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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 5 May 2010, p. 3

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Wan-moo canomcu . Wednesday. May 5.2010 « 3 l “The in . . 1 “U' . momma “1/5 1/ )// tin-aw ; Wigwam ANDY war-on - . 1“; l cam “my 519.579.4110 5191.737” W? ' ' ’ I râ€" _ WWW , “WW . ' , “WWWW . “a“--. ,,_c_--,-,-,W,-_,-_fl,,._cw__3___________ l . P P I C I O I C . Police Superintendent Kevin Chalk takes over command of Division 3 m Waterloo BY Cranium PROM; PARKHIIJ. ‘ g element of danger. ' t‘hmm’de 520])“ g \ ; . Mlve years into his career. Chalk and ‘_'-_.\ 1 '3 . some other officers were out of town. keepâ€" ‘ c‘s been involved in highspeed chases. “Riga __ a ing a suspect under surveillance. The man Hundercover stakeouts and take-downs. ; , 5;," Na ft: "1 . . :3 § pulled into a convenience store, and his girlv and one of the saddest days in the histo- 7322.3» ””1” j g friend went inside. ry of theWaterioo Region Police Service. 1" if." ‘ f:s\ ~23 . 1 Chalk. in jeans and t-shirt. and carrying a New Superintendent Kevin Chalk is talk» . a :1 “ ‘ ‘ "‘4‘"- ‘ia‘efiggqx Ii ; shotgun. moved in to the driver's side winv ing on a role he's been preparing for all his .1; ‘ 1: N\11§“§1‘191" ‘_ dow to makean arrest. life â€" as the new commander of Division 3, - " . _ a . . ’ knee, . 1» ‘2 .1 But the girlfriend had no idea he was a \‘Valerlods police headquarters. , 1 ._ A 1‘ 335.5... _7 i . j cop, ran out of the store screaming and When Chalk was hired in 1982. training ‘3 a; \«t 1 1 i 1; attacked him. While he was trying to shake for the police service was a lot different than 7,;- 1 A" I , “fiéfi _'= her OK. the barrel of his shotgun hit the win- it is today. The rookies were rotated through ‘. 3“ I, i "' '5 1. dow and it shattered. Everyone thought he different units. riding along with more expe- , sf. ,2 1.1;, , ; . .1‘ shot the driver. rienced cops. 3 fr?” t 5* i I . i I g ; 21 Chalk was also a member of the force’s ()n his second day. Chalk was asked to ' 11’ .. (I s '2 2 r ‘ 1 _ ”I 1: i 25 scuba diving team, but it was in his capacity show up in jeans. a t-shirt and cowboy boots f ~\;::“ F . ,fi 2,“ ». ’/ 5 f as a media officer that he was at the Parkhill for a shift with the drug unit. They were in ' 1'1:,-':':.'.-‘.EJ-:..1. ’ ” I" L , _, 1 i 3 dam in Cambridge in 1998 when Constable an unmarked car. watching a couple of bik- 1:50.” 21-th Q 3 1 § ‘1. - Dave Nicholson died while trying to save a ers who left a house and. realizing they were '1“: 135., 5:23? 11 ' 'f' 1 .2: wungboy. being followed. started racing away. first; _ . {1* with . ’ w e, .3 : Chalk was there. pulling on the rope in a Day two’s high-speed chase through auxiygtgsfs 1-, 2,. . 1 g. i ‘ futile effort to pull Nicholson out. With downtown Kitchener ended fairly quickly 7533-21 ”’1 11 ‘1: 1 c -. 11.": I: 3 ’ 3 1 ; members of the fire department. he dove ‘ when their unmarked car was T~boned at an 17:33:21; - f . ”“ . ' If??? M}. ‘ ' y 3 g 1 into the water on the other side of the dam. intersection. In the ensuing mayhem. the 1 {.fil‘fh ». * .~‘ { y , at? 1 . g trying to figure out away to retrieve him. suspect jumped out of his car with a bag of a 3:21 ; “ff-”‘2‘ 5‘ 9 ~ ""5. “" 5* 5 \ 1;; And when it became devastatingly obvi. marijuana and took off on foot. only to be 1 ~-. l 49.9.11"; 534'“ ' w. .‘1' ’1 3‘ E’ 5 ous that Nicholson was not alive. Chalk was nabbed by another officer. “~ ’1? ‘5 . . .{fig‘ 5 13;; ‘~ 5 on site as a media liaison for three days. it's "And for thinking, This is just like the .. ., ‘ ‘1‘. ‘ 1 _ 2' i. ' .- cleanya defining moment in his career. and movies!’ I thought that was the norm of E 3%; 1“ g; I 1,1119%”? , f 1 one that led to afrlenllshipwi'thfiicholson's every day policing," Chalk says as he remi~ fl?“ 5 2 , § :1: ’-' . v» . (,2; 1- 5 .~ family that continues to this day. nisces in his new office at the Erb Street a: __ ‘5‘" ’ ."x- -. afiv 5 ; . ’ ' . ‘. y ‘7‘ 1. “We thought Kevin was a perfect fit for headquarters. ,2: 31:11 7 ‘ ' â€" ~ 31;, 514.4 :4 . s , _ if? a... Waterloo. He’s always thinking about the “Now, we're very cautious with recruits, a.» ,5 i ‘ “‘5‘ a. .. ‘ ‘1 12 Q3; ;‘f"j ~ as». ‘ 3 a . members and the people in his division.” with education and training." £11311” . 5,.“ ’1 393%.. 1 ,i « f . 2 J _ says police chief Matt Torigian. 0n the wall above him is a large framed if a 135's}: . ‘r : «gt: “a.“ prick ~ ‘0‘ . 1 “He’s very much engaged with the front poster of a ship being tossed around at sea. ’ ‘1‘” I ; £915 r. ' 1 1’ r“ " , line.” “Accept the challenges so you can feel the ’ , ' .5 1 -‘ . -- ' Taking over as commander from recently exhilaration of victory.” reads the quote ' . _ k .:;1‘ '__ . a ' retired Dave Mazurek. it may be the front beneath it. by General George Patton. a“ .7 _' 9:" . ~ if?" ’ ‘ E” 1‘ . line action that Chalk misses most. Chalk was raised in a military family, :. ‘13,“, ‘25; 1 3 3:2 . .. “it's nice to reach a place in an organiza» growing up in France and Germany while .. a“. ' ‘1 a " 1 5 m” '- , , (ion where you feel. this is where I belong." his father worked as an intelligence officer in c w , I‘m ;2?:f.?g;§»¢s ;, a" 5 . he says An ability to influence the direction the Air Force. When his dad retired. they set- . - .3533“ " ~1 11’ ' . 1 ‘15 “:11 > of the service while still having contact with tied in his mother's home town of Stoney ‘ .‘ "‘ 11:3; 13M” x, 51171" ‘ . ,. f. " front line officers is the bestofboth worlds. Creek. Chalk was 12 years old. and already . . ”‘3 . 2‘ r :1 . 1 ' 1 2 'You live vicariously through the expert knew what he wanted to do. ' . ’*‘ ,1 ~ “ ’1‘ ‘ ences of young officers,” he says "it's invig- ‘I really enjoyed the military life. so I 4.; m ' orating to be around new officers. and their debated between the military and police. 1" _ _ . ‘ ‘3 - “f ,.». ,;._!,,‘.§‘, 242,2,“(3 ., accomplishments and challenges" But i didn‘t want to move every three years,” 1 21" “""mwm ’* ' 1 ‘ 1 ' ‘1 11 L "““i 1 But even as a paperâ€"pusher. he still sees he says. Superintendent Kevin Chalk is in charge of division 3 Waterloo and will Iead the move to its some action. Last year. he made three “When i got hired. i didn't know anyone new headquaflefl on CO'W‘bia We“ in 2012- impaired driving arrests while off~duty. lust in this city. But We been here for 28 years "wwwmmm a couple weeks ago. he nabbed a Speeder in and put down roots. and it's become my investigations and as a media officer, among old. and they stick you in an office so you a pricey spans car that was clocked doing home." other things. don't get to do the fun stuff anymore.” 170 km/ h on the expressway. His time with the police service has “It can be so many careers in one.” he As he recounts his adventures, one gets “I still mix it up a little.” he says. “I've I included stints in the drug unit. homicide says. “My only regret is eventually you get the feeling his idea of fun often includes an never looked back. [love every minute ofit.” q \) \\ 5‘ . a)“ l x511 1 kl\\t\ 11i1[11 3 i -:.... . a. HEERS , 1' 3 I‘l‘tii\‘\.l’l\'tt I . ) \ . . , . : THURSDAY, MAY 6 to SUNDAY, MAY 9 ' “rmâ€""râ€"""_"*_ . 583 King Street N . Waterloo ‘ WW 3172 up; lk'njznum \lmii‘t' . é ‘ v.wwxhoersdccor.ittngcow .

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