III-HAHN l 'H( mum“ H - mun. “I,“ Immune. in mm Waterloo ï¬re chief leaving fo new job 'th City f Ottawa BI (nunMAI “(mun <I\(‘l\l‘1‘ II1")“HI l Juana glen! ll) IInIIlh \l‘l‘ siImels III Ihe hurdle Ihe new rim-I mil lune In ‘\lIIsI [III' I IIIeI~ IIIIIII have Ihe IIIIIIIIII ie urn/I 'II \ ‘IKIIIIII IIIIIh larger thI h mound †, gent. he and heIIeIII III IhIII a l IIH he lllllHIHiIllngI hnI I IhIIIk [he IhI'efIIanIIII-d he “In II in ‘1! \ hIIId In «In thl “In Imp [he [muse new hum Inns Ihe IIII'IlIms IiIeIiIIei Is “mung an» npeIIIIIIIII Innis Ihmn III Ile IhsappIIIIIII-Il he \wII‘I he .Ihle pen nilh Ihe 7,“ IIIIUIIH III II'InIs III Lilll‘iIliWI1lNilI111IIIIIIFHII IIIIIII IIIIheIIIIIIIIIIxIIIIIIIIIl [H llllNl‘\\l'\ IIIIII ll‘l.|l||lll\'|ill\ InseelheprnleI'IInIneIIIIrIIIIIIIII hon II In†IIIIIIIIII â€it III\ ImhI'. .IIIII um Inning [Iiii\1{‘!i III her Ullll‘ [he head III IernIIge and 'I III sure H] be h.II A III \MIII'I dI-HIIIIge sIIIIl IIIIIIIII l urn (‘IlIN I IIeIrII h \IIId l)IIImIIsIiIedegurIrnenI [)ellmige IIIIIIIIed In In†one“ Inn sometimes. I’lllllgil‘ and I [I 'HIeIe are IIlnIus sIgIIIlII‘unI ‘He um II-IIIh III IIIHI Illl‘ylillll‘ IIIhn III-I IUUKl‘I “in: “In \l‘lH‘Li NIH prom Is In ins legm \ III Ihe I II\ IheI‘k III on Ihe prIJJeI II" he sIIId IIIIIIpeInIg InIeresIs InrpanIIeh III he mld InIhIeIIII\\I‘IIerlIIII~II1I‘e JIKH In]! Ihe fire Hhhlt‘l plan presenIed "BIII II WI“ he Ihe respIInsIhIhI» .11! (â€Hex IInd “Merino Is no lJIeIrIIh unnld iIke In \l‘t' more III-gin III (JIIIIuII Ill Ihe neu \‘eIII In IIIIInIIi III :01)? and Ihe l‘.hl\ilh‘ I)! the â€running IhIel In Ldffl Ihe exII-Imon †III Ihe mine III Ihe [H'Xi I met hIII I Ihe IhIel said he had "IIII\ed hre \IIIIIUHI \shII'h had ll\ ground Ian‘h Inge! II done " (me prnhlern Ihe neu I hie! he and Ihe llllillli IeIIih has no IeelIngs" IIhnIII lemme, huI I\ hreIIiIIng [his III“ [hm hm†alums been eIIs\ tor \hllllldlll hane 1‘s labour relIInnns IdeII thII s I wrung ‘ e\IIIed hII Ihe new opporIunII). "1 [hurt hrlnglng hirwaIrd [he Lil'HUUgl‘I who mu II IIIIIIIher III III-Hunge gave IrernendIIIIs "I hII\enIIII1I-.I nhIII III hope \shII'h Is more than .I iIItle ddlllll hre IIIIIsIeI plan “In a suel‘essI delays In \IIIIIIIII 4 and ms reIanI prIIIse [U Ihe tireï¬giIIers Unit)“ and for lhere‘s no N hIeI IIIhnInIsIrII my, , Ottawa‘s IorI’e