1 int 1 N1 i u it 1â€â€œth Lt - minimum 1m mum in .um - :7 U l l l l. l .i "l “â€" Equlm/LMEL‘ â€ï¬g 111M m ' râ€"‘ï¬"“¥‘ ' â€(-1- m-kyu at “dig-(lot) Itiul|\qll.1[(“\ aitltitti or (up. and l'hursdays from h 10 9 [1 HI r P “dd“ /,K11‘1U111[k‘d( hm‘h' ‘3 “HR“ 8‘ W‘ Km hen â€1151378115 19:1 from T 10711 10 pm and Saturdays train 7 it) er Admission is $10. tree tot (lllldft'll Mott my My 10 31) p 111 \ isii Lingslrwttritutiin donations apprei Irllt’d (.111 $19 “377‘ mil on THE EDGE ""3 â€â€˜0 “"55 ï¬ï¬i‘ri’fff’lffifff? VFW" #3515? ‘ â€W t ' . . S i ‘ lheatre on the ldge presents [1&01!11p[()\‘t'0n1t“ 103"?“ 5Châ€Â£"d"r â€in†r105†1““ Mid (names Solé R ‘ HANDEL’S MESSIAH d_\‘ eien l'hursda) at H p in at the Button lat‘tor featuring 19th eentury games. Del 19‘ 10 am Hi" lestaurant an?1~lnel:ar 8!" “h V “‘ l irst U1111t’d(:hur(h [11050th Handel s Messiah r} Admission is 35 V15" mow [my ca [0 5 P.m.. at 466 Queen St. 5.. Kitchener Admi» l “I" “Line’s": is; rt: no: â€almlggg With the Waterloo Chamber Players. \Ull'lN 111 RADIO LEACOCK sion is $225. $1.50 senior. $1.25 Child, $51aini» (fur; “n 355' mu“! Fang)" piano . . Hope Choral brisenihle, Dev :0. l p in , at It» ‘ 1y. (12115194427752. in“ U“ â€m†“ * . 1â€" ‘° "M" William .si , Waterloo lit’kt‘ls drl’ 51’), gm «it Instant} lound 1heairepresems Radio lea~ . .. , 1m more information mu 519747-5622. i , . r , r a ‘ , m a“ ;. i .; "1 ~ Llenti senior. S.) thild. ( all J19 1m.) mm ((x‘k. Net 1 . 719.81) in tplus .2 p in Dec 191, fâ€" ’ v w“ “ 1‘ Maxwell's Musk House. 330K103 St. N, Water- ai ihe( lillltld ( entre ltii thel’erluritittigflr‘ts WOOQSIDE BY WIGHT ’ km presents 531115011dildlk‘llldh,[flunj Rose, L I I“; i a enes J its king \t r \\ kin heiiei lit kets lire SIB-5‘9. hxperience the Christmas M1891 at \\‘rmdside Thursday; The Sound inundation, Faded My, " '\â€œï¬ â€˜ l)tllmlliltt\ iii loud hank Jppn‘t’ldlt‘d (3115197 by lamplight. Dee. 21. 6:30 to 8:31) p in. at the merit, Saturday. m ’7th 1571) I 80(th ’VH‘lTT ' ' ' " " ' 2 ' _ ’ "' “ 94‘9"“ “'90†"3" ",5 8 “e“mg‘f’“ â€L â€r The Duke ofWelllngton, it no 51. w. Water HARBINGER (mum kitchener. rickets are 3.1.90 adult. $3 40 senior. E . . .. m 5190 vouth and $9 H(Jttttiitl»’.(ktl|51975717 100- presents (,halkline W'Ih Ichnn)‘ B (WHY lhe Harbinger Gallery presents its .‘Jiiil Aiinu ROBIN HOOD 56%“. an 25, ' luesday; Skinny Phi" “913‘ Wednesday: lohn~ ill (:hrlsllnds lelthlllutl at J.’ Dupiini St, 1:, , . , A , , , . "y 8 ("Try Fhursday. [3â€â€œ91‘1'0’150’1 “99 18> lanjoy the wonderful display of works by the l r.i\ttiii l iiti l’LllllHH iit pruuits its annual 1101 4 d D "d Gall De 19 ‘ , _ ._ « 1th“ liiiiittiinime Robin Hood to Dee. 20, .it the m d" am 3’1“ on C' " gallery‘s artists. (74†51W ‘ 4‘ 4â€â€ st Lu uhst iiuntry Playhouse. 