iui i M l mi "HUN“ I} '“riliicsday [Member in :uus- 3i Syn h 0 lub a k f0 1' ffrom 'ty har , " C 1' C S S 1' re 1e Cl C ges ,M [h (.Hiii Mu Don“) :5 a» .4 Newton it will! :6 a? :7 / M , "t 5‘ \* Thrush-[loo Memorial \\tl . fl,†‘5‘ 3/7{ “I " thioni/ed \\\lltl ( lull naiits ,' ‘ ’1» ._ V . the i it» to help it shoiildei the . / ' d , It 3 ( (Inllng burden ol liiiaiii III}: ll\ new pool . ‘3 . . '2 ' .V " * ~f! June 4-6, 2010 . i t .. -. I , em, - _ ‘ v _ . lht- (lub tiiiiii d stimulus . ‘ .' t . K } ..1 { '§ www.wctalumni.com funding (miter this \eai lioiii [he . ,. /‘- , I ~, ', ‘ Mt w » 4.x [lllHllll lill and ledertil gmeiii , ‘ I a » - i. W menls and has raised S mo (Nit) to , y i _ ' ‘ s ‘ ‘ "JV k' iii\ei their third til the ( inst . . - ‘3 ‘ x k ‘ Non ilie tliih mints the (li\‘ to -, 4' », , lg.“ , i f ' .4 "4 t ' ‘ ‘ l' V I" ‘ » ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ To .1 (lupin bi \\dl\ll]g(ll\tll>]lln(lll i‘ t.’ ‘ , f K t W WK_ .‘ i . .i 1'5 :1,» ‘ W \ i‘liarges and freezing am tin ‘.; a ' x' ' I 3 -.~ I 1.V%‘; , . - '1 t , L: ‘ FINEAUTWEBODVANDPNNT iiitietises on the new I from} :? a; j ’3‘ 4‘ ‘ ‘ " “ 2 ‘,,'"v 1‘ _~ , -_ w, _ ‘ ’4’ x 7' H ‘ ‘- ‘ .‘ ~.. . -,- i -' x square loot lat Ill[\t said leaiiiie {’4‘ Hula!“ ‘9' r a Q ‘3 K ‘ a a A _ hr ....-â€"-â€"â€"---~â€" . . _ , ‘ ’ _~ " c f v.) . ‘ i ‘ .z’ '. a: _ - ' < ' ' s ' I 7' '1 .~ .1- ‘ ( ' i ,, "We are not asking ltJt Hlll to §~“- .7? f f ' .4. " . - m ‘, ' - give tis anything. Just not to take .e mi†g...†72:}.1 '.e ~‘ x‘“ 2.32:: «- ‘ f C'_ _. ’ _@ - ' \\‘\\‘) â€ll/â€H dih‘tlimg awn iiom List" Nit’l)()llr 21.;- ..« (» Lag “a Li!"- “V. ‘ \ ‘ 3 - J ‘ ‘ *\\\ > w - ' “V a p 0" .1 ‘~â€" ,_. . iiell told toiiiii’illors .it ti meeting """ '. '4...“ . .5 «9",, in" a“ -- earlier this month E; "' I ‘ ’ j " ' , Q i ‘ ‘ .. ‘ ' .‘ "Wt-Xe iiexer tome to ask you â€"-~ ’7‘“: "*3†‘ ' a? f I "'"’- -nâ€" J is. > - ' ’ I. 4 it ___..__â€"-â€"-"’ toi monex before The Waterloo Regional Synchronized Swrm Club is asking the City to waive new development charges for a major \lie estimated that the de\elopr new expansron of its current facility, as Worn Specializing In inent tharges Will be a eornbmed Sillll,t)l)li bet\\een the region and ,\iid though almost t\\‘() int: doing. Region oi Waterloo able housing programs BMW PORSCHE JAGUAR the t it) decades have passed suite the Swim (‘luh and more. (ount illors directed the syn . llie neu latiliti \\‘ill be built at tltib built that futility. the same “ [he pool operates seven days L‘hro eliib's request hark to stall Mercedes Benz Dealer Authorized the ilub's ('Ul’tt'lll location at the problems still exist ior pool users ' a week often until midnight." "l would like stal‘ftogeta eloser Meticulous Restoration turner iii Weber Street and Heleaii in the (it); McDonnell said, “It is non-proï¬t look (it this and see iftliere's ti role Or' . lPai tFinish 5 Plate lt \sill replaee the 5.0007 “ lliere's not enough pool time and run entirer by volunteers." for the city in this endeavour,†said Igina n ‘ ‘ e ‘ square loot liit‘llll}' alleetionateli in Waterloo.