Ml-‘-\\ mt t n t( mum“ u ‘ -t will. mum to um I] ' i A; ‘- t spouts l 0% ildï¬ 4444’ W retame - ~o‘ g I ~. , : . , r . 3qu GE I IN . 40,90; ,, ~ Whitby Wild ~::'-:« “x 1:. 3.1.3: I u DRIVE I ,1: .' lln' \Mnettoo Ht dtnr Htllld\lt'\l In GH- M â€" T , » thehhtlht \\ll\l ' A\llllltltl‘yt1lll‘l m “E 3 ,7 noon litter tnnldtnt: up an t'.tll\ A *C' I“ , H haul . "1.; ~‘ ‘. l‘l.l\lll’ Nth nut two hum doz- . ix 76‘1‘. ' to tllll\t't~ll\ emnh “Mellon _ , 7‘ - ‘ 1r - stottnedont ttmn llmltlnnt' ' ‘ _,â€" 1 15 ' pluxlngutthdtnll hentltot Molar. ’ ’_ , 9.3 t ' , ‘1' eh, xlowlt HAHN“ the vote m the H 4‘ . I K . f ‘1 ; , , =; s ': M: \t‘tlllltl hull ptogrexwtl and trtttgtu‘ ‘ .1 1,1 a I"? :5‘ : t :13: :‘9 é began to xet In ' "it†" :' 2’: .1' n a a ' lam (now led lltethdllte (â€link - .» wt- "1' $ - , - ‘ V ‘ :3: :15fgr wttltuhttt ttttk‘ttndto tuition ,v , 1 1 : l ‘ \ f3 3 5 f- , 3; Amanda \otnentlle added .1 [Mn ‘Ufé ‘ 3;;1 KJIIK' Dawson and Shel‘tgh Home 1 , ’a" , '~ um‘ éhéagzi- rte} ,1, tlt L.|\ . . , _ \ 3:Â¥:_;:‘râ€"1 (All nu Slllgtsn Ilt roo It dllt - 4" V NEE-“:- f*{ lrttnmn rhtned tn LVllll three *â€" -.._. x i , .11 ._ I l ‘7 ....â€"â€" r. E. \ . ‘45:}; " 5 if ll\sl\l\. A, j 1 ' H‘H ' ‘ T t 23‘? 5131»: lit»: Mttlunlm stopped 39 ol H 1 , we“ r .._,_.1,» ,_ 5?}: ‘H a: g ;_ \hotx wnt her way III the Waterloo ~ .1. ,,_V V , ’ gg) Z- ; 951:3; edge and this the let to the \‘It‘ton \ 7 e g E i gt . . t ' 1 r. 3 =3 1 2‘ ; }- tdung the tntttortt) ol the shots ll‘. ' 3532‘ § E: ,j g; the \eeond hall I , "“"’ ' â€"â€"-â€"I- a; g r g: ’1 :3 lhe Wildï¬re rtttllltl\ out UK we ‘1 -‘£ . gal-Z; 1x: "- (,hrtstnmx sthedule mth .1 “Ltd , ‘ ‘r :_ .-, "" \ . V / _,. ‘ :1 d Â¥:F_ _1 1 E; game In lhthntond lllll next ï¬lm " '. -1 a ‘5: g A if; (lit) . 1 V . I k I x . . a . :1». a,†. ' {-1. 3 31‘ , lhe_\ return home to Lu e the . If. ‘ I V \ ;‘_ 2T: (ntlltlt‘dllltlxtolldllll\l()pl1mlsl i 7‘ \ t if f ,1, 1 j " ’ ‘\ren.t at T p In Ittn ‘l .. ‘. ~~"‘.’ :' * A; x ;‘ lor t omplete \lll \ldlx storm â€a“ â€Hm: â€CM“ 2’75: ; -‘ 1 ‘ and stdndtngx go to ' 3 t z : »' 1» s W\\\\Lll.llltlllttlrlllflt‘lit'lt'nlgllt'fl(I E, . . ,1; ~ v S-SPEED AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ' BEST IN CLASS PAYLOAD“ 0 BEST IN CLASS TOWING“ ' AVAILABLE TAILGATE STEP f H A: , ' ' ; 1 . - SIRIUS SATELLITE mono wmt 6-MON‘I'H HIE-PAID suascnwrtou' . TRAILER swnv CONTROL AND tors manna, u a“ J r, _ ‘f' V ' ~ ' Waterloo minor .. i '.‘ . 2010 F450 SUPERCAB XLT 4x4 WITH AUTO ; 1:; v i ‘ hockey FEVIEW . 1 F g: H. A < Major atom MD Tlmberwolves win E 3 § ; H: 1' '3 _» Silwr Stick qualiï¬er 3:1; 5:7; 3 ; ’1 [he Waterloo major atom Ml) OR LEASE 23;“ i: ltmherwolttw mm the ( huthtnn {:5} r; H - Ether \‘Ilt'It I‘ltmhtier lourtmtnent gm†35 g _. g i F; I ’- last weekend ‘ F ER §;:‘ 3 :if _A In the ï¬tmlx the ltmlwrwolves s ‘33";;, . lured (ieorgetotsn and heat the AFTER 9,400 PRICE ADJUSTMENT AVAILABLE 0N :; E 3; 3x 15 Rattlers to I on“ EXCLUDES rumour ALL 2010 F450 :3 E125 *V '_‘ William ll.