40 Benjamin†Rd. WONDERS 0F WINTER CANADIAN CLAY AND GLASS “Ll-H" l \\;11{‘1’h)t) Il( kets are $38. $21) for students View 100.000 lights in 110 displays during the The (Linudian (lay and (ilass (taller); presents ( till ’11,â€? 7788. Wonders ofWinter Festival iii Waterloo Park. m f Masked Hull Series Aganetha [)‘yfk, Playing 2 PIANOS 4 HANDS It‘s on daily until Jan. 3 from 5:30 to 11130 p m. PENDEHECKI QUARTET With Dolls: lindsay(1rtiig; A Collection (illnnrir 1)r.i\t(in [‘.111t‘1’1d11111)(‘nl presents J Pianos 4 \l UNN‘ "1- ‘7 . , . , . vent ('“m‘f‘t ( anâ€? EDP “I 3'3 (aniline 5‘ t ' , ., , . . .. L - . C0 emporat'y Ihe k-W Lhamber Music Society presents the Waterlmi.(.a11519-7'46-188", . â€tilld\ll)[)(’(. -0d11ht \htxilhouse llieatre, Penderecki Quartet Dec 16 8 p m at 5“ ~ :\'\.,S.",“’t".2 . '. "'1 Smirk: (Fm £11322; 321;? m m “I S 0 for "m Young 5L. Waterloo. rickets are $00, $25 for Be rt 0f ' 1‘ ‘ ‘ “ †WH'TE COWBELL OKLAHOMA setiiors and $20 for students. (all 886- “:73, on 6 scene mm The Starlight presents White Cowbell Oklaho- m Please let m. known/any upt‘mnmg arts GROUP OF SEVEN NUTCRACKER mar “11110111715195“, â€PC 17. 8 Dim" at 47 15mg YULEflDE SPECTACULAR and entertainmentevents. Ineliule proper â€4““ 101K?“ l’rlldllflml‘ Plc‘t'mflh" (“0UP 0f 5‘ _N-rwa“’rl°°- “Ch“ are 314- (311513883 1'he Waterloo (Zountv Teachers Choir, Wllh spelling. (latex, â€"195 and â€"kWprlâ€"FRV Far I“ \even Nutcracker Dec 18, J and uJDpnis at 4910, tenor Philip Grant. perform Dec. 17’ 3 pm†at ut5'19-886vfl3fi’1, menu“! the (.entre in the Square, 101 Queen St. N. m edilartaltuuuterlrxx‘liâ€Miriam. Kitchener lit'kets art-$11533. (Irill519A578- , ,. 1:370 JACOB M00" (HUSNHUHI) liâ€" 2 ' 3 4 5 6 7 3’ 9 to it i2 13“ THE WIZARD 0F 02 1 he Registry Theatre presents lamb Moon. _ . ,, a WV, . A i lhe (‘entre in the S tiare iresents three )81" Dec 17’ 8 p.m.. at ‘22 Frederick SI“ Kitchener. “"3â€â€œ 1‘ ' ‘5 a M 15 ‘H “+7 7‘ _ fl , i . , ,l tickets are: $20. Call 519-578-1570. 1 W Chm?“ 0‘!me 1 i ' i ltll’tndntl‘st1f[h('\\ll4lrd of()/., Der 29, at 101 5 Greek mountain Queen St, N . Kitchener. Tickets are 35973109. SAW 101-[m ‘7 ‘ 18 . 19 i ‘ (311519-578-1570 ROB sung mo STEVE STRONGMAN 14 Hail lnautiTall 20 21 . 22 ‘ The Starlight presents Rob S’Iabo and Steve ’5 Norman “Weâ€? in. In ‘ l Strongman, with Peter Katz. Dec. 19. T p.m., at ‘6 w'"95 23 ': 27 23 29 ' my 47 King St. N. Waterloo. Tickets are $19.'(L'«111 I; giggigmwci .lm“ . l ‘ 519»885-49"0 31 HORSE DRAWN TROLLEY moss ‘ i9 Lively ioik dances “I I . . , , , _ , PUBS/CLUBS 20 Judge Advocate ~ llpltiun “at: flow is hosting horsi drawn trolr . 