up i\\ rm r it it “0“th Lt -\\rt1i.es.r..y lint llllltl, gum ‘ so ‘TW" ._..,. ' , . s", ,r1, ' u .i‘. ,_ . v.†,, l a y * f f? i j» r A “55â€, ' “NV _ 3, â€we. »~, . ‘ ‘ ‘ f i “L l . ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ r l i! g =.- s s l ‘ â€" . - z _-= _ h t ' .. _ (â€A . ~ a. i or. so __-, u. .; A ' i l r ' ‘ a . K I » ' - a 1.1 s. l“ l a. v ‘1‘ T?†L“ i: 1 i“ _ ‘« a .. _ _ fl _ < « , ‘ < , & Â¥J . m“... .. . . » - doom \ .What is lama: (minis? Q. How do i can: for m fresh cut Christmas tree? P Y z ï¬g A l'Iirntar LN “I“ h â€m. ,| [mi â€N,“ tornnron ‘ am“ “i heel pain in A. All tresh rrn ( hirstinas trees require a new l Kl sit int i J ‘t lielore you bring them in to __ min“, â€I“ disorder h usualli than“ “in/pd m. “mm.“ and sharp your home (hire the new i Ill has been irradi- stand your tree up in a stand that (an hold at ,‘ ‘ï¬â€™, PM“ in the (my, rind m.†“rpm,†“1m (mi “I“ lery “a“ I“ [Mr least l gallon til hitter lllllldll\, With this new tut your tree Will take up additional water lhrs , ; fl." . morning Matti “1mm,†ol the plantar fascia tiihioirs tissueorr the period til heir») water intake torrid I.ist up to .i week it is irrrportirnt that you thetk your llt‘t‘ g- ' “ bottorri of the "N,“ h m puma“ “ï¬lm/“M,“ and arch “FPO†‘ frequently during this period to ensure that your tree neyer goes ssitlrour water ll the base <.. . u ’ when walking n“. problem usually â€(a)“ when there ,, a PWV ‘-: does dry out rusually within 4 to h liotirst a resin will iorm over the cut end and the tree will g "Mâ€. . i ence “f some abnormal motion or §(r855 resulting m gradual de- f_ not be able to absorb water and will dry out quitklt If this happens. a new cut on the base is . e" ‘ ' generation mu“ in“ Wâ€1 result m pain and swelling WM] the “_ requrred’ Add "Stakresh' to your tree‘s water [his product is a presertirtive that‘s lotrriulatt'd to "“ pulling oi the plantar fascia on the heel bone development of the i help â€W? JINNU â€NH" Will“ â€Id“ “N“ All" “Vi“ “gamut, Dc" heel spur is common Symptoms usually resolve much quicker if Vt “WI â€(T "Pill†“NIX†, , . . . . > . l ' Co.‘ tht treatnrtnt is (rift red as soon as possiblt and it is usually a torn Merry (Shannan/ram the Stajfumi Managemenlu/ lirriatron of stretching. custom tirlhtlllt‘s, rirghr splints. tortrtos . , E K-w rerurd irriections. ultrasound treatment, etc 7. YO RK N U RS E RY tori: Nursery I Id. lORTHOTlCS CLM ‘ l’S After thrrsrmas. don‘t forget to recycle your tree' mmsmn.,tinni7.wm1oo,ou 0 519mm) ' mkw'ootlndomioflcoulnlcoom L I M I T E D t . 0“ Wh" h preventative maintenance? _ us 0. How much does it cost to make wine and how long does it A A question that we get asked often is Do l have to do the larger niarnrenairce . take? services?" If you stay on the regular scheduled maintenance that is designed for o , ., l f ., ., ‘ your vehicle, it Will last longer. cost less and the chances ofa break down leavrng w . . A- “5 935) 1“ EH 3“ Killlt‘s of MM 0! 5b†I)†soul A KW“ you stranded is reduced down to aprox. we on average Preventative maintenance “ v a n Twp ofequlrpmelnr “ 5100 Wine kl“ m make_..l “If“ â€9 ho" rs something that protects you It keeps your vehicle at a premium level ofopera- y m ‘ (I) restllstarrtiarv “I; 2?â€ij “4 go “Fm met â€1“? â€Bottles “0 SI tron lust because the car is new doesn‘t mean that it doesn't need regular TLC and Iubrrca~ m if“ ‘(_U 7d" 8 Tm “a?