†Mel)onuel| said. [he lrziditioiiall), Council has (Ioim. Mark Whaley Unsurpassed Collmon R993" knoun .is "the barn? which was LlU b gives time to a number ol only granted relief irom The report will Come back Jan. 15 Centennial Rd, Kitchen†biiili 18 iearsago swimming organizations, iiit'liid~ development charges to allordr 18‘ 519 578'2052 . r._,,,m,,,,,\, 7 ,, V, A ee,,\e_ ,‘_ «hR‘_‘e __-‘ , ,_e, ,, , i . , 7 , _ 7, , , ,i,, , , , _ , 1 Luis ‘ l on' a": I a I5 ‘ ‘l l ' THE PURSUlT OF PERFECI’ION ‘ l l l l ‘ , ‘ i l / A -_\‘ ‘1 ~ . l ‘ ")1? : 1., V. l ,./. ' i ‘ “a 'NTRODUC'NG THE ALL. l at i ' " NEW lEXUS H5250;L i l â€" _e ~\ - 9 l t ~ > , \. . ’ ' k s it. In: ‘ " ‘ A - g \- e 368 new , . â€" K it i l i ‘_ J ' i â€this“ I be. mu 3 996*? l I ,-« - A . ‘ 1 â€mm - ‘ l ' I l {‘3 re" \ (‘ er \ M5" l Plus ‘ . I“ > -\ t“ .v/ __> . $ YOUCANRECEIVE a. ~5..\\ - i .. . mm t 1 - «x t. id? 4‘ I 32 000. l emanate» J A» , “Mm?“ _ . I I | t 3 t. n ( 1' 31 I l l Mum _ w:- ,, . , 00 ‘ l WISHES CAN COME TRUE ‘ f l Lem: Hybrid Drive ' 2 4 Mrs M Alkinson Cycle with high output (â€Educ drive molar and 'egeneralwe braking mom“ ‘ ~Foor D’Wlng Modes , Normal EV: ECO, Power mode" ‘ 5 «71 400 kmcombmedcrtyihiqhway luei‘elï¬rioni r “ LEXUS "‘ â€: hellnerca (Z / (r, g ‘ {.57 (â€(1’)â€le /(' 2 67/167†I l l HEFFNER LEXUS ‘ l 3131ng Strut East, Kitchener (519) 748-9668 l .uxnr‘ Crawl i- . a. .. g u u i» i, A up.“ w n .i ixdld‘ll 'riiv1’nl’lt“ “i M Mi. 5 947“:th i wininvuwwwt W1 ‘ fl'éU'ii Cm tun- 'mlrl‘iflflmdntt mini-m4. Tankerm'mwie 5» t imam “In“ it ,.»_ . . -i mu mi V,†«in; m. a» a ,,i.< ,,,. ,, ‘ ‘ u i» w. A Mi, up,» 'as-i .491 «we» m wan‘. a, a i 4 1rd WW ,1; watt Mitt-thMâ€"mnm U68 .ir- KR 103mm â€avail“ w “wotâ€. i tumum, t»; mums“ “mm“...mâ€"m it. .i m, «Him ‘ ‘4“nur “mum i L‘H Mr '...t t m. will If» . ‘ rm, . . mi. nu ‘ll it. in.†i.» .. . a. 9. a sum mi mm . t w‘ . “A “Minna,†“all“ 4»: mm "w «pm»... My in m, with â€New H mm, â€my†:36 . .» tritium, â€Nymphâ€""4 n "all.“ .t. my on i- W A x: N“‘nu . r y, WWW â€up " i sw w in†â€"- wt,‘ mm 4 m. L it -‘ ' anâ€: m» in.va m . â€unï¬t-“me w 7.†main" "with I or »~ww'lm' mini» 1“,. in» m ’Nnrquvflw/{wur‘l'r um .m -«2‘i.mdm,< u Mv‘mv «rm m. Wei! um -. i in," A ‘v'.ii '... . i. Wynn. , '3" . . . no i h an . . r â€r w». ' t - t with» ii. i . “mi up w m. in; w.iâ€m;iâ€"mivui.-it “n â€to“. Mr, â€M’r i w... .1. “warm my“). will â€an.†l W‘w‘npup .i WWW k!'ht v“ "mm-,1 n “A N , ,. 3.. .i V’mot 4‘ wit». ems