A ‘«l l in i H it “RUN“ ll - m in“ \lI.l‘p i Ni V mm l r 1mm - i; ' TH E C lTY OF ' Waterloo ‘ _ For more iVlIUHFr‘Jli‘U/l unease l Ullldtl . I: ' City of Waterloo r ,2}; ' 100 Regina St South 1' " 4'- 331‘» Waterloo, Ontario N214A8 3;" $5 Cid. P 519 886 1550 iv: .4L 1‘ ,- F 519774778760 WY 17866 7863941 0 www.waterloo.ca ‘ ,; w ,, PUBLIC NOTICE ~. 7 “ , â€.4 NOTICE OF STUDY commencement 3,“ it , 3 _j_ . . s “2 CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ., ‘3‘ . ’ ‘ COLONIAL WASTEWA'I'ER PUMPING a; , at; r ‘ a new, “12:?“ t- j, 3%; ‘ Q The City ofWaterloo is proceeding With a Schedule “B" Class Environ- ' 3’73,» " t" mental Assessment (LA) Study to examine options for upgrading the Cult» ifâ€; . f nial Wastewater Pumping Station, Bum in the early 1980's. the Station is "5’ loomed at 475 Denholm Street and serves approxrmately 1.023 ha in the ’1 '\ \ Leec‘Dunvegan and Northeast drainage areas ofthe City of Waterloo. ‘ â€AT-‘2} 3 The purpose ol‘this study is to review the eXisting wastewater pumping sta- ' , a tron. its limits and capabilities. and examine alternatives for upgrading the .4 ‘i station. including any future works to control or direct wastewater from its . J. service area to the appropriate treatment facilities A comprehensive and ' g V , " u environmentally sound planning process that incorporates public consulta- ’â€",‘.'; tion and involves a vanety of stakeholders is reqmredi 5'? The Process The study wrll pro- ceed in accordance \ with the Municipal “w†â€r ‘ Engineers‘ Associa- \ ' / tion document enti- was: i i ‘ tled “Municipal , , I, Class Environmental 3-7-33 ~’ ; CV Assessment“ Octo- . , 3 , , . , ber 2000. as amend- "“ A 'M:" H ' ed in 2007. The ’ 3- " 'o°°‘°"'" ““""""'“°" Class EA process ,‘ involves public and x 3:" ' in; ‘ review agency eon- Q r \ P \ i ' .1“ sultation. an evalua- ; ' tion of alternatives; ‘ o an assessment of the ' I .t 3‘, ' impacts of the proâ€" . i . , â€we 5*†4. posed alternatives, “‘3: < and identification ofa preferred solution. ' ' 3% ', Upon completion of this study, an Environmental Study Report (ESR) doc- ; ‘ i :1; umenting the process will be submitted to the Ministry of the Environment i“; ’ ' ; _ (MOE) and will be available for public review for a period of 30 calendar "5:†days. Before any decisions are made on a recommendation, or acceptance ' ,1,» of a preferred solution. all interested parties will have an opportunity to ‘“ attend a Public Information Centre (PIC) meeting. Notiï¬cation ofthe PIC will be provided at the appropriate time by means ofa similar advertise- BE PART OF * .3 merit in this newspaper, _ m; Comments OLYMPIC HISTORY i We an interested in hearing any comments that you may have about m the study. With the exception of personal information, all comments TORCH RELAY i 3"». will become part of the public record. To provide your comments or to Waterloo, ON REL AIS?! FL AMME if! S “1 V ‘ "quest additional information concerning this project please contact D 2 7 2 009 53 O P M not“ low 3 , it" either of the Project Team members listed below. EC. ' . ‘ , (6P9 * 7 Mr. Don Ditaranto Mr. Duncaun McLeod, P. Eng. Waterloo Public Square 3 ' Protect Manager Senior Protect Manager L.-. Canacï¬ City of Waterloo AECOM Canada Ltd. 265 Lexington Court 101 Frederick Street. Suite 702 ‘- Waterloo ON NZJ 4A8 Kitchener ON NIH 6R2 __ V60COUVER2010.COH1ITORCHR8L3Y O VMCOUVER2010£OMIR€LBISDELBFL8mme Phone: 519-747-8662 Phone: 519-570-2853 “‘9 m: Sis-scones Fax: srssmaan Email: daniel.ditarant00water|oo.ca Email: duncaunmcieodoaecomcom