†are 10 u ms “it“ 5 tome mm [he tron Depending on your \ehtcle maintenance schedule, it needs a full physical inspection . ‘_,‘ {I {H can “a“ mumsï¬dth and up? ptrhdirrgulrrtht {amount z ("It e a year there is a lot oi checking but isn‘t it better to find something of concern before a . - liceri‘sélttirllelrrfiï¬gll M: [gnf'ï¬urw‘rtlï¬zui (tuft INTI} \ wrne "K I break down, a safety concern or a more costly repair at a most inconvenient trrne You de- ‘ .. r ’ . ‘K e < e on r’ I 3†’_ “l r I "8 “W“Pmm pend on your vehicle to start and rtirr everyday. the best way to ensure that is to do preventa- "- ‘ ifsgefgenglzblizlg{if expect to PM d tee â€f $30 to mm“ (If llH‘ maintenance Happy Motoring? v Mathew Gallagher, ï¬xed Operations Manager « .‘ r “ " % BAccms wn‘E‘s-ca It takes 2 weeks to ferment alcohol from the tutu: 4 week wrnes . 815 mst. E3316 7&8 are ular. 5 Sr 6 week Wines benefit from short term a in I ' 85 - - /’ ' p†“ g < - I _ A Orin-t “I a l ,. 5194wm and the premium Wines need to be aged Allow 1 3 months to v? â€" x W urns-q Waterloo I I] '~'? ' '-] rm: CENTRES - ' ' “3†~ f , ‘ mlorbosmczdoxom ‘ infoObaodiusmnesu Q. There seems to be a shift to “For Sale by Owner†or “Property Guys†signs across the ‘“ What can 1 do to " rid of". dog's bad breath? ‘ Region. is the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) developed for Realtors becoming obsolete? i; U“ 4 (by Q g y ~ 4 . . , . t- a Q? A. Dogs, just like humans, need to have their teeth cared for on A. There are about 1400 Brokers and Agents dorng busrness in Waterloo Region who have an '_ a r ular basis Some do 8 have a diet that we,“ to do a rear investment in time and S to retain their licenses to represent Buyers and Sellers. Many have is. - big“ oral care lothers flee") to need a little more he] , g Broker Agency Agreements wrth Clients looking for a home, or meet Buyers at Open Houses. ’ A." l ' " , p. . . ». . - , [here are numerous dental products in pet stores to help With 7 ‘ and ifa Seller does not have histher resrdence Listed on the Mlb. many 0 bad breath Pla ue burld u IS what you really want to control potential Buyers are overlooked. ’ - ' q p »' ' a» Usrn a do re toothbrush and doo e tooth aste dail 'from the . l, L y 8 88 81 P i ‘ ‘ â€"llllllllllllllllllllll 76 time your dog is a puppy will prevent plaque build up. i ROYAL LEPAGE 5, USA SEFrEL There is a ‘spray‘ product on the market that has wonderful ’ “w results. It is called Leba lll. Taking care of your dog‘s teeth can llllllllllllllllllllll be" ART OF DOG revent bad breath and avoid Visits to our yet that re titre s. GROOMING " ’ q MAL WE SONARF REALTY BR "' anesthesia drtr s for cleanin s or the need {or extractions due to 8 , . y 7 ‘ 8 so Nahum at it, Wat-mo ‘ g, f 133 Weber Street North tantamo- ' WSW-747400 . m w, 519-8884?“ . ‘ Waterloo Ask your vet or your groomer for information regarding denial _ ALLAN HUNT mmomux.m - m.watndoomgionfeatestate.com 5r9~277~9779 “a“ f†"m†“g“ 21: IR it‘llsvlf 1:73:10“ that, l should have the equivalent of 3 your: salary in __ Q. Why buy local? r , . corn-c , . M Q 1 h h _ . y _ - A. Here at the Stone (rock Meats is (.lieese we strive to buy fresh Ontario produced meat and 6‘] â€but: km.