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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 24 Dec 2009, p. 21

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HI IrIl I N I l ”RUN“ H - I I u VIII. mutual | MN -:| I l I I I I II I I _/Qll I J ‘7 “7% l O Mâ€" U LLS â€" ll «1 fill/ll M 1121 “l l , l ' " ‘ tNlIIIL lIL/Ll lm ll”? tll\\l;lt{:\ :ltlllt(l\ nu It [Imam lU'lIhJ‘ll II at F‘ (all 5M 74h mu: ‘ _fi7_77 , > I In}; In It‘llt‘l It t'tsutt’} I HI To" ‘ mm IIII:.I?I§539I:12II:1EA.I.55:*:...\.II LOCAL FOCUS 3 FILM FESTIVAL KICKING OFF THE NEW YEAR I tmmr l'l Iv» r walnuts, M I 7| lung \t \ GROUP 0': SEVEN "UTCRACKER In”) lm In HIIIII lt-xmttl I~ ( .tlllng tut um Watt-mm lur rump IIIlUrIlmlIIIII I all 3H 73'» lldllt'l {Hg-n Ililttlilgllul‘l pr‘rsmtjtx tIu' trump (ll mnxmna In LU! If» JIIIU lllghllghung tllc' Ihe It hit Mamba 5111”;\Lk)('l;‘fl‘yrlll¢r;\l'lll; Inn III-I": N-u'n . ‘utt rm yr 1 J1 - tun T I0 I‘ In I Al work 0I |m.tl film ”lulu-n and pmvulmg uutstamt mg ( um vrtx In It' (I [11‘ I ‘0“ mtr ”1‘““”1““”W‘lllmm {III ‘3‘“"'” \l \ upImrtunIt» to! llu- pulllu In mom local film \‘rdrtlng Ian I» "l r“. l““”8 5le \Mm-rlnn ”l“ TIT-CSE‘NER-Wfirlffllop ARII‘GAIELEEIII I kIt: llt'lM‘l In lu-h AW 5:! SKI (All Ill” ITH ”1.:chutxlttndl’n‘WNprrxt'mt‘tlh) Mulln'ul [1er lmturt-s 1 vllN Rdt'llt‘l Menu and pmrml ”x“ ”ml? llulu:(I‘\I\ltl-ll):f|“\ll\n It“ :rllllil fulfill“ I II (I “In” (inn-m.) (llul) (all rhrWorlunK ( 0mm I” MIINm sum Ian h, muting .1! II P m ln'lu'rx h l _ . ll \ _ I! l ‘ I I,“ I my knthvnvr for (lt‘lttllN Nu t-ntn‘ Ive lur nmrt- “r" $11 $3“ [or “"“m‘ ‘m‘l 51" fl” “ml"m‘ I‘M” “ m N l ”18 1:1gmlIu l (“n x A!“ l IIIIOI’IIIulIUIIlull “97745711“ ‘1“ 14h lht'wtulldtnmt‘rtlt'dtllrmItnxtmngcrxIn AIIIxrrnIIIkHAh \lt'rmttm‘nH n utmrltu THE WIZARD 0F DZ \4‘1 lllt‘ l()( Al Iwrt'urmtuu‘c- xpttu' mm \mlmm ll‘I/\ \“K 3‘" :UIII‘ I” If” 01"”) V \ l‘” ”1"” HIM vnIn‘ Ill llIt' \tILmn- prcxt‘nh Ilmw I)“ INNS” Imemporary KtIIIldlIt‘k and plan“! \tvplmrw “hm!” IIIllltIlI-tllllll ‘ All ’l“ “‘l W“ tunntmuwul lllt'\\'lldltltll()/I [In :‘4‘ .Il [III rvlurnmgrnthvk \\‘( lmmhvrthrwxn‘n IMMGNIE (gum-11V \ I km lll'llt'l In Aux un- $3M $11M mm In kt'tx Im' SJ} $20 fur st-nmrx and SI 3 Int stu RY (all ’II‘I KM 1371) EIR’ th‘lll\ l-ur nmn' Information mll ’II‘HIW‘ lth ”W “plow” ”mt" WWW“ " WIMP ”W“ KOOL Y S EVE , v ‘- ‘lt I. - » mm III-howl]Prue.tyln'nn\\t1rdl lt'.lII\r\(‘llt‘I UPCOMING “I"xt'mum Marxlmll “d“ ”I“ h" m" ‘”“ ”l the m Hm ““W \umsutm. , and (:tlwrx, unttl ltm 30 Ill 73 Mm; \t \ III llIl‘ unnudl rvunmn (If the