|tnnet‘ ()wen Smith. " ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ' ' Eigfgfiï¬; Matthew (Irerurttnd lhotnuxtmus- ESE-iii 1 2" f"; kil scored for the l‘woluw, Avon 523%. 3 2 1‘5? went to Matthew \oung‘ Hayden 153:: 2,} 2 g Harper. Mason Hans. Hammer and ‘ ’2 ‘1 r 3 = 2 :5 f . i 'lvler liinweehter, _., z 3 g ?F- . E E ' ‘, 523 , ; ‘2 1' i. 7 E BrCtt Melt-arm] recorded the .1 . , Y z t ._ 3 n i 1 _‘ - , ~ .~.~ k PLUS 5:: 33;; 5 i shutout. I» iéi‘iéitk" llleill’llt‘rdt'llUlI the limher - u .. a ‘ NW“ ~‘gï¬sHEE-3 _, I": f“ . , . ‘ The Ford g g E E j: g ;{ “ wolves opened the tournament With ‘ - ; “ \ 31'! . Recycle £359? 3 g at a 5-0 win o\ er the lrflhilllt‘ Hahn-x1 ‘ -~ ‘1 u L, 1 - Your Ride {£12 I}: :- 5 2H Mcleamn earned hIN ï¬rst xhutout ol , t‘ a " .. E ongram :3:§;: ; 3; g; the tournament 9 r R 9* ORLEgHEYRCTIEEIl‘IgEE 19:38:11, g5; If ; i_ if lhe)’ folltmed that up tnth u ~17] 3 - a E6 Sumiwww ;; .5: i r : ~5- EC: wtn over the let nmseh \horeltne ' - â€" ‘ , M0694 3mm s ‘ 3 r i: f ‘2: i ; 1 T: Eagles, Young led the Win; with two . ~ “:70 ’ §§i§~:?_.; gnalg ‘ - OladdtiIO'Id mtentrves over and above A' 5 §- {5 :‘3 H’ - . v 1 1 1 - _ 2.010..F...1.5°.REGULARCAB r...2..o.1.o.. F980“ R.A..N..G.E.R. . . r. those currently ot‘e'ed when :0?"me :S j g? E i- t :3} H“ ltmht r\sol\.t H ltlttshtd )‘ll‘ STARTING FROM STARTING FROM mm the 5300 madam from {he ‘. 1‘ g g f: f - f j ; the round robin wtth it IE . . Canasta" Gove'rmntspetve We .12. 1-3 ’ I" . as hlowout of the ( lldlltilln r‘ll\litl $18 999 $12 999 Hm my“ ““H‘HD‘HCH‘H‘ â€â€˜6‘“ $3215.31}. Ryan lelte earned the shutout tot ’ ’ . 3 E15 12’- § Waterltx). wrm AI“. AUTOMATIC, v3 AND MORE! Ahev $2000 m once adjustments Rm" Your Rid. Cleana H ;‘â€"‘ é i S; L 1 {5 Waterloo minor WSekCiS ’ Alter $6600 tn once adtuslrr‘ervls O"? we Mas taught Factor, order may be mqu red H‘“~"‘“~â€" ' - . - - - ' - - 5 g 3 3 3! ‘3‘- ? ‘ 3' take unsung at“ of Home“ mm up, one; Irv-gm Fm 'ow order may be rectum-fl t 11 i ‘ I S A » . T E} i 3 .y ‘3 E i a :1 [he Waterloo mtnor pet-wee 5 2 if? t, 3 : 3†select Wolvex hosted the (ktmhridge SIRIUS†'3? § g; I; E 5 Ilornetxund (‘.tttte<)ttt on top .H â€mm. “We HURRY INTO YOUR ONTARIO FORD STORE {1’s 3 ? "H ' 2;? Alex â€MINI!†opened the storing 5.4ill-""VVN-‘tlï¬mtox "1T5“ , ;_ v . r a _ t H» at; TO GET IN AND DRIVE CANADA'S TOUGHEST TRUCK. ?' t g a , - g .1 “NW“ It) “ll-â€j “It h-ml» Mm“ r 3., >451 _ 2 3 5 1: llmton put the \\o|\e\ Ahead to stay $15 '- 3 i F; , 7 With helpen from \Ilt‘llxlt‘l l)|( .rmto ’C" ‘ » 2 ' 5': ‘ '1 t 3 ; ' 'IlI(l M ttthew ll ll'lIt‘x fl, t3 m ?_â€"j :31. . . C‘ “"‘C '0 H’ @759 Dnve one â€923.15: : lhehtmlx .ulded the lll\llltlllt e I "“' . IE: {1: -. ‘75: marker. ~