| 0' no i mot tr “norm H - manna.» Uru‘ltibt'l : gum YEAR E N D ‘ Public school trustees blast city . - - . .,_\ C L E A R A N C E over proposed stormwater plan r is†. H " BY CILAKILH‘H Purim. lt'l states in t‘ttl tintarto l’ubltt school ‘ my»; 0 timum Pmmu lhe [lat rate would he Board .'\.\\U(lilllUll met-ling ’ J“ p EFTTIF ED â€Ni/Elk ‘1†phased 1n met four tears. â€I totildnl ï¬nd one other CHEVROLET C I and in Jul i would iost the trustee or one board who USED VEH|CLES chool board trustee John two st hoot boat tls about has tltis Lind oi request t tiitt .~77â€"â€"~7*7"' ' liettdry exploded over $7,000 in total tot it) proper mg from the lllllllll tpality , c what he called a‘moninic (It‘s. she said . â€52"â€-L / I ‘ t . . (lityofWaterltxi bylaw Monday “ This letter ts tntttrtating.†"It s tottipletelt out tit ' _{ - - , night llendrys’aid. order“ l‘allt turrted to stormwa~ “ Hendry suggested the let at the Waterloo Region asfaras school board get the llllllls zoos armour 2009 mimic 2003 mm“ 3:231isftlé’ï¬ï¬ftli‘iSI-‘iiï¬ 1"" â€mew“! â€5 if}?! fl'C'St‘inZt" it'll ill? Eli}, Inn“ u Mouths] 5 â€5 56 5! My 3‘ 5 â€5 GRAND "a “’5' 2,495 a letter from the City outlin- longas [VIII Still questioned whether or not Wï¬e ,7; _h..5’___ H ing a change to a proposed breathin [UP the board could stmply Mm.mvool. WWW' ‘Mrm'wdm- V‘vmmwr‘flm fee, ,g' _ stonewall the city‘s request ‘0'“ Studâ€??? . ‘0'“ Until now, tax-exempt 5,10“sz Lgâ€)? forcash ’7‘: ’ 33;. _ A‘ _ ,E, properties such as schools " “It the (.in ot Waterloo W . / r -‘ a, and churches have not paid them a penny passes this tllUTttnlt piete ot‘ _ . . v if? for stormwater. In early â€"1hmeelohn Hendry legislation they have, what ' I 1?.“ "' October. the city proposed a on (.‘ioroflt‘tuerlrxi UruptlAc’tl would happen if the board 1 V I . g " management charge for the VWIIfwfurtlurltiuurer refused to pay tt tittder any f "‘1‘?“ ‘ service that the public and ctrcuinstances?" he said “ CHEVROILT Catholic school boards esti~ “It‘s made an assumption “We‘re not run by tliet IL) 2008 CHEVROLETSIO â€5 2008 PONTIAC 5'6 ‘95 200’ Whig 6h â€IE5 mated would rake about that this board is \srtllingly ot Waterloo. although the) (â€M-T COUPE "it I 66 "it I LT 4x4 :in I $300,000 per year from their going to give them one red would Itlte to think that Marmara/(Mme Siodflm V6.m,muw,doyï¬uls MM,mw,mtm coffers. cent, And as far as I'm ton “I think the (iity ofW-aterr MMLMIWM anâ€; M19237 The most recent letter corned, as ltirtg as I'm still loo are probably t‘Kpt’rls at . p , from the city to both school breathing, we shottltltii give funding thittgs in ridiculous ‘ » 't 9 ‘ boards atnends that rate. “In them a penny " ways, so they tnay haw an - ( ~ / response to the school Trustee Ted Martin said edge In that. But we also _ 3?," ‘ '- boards' input regarding the city's offer tttisses the havelau'yers." .5 ï¬nancial hardship. as well as point, “It talks about the Trustees \oted unani , . based on additional lnpttt amount of money. instead of mously to send a ‘strringh received by other tax» the fact that they shouldn‘t worded letter back to court 2007 GMC “ERR CREW 20°65‘11“" 2006 exemit )ro )ert ‘owners the beasltin forit." L'llr which is ex )ecied to S l l l l , g _ l (‘3 4X4 WOW 1,495 la" 2 «67381995 “HR LT I2,‘95 (3in of Waterloo administrar Catherine Hie. a \V’aierloo make a decision abotit flat ‘V kï¬â€˜E H i" “ tion is recommending a trustee, did an informal \llr' rate stortttwater tees tor ta\ :ldHno‘ â€(and MM mm :mntam til/"m “In" lard/it‘llm W‘ “M and reduced flat rate fee," the letâ€" my of her colleagues at a exempt properties on Dec. 7. E T â€" . ‘93â€"» ’ ‘ . » » "“ 2 ‘4? -. it." - \ n [ .r ‘ “- _ t 2006 PONTIAC s 2006 CHEVROLET 2006 SATURN S l is TORRENT 13,995 (out! s9,995 tort only 7,995 A 3 .7 3m , '- 1 3 REM, a/t, 00V“ «ailment and more “ï¬nder Mornatit an uiidLmodi more ltylinilcr Momma u/t and more i l; f“ Miami Mum Slod*9295 . :63 h ea rt 23‘ E . s . v . ’ ‘ b I ,-, .. -- . magical. ‘ a ,‘ < ,»~smt|e ' .. x ' ‘ _ x Chrrstmas a , H - r "I '. .1 ' 2006 CHEVROLET S 2005 CHEVROLET s 2005 CHEVROLET S MALIBU ts ll,995 comm at 7,495 on“ moon 8,995 intruder outwit alipaeâ€"eriqï¬ewaritl Ringer ditty whackpaverieqaariemond [cylinder automatic a/t audition more Stutt39302 more StotltHllll Stotlti9286 ‘ 5-" is- ’ . l l zoos “m" 99 2°†("moms 2005 mm“ Give to the 2009 Tree of Angels Toy Drive. ION 3 ‘8, 5 mum um ll,995 momma sve s9,995 . . â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" ~+~.â€"â€"~Wn ~~~r f7 ..-__,.,- â€"â€" M,-,., ,. Donate a new. unwrapped gift for a chtld up to l8 years of age and 4M. mum. on. megawatt V6, mm, baht, «martial DVDond r passenger pow: mmrtinnd more . ““01“,". M19300 we Mam 5mm?†place rt under the Tree of Angels located in front or Zellers at Conestoga , . . Mali. from November 27 untll December 20th Event Partners include . . p ‘ V 1 L, Memo! A g , ' . _ . I .. ads“ ' @ Q a A cusvnousr AK “2-: ConestogaMallm 30° WM 59. M, in Waterloo 930 V-r‘g Street North l Waterloo l SW 88¢ 5500 l comiflaqomalt can) 519.884.9000 waterloo'w ‘ "t“ txtrrtoto SHOWN, HOURS may“ .10 or» ' mm had ' I.“ akin-"minim ‘.l M l‘tnri. 0 Jt-iir't 9 100m l Fr 0 300m Horn l Sat 9 ‘Onrr vim“ l ‘>ti'r “not {write Ill- an“ urn-i