l.u|tI‘s ltuutlhnust- ”and H” . “MN“ (I ll \m y mt‘ l H nu n- ”mm” H“ n DIE FLEDERMAUS (allotl Mull Ivar ‘ My 1)”: II. stdrltng at T I) III a ”I“ will 3 I I; 77,; ‘I’mJl ‘ l I ’ ”PVT-l M“ hm)” l’rVV'l'“ I)” l 1"‘l““”"“‘ I“ l‘rm‘t-rds .trt- gumg In llIt' l‘osn'r Hm; ('ttrnpulgn m luhtttmwrtmxxlr‘ IAIN 5pmlartln'llmwrxlr ~ _ . __ . I I III NIPPON or (.rttnd lint r lluspltdlt dntt r I an HARBlNGER GALLERY |\ Ul\\.llt‘tln(1\llLllIMIIIlIt's lhmtrt' lt IN lllll\ (vntrc “do“ u“. 55” I‘m ”Illl’k' mfnrmuttun , V xt.tg:(l mm \I'le unnuIIm [In hum; tIml l ht“ um mvw hmgvmans mm lllIt“’lldfhlllgL}'r 21m.“ “H.531: ”t 3:1“! rm“ rm mu 'm I um“ um .e-rnmn “III In ' le a Inxtma» A Intmn at L- H mm \t rt “”11“ch (If [It kt‘lfl‘dll KI‘IVBIIIIVWUII k [I‘lél'aaowl RHYTHM SANTOS" Puff l I may ”11' wnmlvrful Llall‘d) ul'nlorlu ll) ”It“ Be pa 0f l'~â€"‘ "7 '7" p "I” U“ ” lm‘wm‘ l w “I” “W “1"” 111”er \ txrtlstx [or more informant)” t all 31‘) m liztllruum l)ull('t' Dot M “w New Yt-Itr‘x l \‘t' 1134745“ N {on Elle [scene L\_\‘ _ v .. , _ , «up In.» mm 41 um {I I mum ' 1I(\ 11mm rrdtmu and Ilunr slum lt gtturt \ prI/t \ CANADIAN CLAV AND GLASS GALLERY “MA,”h,;,“m,m,m NW)“ III/I'l/IIIIE’Ptl: I" MONDAV and d “WV“ luhln' I“ h)“ an- S I I'll ‘1 ( ”HIM lhv I ‘ tn'tdt‘m (‘ldv tnd(‘lass(‘11|t‘n I)l’(‘\t'l]l\ \pt'l/IIIL: (hum [1mm and {It Ly! pm A I'(/I\ m . _ , . t t A . t I _ n I . . . VlCTORlAN CHRISTMAS l ‘1” my "”4“ ' Mmh-d Bull writ-s: Again-ma Dyt‘k Playing I” 31‘! 8M) II gm nr I‘ mull l\PI'll_L‘lI\ v thr< hâ€"mtma» ”I lH‘II «ll \\()ntl~ttlv PUBS/CLUBS “1”)”,le IJndw-vgrmghu‘(Dupmmnnf ”(Harm/m II myrlmx‘hrmln‘II’In I)” " ‘l “,1? “TI“ I.” ‘ "I thvvrmrmrfml h” King Street Trio, If» lllm‘crxm‘ ‘\\l' I .\\LtIvrII)0, ““"M'ml ”"1“”(3")l9lillpr4‘l 15 “I'll “It "I_’»m“l ”WU" \l -\ I M“ Ml” It-uturoxllw Id” tour ”18li “It“, “an,” (ktmlmt-\t.,\\’tttcrlr)0, Irnrrnure Inturnmrmn ll('kl'l\ .Irv \{ 90 Adult Q I 41) strum SI ‘90 » I I mm tlltl ‘4! WI I mull lur mun mlnrm mun dd“ and lhursdms from 6'3““ pm” I ndavs I I I . _ , ‘ . fi ,7 fidivfiifi \ . ‘ ,g , ‘ , ‘ from TuIIH I .IUp.m.2md Saturdays from Tum- I ‘ - I 1 2 7 “I T 6 ~37~§~ Tam “in mg. " 1 mm H" J ' HMO pm \"iszt klngstrm-rtnurnm, L, EROLSS“!QEQWJ I ONGOING Rude Native Bistro and lounge, IS King St 87‘ CUES ACROSS " “a" “k * V" 12 * + ' ' +" “W“ " I3 \Vkllt’lltfl)‘ )rvwnts 'l'im luuis on Tuesday» 1 Jeerormock I I ‘ ‘ WONDERS 0F WINTER l , , ' I 6 Islamoc leaders #7 i ,,, 47‘ fig \ It“ 1001“) lights In 12!) d1\[)lll}\ dunng [lIl' Solé Restaurant and Wine 331183 [nth St W, 11 7 day schedule I14 I Is l 15 I; Wunderx ()IWmtt-r l't‘\ll\dl In “Em-Hm) Park Waterloo H closed for Boxing Day. for more 14 DID ItghtIy Into water lâ€" I I I I l lt‘snndmly lIlItll Ian I Imm 5.30m 10 30pm. Information (all 51977475623. 