd Gray, Chow M3128, 8 urn-(Plus a matinee May 301. World Who Can Fly?: Dyan Maine. at 101 Queen Th g f d ‘h k . , 1 May 25, 8 pm. Tickets are 5395066450. Call at the (rentre in the Square. Tickets are 520-576. St. N. Kitchener. Call 519-579-5860. Pm; 32:12: It; l'gzpfgzzfrrl‘l‘fil E’mTim 519-578-1570. $16-_$52 for the Sunday show. For more infor- inore information visit vsww stratfordfestivalra NBS/CLUBS matron calliS-745-4/ l 1' Be pt!" of ”f C3” J‘M'557‘ 1660 Solé RestaurantandWlne 8111183 Erh 51.w.. ”ll“. callenes m Waterloo. presents the Mike HarmerTrio. May Y â€" on the scene ' 29, 9 .m., teaturin Mike Harmer on iano. lm _ 1 . , , » ROBERTSON DAVIES: THE PEELED 1 mince cm ongbass and Chris 111511 on ”W M m “0“ ”f“ "WWW“ “M A ”lean “f Robertson Danes" The Peeled I ‘ J _ _ W ,, A UPTOWN GALLERY entertainmemewnts Include proper spelling, 1. p . ' _. ' . ’ , , drums,(,all319-141-562a. The U Tmm Gallery resents Metamor hisis. dates, nmesrmdticlset lru‘é’S.Faxu50!519-386~ writes to the Unnersttv (it'\’\aterloos Theatre [7 p p I (mm, Arts Mai .,_ a» 1m 1‘ his 7 m Ma 1791 lymneT's. 56 King St. N., presents Tim lotus. featuring Marilyn Bane, lane Barrie. Sharon 9381, oremailedimriaitaiimterimthnute t‘a. Tickets are $110. $15 fir stugent; gor momt M L Tuesday's, $30 p.m, (1311519'954‘5628‘ ,_ Â¥____fi information call 51978884908 Manuel '5 “3k H°w1220 King S‘- N» Water ; ' ' ' ‘ 1 1 2 3 7 9 HAMLET loo. presentsChampagne Social Club. The L .. (‘BQSS“()R“ . . l.“‘ B l The ( ‘orirad (entre for the Performing Arts 832“; 311“;ttnsilrlxcr?(jrl1:1sgziidlhfhtquifigv CUB m 10 11 1 1 1 presents KW‘i’outh Theatre production of " J ' ’ ' " 1 My . ‘ l Hamlet starting May 28. 8 pm. at 36 King St. (311519498605 . - ~ . 7 Mai Free Deivery tam” ‘ 1 W “when” Tickets are $18 $10 for students The Duke ofWelllngton. 13 hrh 51 11 ,Waterâ€" 10 intendedto asst memory 13 14 . 1 1 : F0", information (t, ”5267-1451“; loo. presents (ihalkline with Johnny B every 12 Mm truck 3 ‘ 1 1 ‘ r d “ ‘ ‘ " Tuesday: Skinny Phai everyWednesday: lohn- ‘3 $801me 15 16 1 v S 11115" assics ‘5 M ' 11m ,. 1 1 m ............ 1 ill-l ’ WORDS WORTH AUTHOR SERIES W 18 names mistress 19 20 21 W V B . , . 1 . l ,. 19 Oozewt out“ tirth oaks host an author ( \( nt 1 a WATERLOO COUNTY TEACHERS' CHOW! 21 mew 035101 an 1 m I l 22 Suwanee 22 ‘ ‘ l 23 2‘ 25 15 27 ‘ llllllllll Illll - III I 27 mm ' ‘ 28 Word at many parts . 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