Is ll) nines [he IIiIhnngh there‘s sll†mnIh work In mended I'hanges In Ihe ï¬re IIIIIsIer IIs prI-sIderII lIIhrI l)IeIrII'h Ine (IIIII I'rII Ihere‘s no head or sI/eIIrWaII-rlnn‘s he done III terms of Implements plan scaled back so they‘d be more "its rare In haw \(M h .I greIII human l'l‘\(lllfll‘\ Ihe III\ I\ II in: Where IhIx I'm employees IlIsI non," he said. "And l-Ire \Iallnn -i IIlTIIrdahleI mirkIng relIIIIIInshIp \vIrh Ihe or .I shIInIhh'sI†he sIIId ‘l dIIn‘I mer Ill) ï¬reï¬ghlerx deHooge WI†has been II long Innrney but It was Budget resIrInnIs WI†he one Unit)†[)ftNllit'HlI†he mid . anm hi!“ IhI-\ H I home " Slimflif'ï¬mÃ©ï¬ years of Audi ‘ ii irilihgiindï¬ Vorsprung durch Technik \ " -'~":*TT~" w - . , is. - . . ‘ .. iv a. - 221Ԡz†> . _ \“ g ., g _, < 1‘ , ll $31: ;I": ‘3’ a 1; ‘ u . ' I " ‘ I. ‘ ,_. H r. W 1 \ , a ‘3 ‘ ‘__ p 77 7. _, A. / » - I - 1 _ . V ‘“ -~ ' HH’AP863 I\ I) W_\ '27\ ‘6; .. . - - a 2 VJ: ,' v- , i: d -- I 0 was» ._ \ , ~ H. / J; - , . “V ' _d â€"\ The AudI A3 TDI. With a turbocharged 2.0 clean diesel engine, It delIvers unbelievable power and torque. Yet, as one 2010 AU" A3 2.0 TDI clean diesel ofthe most efï¬cient vehicles in the premium segment? it's frugal with fuel and produces impressively low emissions? MSRP ‘ O See how to get more kIlometres from fewer litres. Come in for a test drive today. Visit www.crosbyaudl.com $35,300 i \,g c Ros BY www.crosbyaudl.com \ A u DI 1175 Weber St. E.. Kltchener ° 519-894-9300 mi.» 4.4% .0, wt» nu. «my. WWII ‘MI .. “nu-I. ww- ..III»III-, ' «In I: «I; II,» “I » II.“ I II .II I..-.I we III. awn». “mm L In pm I." .i.. am,» pm II. v 5 v14 IIIII I. III -II.I II. I...I.I . F‘Iw III, .I H» II II I , ‘Iue‘ «mm ""4 av a I ‘II binjvvi‘vuI' I. can ‘;v' wI‘ - III»: I-r.‘ > r W: ‘ “I I‘m um u NI-I-I he." ’4 .I.‘I I‘ . VIII, 1» I..I...II.roIIvI.n III I. mrIuaI» WWW“ III "new “w inw‘ n- ;. mu aw A'urvi‘4» I..III- mum,» waxy mm v I. “1 I" an... In. ' 4.: .II 'IvaII I‘wIImIIn-«M-I I um 'III IIvaIquIwIIIII. .u. I- I I, 'y‘IA “A g I, .I .u I» wu~ I ~II I, I II Iâ€, «an», I, I ..II.II “WW â€,0“, WI W,“ W.†II,†I , .,., V , I M ,I r...I "my mm- vIIu. a" I~ I: -I ,wov‘r‘III- ~.-. I‘ 4 III my emu an m. Aâ€: A I I â€mm In» ‘I-m- â€Hum II, » 'l w .I. n1u‘vr" “think “I ‘ I“ I I†New" ‘A Mama I‘m ‘A “A I ‘ w - -'--I‘ I‘ J v- n WW» I m l ‘4' 'MIU ‘ I