uwuiiiiioot â€norm u whom-3a.. Daemon in ms 7 77 77 7 7 â€L ‘ Hittiitllltll\ltll 77 777 7777 7 ,, R (1 ° airy . O . Local unwersrly hockey teams separated by 1100 paints as they head down the stretch Bi (but. MM DoMtn .i i . I ‘ I â€in“. it My 7 [don I think (my 5 I l . team is going to be a i .. alerloos mo unitetsitt ‘ . ‘ r ‘ Worn s hot km teams are able [0 5eparate [[591]:- ' "I m .1. . ‘ set to lace oft iii what 1th ',1 â€" ,h I I ' - ‘ ~- " 7‘ ' ’ .. " , could be a seasotrdeï¬ning game I k u a yo Id â€â€10 I when ()ntarto University Athletics have [0 d0 [0 Sdefflfé’ ' ' play resumes in lanuarv. VOUI‘SE‘lfl'S [0 run [he s "a Q . lhe Wlll'rtd l.aurter (iolden ' . .â€" ’ ‘ _ ‘ Hawks sit in second place In the table I" the SQCOIld "‘ ‘ Western tionl’erence of the league. } I d [h t' ’n ' v V“. i’ Mule the Warriors are lounh Two lalfa I a SgOI†g i ‘ ‘ ‘ , points â€" or one win ~ separates [0 be real [Ollgll the teams, _ ,. . - Kelly Nobes [he two squads WI“ face I?†l‘Vll/(RIIdE’II Haiuks head coach lan. Tat the Waterloo Memorial . 7.- Recreation Complex, ~ us. (ï¬rst placel Western. [third . I , - e ‘ A min for the Warriors could see place) lakehead and Waterloo. ._ it". . ,r ~ . , _ _ the twoteams switching positions. “l think what you‘d have to do ._ «’ ~ Both teams have been playing to separate yourself is to run the at a high level for much of this table in the second half and that’s ‘3 y ‘ semester and the top of the west- gotng to be real tough." . - ern standings are jammed. Nobes' team is ranked ninth in 7 7 W- - . _ ._..L.« Iaurier head coach Kelly Nobes the country and was building ï¬gures it will stay that way all sea- momentum before the break. son. “Those last three games before Warriors captain Chris Ray breaks in on the the Westem defence in earty season action They return to action against “1 don't think arty team is going the break were probably the best the Golden Hawks Jan. 7. 7.30 pm. at the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex. svm nmsmvo to be able to separate itself." be we played all semester." he said. said. “Vl’e're all playing each other â€l kind of wish we didn't have to take a break." Bourque thinks the team will was a little murky at the start ofthe The coach believes the Hawks become an even more cohesive season. having lost former Halifax are in a position to make a run in unit in the second half. Mooseheads backstop Pier7()livier the second halfof the season l’elletier at the end of last year. The ï¬rst half schedule was diï¬i- "Keaton has never been the ' ' cult in terms of travel and the H t No. 1 before but he has performed _ . ,. . strength of teams the Hawks were we U9 hm [I better t'erywell." Bourque said, . facing. start than expected, Both the Hawks and the War- . . J r; , ' "We had trips to Thunder Bay, ' ) , ' rims are currently in the midst of y < \ ( . v North Bay and Ottawa." he said. gnu?†u 91}? had an exam/holiday break. but both ' ' .3; _ \‘i -7- . "in the second half, we're a little "In? Ileu’gllys learns are getting pumped up for * . :5 . closer to home," ' ‘ H the big game in January. ‘ s ,. 4‘_ '3 ,_ ,y I" at @4055 L With only one overnight trip â€" In the llllellp. “We always have a great turnout 15%;? ‘5 ‘ i = ’ " . to Windsor â€" Nobes is hoping the 7 Brian Bourque when we play Waterloo," Bourque min , y- ' ' , 2'....-â€" n*- Hawks are rested and ready to (â€V Human lmuiiwicli said, “But we only play '18 games a wlf‘flij'f if; pounce. year. so the guys are pumped tip â€i ,g’f 7 , ‘ "'i ' . Over at UW. coach Brian for every game." Wyn-52'" 5 â€â€˜7 3 . - llourque is also hoping to see an "l think our biggest thing has Bourque has a little extra pres~ ' i 5:? f4 / improwment in the second half. been to help the adius‘tment by sure during the second half of the :1] :‘ ,_ y' ,â€" "We've had a better start than just repeating things we see in season â€" he will serve as general ‘55! ’ ‘ ' , . ‘ . a , ‘3 expected, given we‘ve had nine games during practice and we manager for learn Canada in the ’ng ‘ '1}: k» ‘“. 4 '~ â€1’1 ‘ )Jl new guys in the lineup." Bourque watch a lot oi\'ideo." he said 25th Winter Universiade. the world f ., a!" ', , ,. ' ' said. One of the big surprises this university championships in , M" ,_ .lu‘dg .v ‘ .. 2' As the season has worn on. the year for the Warriors is the per- ltirkcy. " ":1"? iii-23$" ~ C“ i , ' . new players have become more formanct' of goaltender Keaton [he Golden Hawks host the fa" 7 . , ‘ .,.~,, integrated and used to the system llartigan, Warriors at the Rec (.otnplm on Laurier‘s Paul Bradley celebrates a goal 393m“ York and their teammates The Warriors goalie situation Jan. T at 7:30 pm. 9Wl‘t‘r I lI‘PHwV Wui A'ME'M’V 7 - . . {â€33“ est. . > . ' U V ‘I V j: :1: â€3 fit“: ..0. ‘ 1;; ,5 “r“ . . - Get your true custom K W . . ' made orthottcs at K-W _ . __ . . . & ORTHOTICS CLINIC â€A Foot & Orr/zones Clinic 279 WEBER ST. N., UNIT 17 , WATERLOO, on . ' by Serge Petrusm, BSc, DCh,-Chiropodist www.kwfootandorthoticsclinic.com 51 9-884-4200