15 Gwe over 18 I ‘19 ‘20 21 22 IVâ€"r" * DINOSAURS, ROCKS. MINERALS AND MORE Maxwell’s Muslc House. 22“ ng St N .Wutvr 16 N01 Old I l l I I ”10 lJanert) ufh'utorlun'x Earth N'it‘nt‘vs loot ts t‘lnwd for (Lhrlstmas. l()r mun- infurmttr l8 WW5 23 I I ’â€" ‘24 25 74"“7‘77“ Muwum Is opt-n (tall) {rum 8:30 tun to 4‘ III “0” call 3194985705 3; gdgmar'ly ”mall's” ‘ I I ‘ Itr1111;\:’jrmxxmrrr1: {It-p VIVIIr‘annrc Information The Duke ofWelllngton, «If! l:rb St \‘ll,\\"ater- 25 thcernmmre 26 I iTfi 27 28 «HI _ «N “l “1 ’W‘l’l" ' ( \I' ‘ -4hJ loo, presents Chalklinc mth Johnny 8 every 25 Jabs mm a “we ‘ ‘ I I l ‘ CHILDREN'S MUSEUM l‘ueujay;$k1r1nyl’hatuveryWednesday: and 28 Mums Island 29 It!) I I i I ”w Watt-Hm) Rt'gIlIIIdH htldrvn'x Museum (my lohnny B every Thursday. 29 Comes In a pack for smotung l i l 3‘ W 3' ’2 ‘3“ “I 34 WHO! I I l 35 Pamdge FamuIy star Susan ' ‘ _ I . 36 Tuna brand $ l 37 lag 3t. . B . «i ; V , 39 Brmsn policemen ‘ ® Pt Bl IaIL : 40Moremse I39 l I l ‘0 l ,‘l ‘2 46 \\l:,‘.*\:"_\ , ~ “ , " ,_ 44 Famowuthholepattems ‘ I L. . 251 ' 45 Donate Income regutany u I l I I _ 47 Getssmck l I l \\v'tu 3m\xv::::1l\:ftl\"‘t‘r-'I'I gum '_ . “Fleece ‘47 I ‘5 49 x i 50 Volcamc mountatn In Japan I l I l ‘ _ _ 51 Saddle occupant } Me Chnstmas and Ha New Year to one In 56 Large conee maker 5° 56 I I Kitch -w te I Ma all sham' the 5’ WW8" WW” l ‘ Please ener a .r 00. y we In 62 Swamp grass 57 55 5. I , so a, I peace and Icy of the hohday season. 63 7 Male Aeru'Iatmcal Un I I , mm- Iii-Ill in". R“ II, New Year 3 Levee 1mm amuse 19 Furnacxmm) 38¢“an 5600mm . . 3 ulsa statelabOr) 20. Lamehodyolwattr 39 My 59 Rural damn] - ywmmwm . mm, 21mm WM... saw our _ . at em fa] S cw my 5 _ You . 22,Hmngwmolikeexmm _n GI Manic .18 Th“ y 6 Home" ZIIWMIamI ‘ZWUV_WB mmwugrnwm [Army 25 um Come 4 mm was IDS-.92 5‘10?" PIT." SaturdayJanuAI-yzmlmzm-mm em 27 Mb; 42M!!! than: o;r.-. my: SLGmrgelhfl-HauméésKingStN.Walaloo 9mm wwwm «WWW W! a Cl IOW-wmmm 30m summer ...:":.: “E! P p Emiswdmm. memm ‘1 ”‘Wmm 3‘ TWO'DWWH 52 “WNW 'I'ful'l'IPIzl:l:I-l-I-S H! 'mor ll 12,171hHebrewIettpr 32.5mm samumm fir-Il‘2‘:,§“‘ I“! numptultmld ' a" ”it 13 Bahama! 33‘Drunaawards “Mmmm -t--“'- - .i.. -,-t . I 14 “mum as «am nuns V::;;.,. ..Z_I;It'. 3 I; "A ’ N ' " -' A , ,_ . _ 17 Momma 37 an. 55mm 31.3; 333.4% ”I?”

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