“ 5 about the level â€f savings required for fe“'i""“""- (al cheese from smaller suppliers as much as possrlile. Over the last several years many great ‘ 0 (“ atrng 0“ much W“ ntay â€69d begins W'm km†current e\perises and m small meat and cheese producers in Ontario have been forced to close [obs and skills are lost i I < '/ m9“ â€ï¬'ds (0 factor 1" changes Wh'fh may “3k" place uponretrrement H" a in smaller communities as well as a decreased need for raw materials supplied by local ( “nip? inflating I}: a factor. you-may travel more recreflllon (“Sliï¬lllld farmers ln many cases there is also a loss of unique recipes, products and servrces to you the I â€K ruse as (ou ealth care rm“ Sonic expenses (ould also decrease consumer. Biryrn local also benefits the environment as well as irovrdin you a fresher . X l g you may need only one car instead of two, commuting costs and the need better quality product. ' Run my. fora hustness wardrobe may be eliminated if you are over 65 you may ' ‘ Them qualify for an increased property tax borne owner grant. After future potenâ€" Some of the finest meat and t lit-ese products in the world are produced right here in Ontario w on; rial expenses are estimated. a proper assessment olpotentral retirement inâ€" by small local producers. keep insisting on Ontario products from your local butcher .t9mup‘ come can help indicate future financial health. Planning is complex. Talk to ' "W "" “51mm Russ McEachnie,CFP,CSA. com mun enocx 1386 Km? St N" St- â€GODS Senior Executive Financial Consultant, Investors Group Financial Services lnc. a MEATS & C H EE SE 519-664-3610 Tel: sis-swam x 232, Toll Free: mass-2350 x 232. Fax: 519-746-5396 OPEN: Mon-Fri. 9-6; Sat. 8:30-6 (~\ Q. I want to spoll a special someone with a spa gift I Q.llowcanlhelptoreduce myriskoftooth decay? . /‘. cell'tlï¬cbnlte. Hg?! 30]! choose? a spa â€M00 "I“ Will be truly f." A. By chi-Wing gtrrii and lo7enges containing 100W» rylrtol. a naturally in en "y“ “a" n u gent . occurring sugar. you can raise pH levels in your mouth and make your -' A. With a strong emphasis today for people to take care of saliva less acidic ( hewmg gtiin helps to increase your salna flow and ‘ . themselves. the in irrlar s in servrces like iedicirres, facials creates an envtronment whereby tooth enamel can renirnerrrlr/e ‘ l l l l A u _ . V , and body massage are pleasurable but so many make use of : I < .' becoming stronger and more resistant to tooth decay < p â€WW â€WWW“ regularly throughout 1h“ year ’ '~ You can also use a remirieralr/rn tooth >a.ste like Xâ€"l‘llR X l‘llR iaste . , , S _ Iâ€? l†‘ l > , K I l % ("""_" â€Flam“ m' reatment 1“ d â€Ul) "“ PM?!" 0“ “P? ‘ ' ' makes your mouth less acidic. raising your mouths pll level, and it adds . G I N A S that " sure Ԡrelax, "'lâ€V“"a"’ and ""P"‘“ ll“ “it? enteritis a. ' m‘ M minerals which renirneralrze your tooth enamel. decreases sensttnrtt into a new world A pure, holistic Ayervedrc body treatment ‘ a and reduces the levelsofdecav causing bacteria in your nmuth ' . . where the Visuals sounds. smells and sensations treat the it“ ' m sushi)†/ g A s “in Street n water,†body and mind An hour and a halfescape that incorporates a 9 v. Your “0,“ MW“? 3mâ€?- f 519 .. full body exfoliatiori._steam, a heated herb and mud wrap. a I â€I Call us today (519) 746-7333 x »_ 3&2“ $0 mrri “that massage plus many other soothing touches “j , w M m , . ~ . - _ "an “in www.techtowndentlstry.com ‘ glnaspaoom An experif rit e that leaves the indivrdtial transformed. ,. i M “a M