32 33 34 35 35 37 as 39 40 41 . . , . , . - , , King Street‘t‘rio. as llniiersm Ate, l:,.Waterlo0_ 21 Releree declares it} ridtsthrriugh 11pl()\\n\\d[( r100 (y(l\tltll’ , . . - , . i ~ features live 10]]. four nights a weekx Wednes- 22 Western 51818 Fâ€" , 23 Weaflier map line ‘2 ‘3 “ ‘5 ‘ j i 27 Football tosses 7, e a iii.+¢ ‘ 30 time gone by ‘6 hi i 47 48 E9 . . l ‘ . . . Riboneudeic and 9 ‘ -~'9k~'w . . 3‘ >. ,5, . i. '9. >1 A. & 32 Type 01 avocado 5° 5‘ ‘ 52 53 . "‘ â€at“; E, ‘f a: . G N ET 35 Thigh armor plates 7, L7 Til W , " ‘- :‘ ;- 38 1950hrt“Aba 54 55 i 56 .57 so ‘ t. as; ENRlCHMENT WW *0 1 l l l .7,- g 34: , a _ 42 Chills and lever 59 ‘ so ‘61 52 . i i. 5 43 A DubltC promotion 1 I ':q i; ' FROG RAMS 44 Overoose +55 "V ; 65 06 4" 4' 67 68 09 ""7 J . ’5" -' r P 45 Cheeness ‘ ‘ i l l i ‘ l i . ‘ . . arents of students presently in Grade 8 are 46 ~ Yankees“ ‘55 t r 7, r , 7‘ f ,, + ‘k 7' 72 ‘ “ ' *' l . . .I ~., invrted to an information evening on our Magnet 47 Hand drum 0' N0 India L ‘ ' . . 4"“‘2‘3-r \ K a, , ,7 . l“ “xiv 7 , W .7 ,7 ‘ and Enrichment Programs to be held on :3 wwg'gimirmfgdz‘l‘;'tua’ T73 T 74 + T 75 j 4 i . Wednesday, January 6. 2010 from 7 00 , 9.00 pm 52 â€a“ "gm; L l. . c ,1“, . up..- L1 4 ,7 . L ,. l . . “at V at Waterloo Collegiate Institute Call WCl for more 54 Recurrent behavm 3 A†â€WWW charged 32 Possessed 6‘ 3m†0' "000 s“ â€0 information 519788479590 56 Gunmaoamst "imam m" 33 mm“ 6‘ mm“) ‘ ‘ ' 59 Volume measurement ‘ V95 "0'9 lTUkaSh) 65 EXDfESeS humor ; 8 “13:“ M ' . 60 Diskiockeys 5 Woman 34 Meerscn pipe 66 Large or; ' “‘1 5 none Programs. 52 Ex nmmmrm 6 Cow more 35 Grow tor Dentists 67 Midway between NE andE i . / 11-751 R? Strings, Extended French. English Language Learners. 53 19mm†letter 7 Poorlinksmen 37 Sun 150306“) 55 L351 month 5 ‘7" T . in Geographic Information Systems 66 White person. Hawaiian slang 3 ï¬g“ swam†39 MW 69 Inmate \ 68 A collection of lads '8' W ‘0 5 0 10° panda was to out “or: rumr , , Enrichment Programs: 70 “whoâ€, 10 Islamic pilgrimage in," I .lw : Pre»Advanced Placement (Pre-AF’). Advanced Placement 71 AflantlcorPacmc H Bow Muhammad 41 Ewes “5'9 i ' “‘4 . (AP) 0 72 Alencmqsworo ‘9 â€WWW ‘8 M'W'mmm '.»:-:~.»'»: ‘ :r: :i. i , isco 73 Stator ac l3 Sectudedloveretrsats 51 And Latin h.. . . . . ' : 2“ WWW 53 Pontostate -'-'-,-f"- . . 741924riovelï¬eau . .0†.... Q Waterloo Collegiate Institute " , 25 silver 54 Ofï¬ciacemeriamri i a 75 Mon House editor Bennett . _ \‘/ woman-amen N2L3P2-5i9-884-9590 26 W 55 "aw“M'e'm“ ' A ' ° 7'3; 7â€â€ ‘\ s“. . mom mom 27 Bonnier-time 57 Onewnomiaiiintood r.- \\_/ Curlew moor 1 to 28 | , H than. '.'.‘.- who mmmmu Joumoys Mecca Article Slimmer! 0. .1... .1... ‘ __ ' ‘ ZWWW 29m 50m, _ous mm‘-‘.f.f.‘. .'.f.j. .f:[.'.‘