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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Dec 2009, p. 27

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‘iHl i m in l( ”kin“ l} - “Muesli.” lie-mitt” . MN - £7 bLULLS‘MfiTLDJL/LVUJLLUQ m}! m ' thrâ€"â€" ..,.,câ€"â€"_â€"h.â€" M- v__.._.._..__.,. 7 . , .- . _>_> ’ .____.â€"â€"._____. . ._ “mm“; ___,,,___~ ___M h _ _ ,. __ ___.,, ,, -,_,‘_b- .__,.,.,~.A....M. 7" W ' W ' ' A ' 7 7- “(115.7 pm, at 2 Bridgeport Rd, Tickets are a Kin [he Ur aii'lhieves, t-ridav, Staylefish. The Grand Philharmonic (ihoir inherits “an . I III age g X - L». . _ _ 7c . 55 so ted donation. Call 5198864471. The Wormwood Scrubs. Saturda i del‘s Messiah. Dec ri, 7 $0 in . at the (entre- gges ) p _ I” ' ‘- ~ , ‘ ' in f The DuholWeliinglon, is in) s; w, Water» '“ "1“ Wu“ “CW“ “Y 530360 (4‘151‘9' " i ' ’ b loo, presentsfihalkline With lohnny H every 578“ 1570 , ACHRIS‘I’MASCAROL Fm'lYSUNNYS , .,- . , ' ‘ '*' ,, ' n The RegistrvTheatre presents A Christmas The K-W Art Gallery's next l-amiiy Sunday is llitgday, 9:11“ sh?! every Wednesday. km" L i iii Galleries (4m, (“mime dramatic reading; mm gin Dec. 6. featuring interactive activities. drama "he” urs ay, â€"â€"1 ' ”“7‘ Tw“ ' T 7 7 "A tarist Kevin Raniessar. Dec. 2. 7:30 p.m.. at 122 games, storytelling, for ages 4'12- drop 1" from E \i “N“ CiaSSics m Frederick St. Kitchener Tickets are $15. $40 13105 pm. at [101 ($521? {N4 fifien” 7“’ *"'7"""‘ HARBINGEH GALLERY . . . s - m . i ' , . â€". T -. ‘ . family (all519'5iH-lfivll “W" 5 we ” w The Harbingerhallery presenlsus 22nd Amid my m ‘ SPACE 000i" a] Christmas” iLthhlllUn at 22 Duponl St it. ON THE EDGE omosguna nocxs_ "menus up "one The x-w Symphony presents Its lalet'lrie lhllrs {millet {hf W“”‘“;'L‘l'l' 33142“: W?“ b“ m" ”168er on the izdge bresents live iniprov come» The University ofWaterloo‘s [firth Sciences dd)'§- featuring Space Uddity. Dec 3. 7 it) p m , Rd er) 5 “mm" ' ~ "4 ' ‘ M d\‘ evervihursdav at 8 p in at the Button Facto- Museum ‘5 0P?" daily from 8130 am. I“ 4-3“ at the ("entre m the Square “MW“ “r" 52” 5.34 CANADIAN CLAY AND GLASS GALLERY n- Admission ls 55 “5” www a)“. ca pm. Admission is free. For more information (lull 519-578» 1570 [he (anadian (Ilay and (ilass Gallery presents ' . ' 1 call SISâ€"8887456“. ext. 32469. mm Masked Ball Series A anetha lh'ck.‘ Plavln ALADDIN: PMT0M|ME ‘ CNlLDREN'S "JSEUM ' With Dolls lindsay ting; A(k)lieclloni)fl$1n(i~ Ilie lk-W little Theatre presents Aladdin Panâ€" “ _ ‘ . , , CHAMBER MUSIC CONCENT w," (“may (”arole lipp, at 35, (uroline 5, . tomitne. Dec. J. 7 pm (plus Saturday J p m.l, [he Waterloo Regional (‘hlldr‘t'n5‘MUSOUln fea- The Maureen l-orrester Recital Hall presents a Waterloo. (jail 5lH-T46» 1882 at 9 Princess St. ii, Waterloo Tickets are 515. (we? displays. haiids~onactiv1tiesto ”e“ j”' at chamber music concert Dec. 3, 8 pm .at Wilâ€" KUNTZ HOUSE COMMUNITY GALLERY (all fil‘érflfloâ€"(M) 10 km“ 5'- W" Kitchener. nae“ are Sill (all ind laurier Universitv Admission is tree - - < ' ’ ’ ' 5197493387. \ «“ lhe kuntr House “immunity Gallery presents m ~ ORCHESTRAOUWATERLOO l‘artiste vi l.es e‘iiidiarirs, at IT] King 51.5. “HIS", (”Hem far The Humanities Theatre resents Urchesâ€" Waterloo lor more inforiiiaiion (all 3197745â€" ROBIN HOOD Lâ€" tratfl‘llWaterloo Dec ‘1 H g m at the Unl\‘(‘r\ll’\‘ 8445 Drayton izllil’ri‘dlnnit’lll presents its annual holâ€" mm fW" t , l Nd . A ' f . ,' ' i ida_\ pantomime Robin Hood Nov [8 to Dec. 0 d H “a“ ”115mm“ “L 20, at the St. lacobsCountry Playhouse, 40 Ben- $2“; "15 lDUKE (‘ H h l) k l) “NY Be It Of jamin Rd. l.. Waterloo. licltets are $18. $30 for f’ » if" 1K ll presents .u l 9 “ V N'â€" J. students. (all 519-747-7788. 8 p.m.. at 47 King St. N. Waterloo. Tickets are mu sYMPONY ORCHESTRA , 011 e scene .‘ r r , lherlJ Symphony Orchestra plays “llirlli ) . _ . , 4 2 PIANOS 4 HANDS $1.5, (all nailedâ€"4&0. 1mm” Uniwml «5 Theatre Midlitirilim I)“ _) Heme/w in broil/chilly upmnimgarls , _ _ 4 . < i \ ., , , , .. ‘ y ‘ ‘ ’ and entertamrnemeven/x. Include proper Dranon [Jilll’ldll‘lii‘lknl presuns- l ianos4 m7 8pm. lickets are $l0. SS tor students. .) 11711 {at . I‘n . 11‘ 1. t ‘.,. F . . Hands to Dec, 20 at the Schoolhouse Theatre. swans" MEMBERS “my A, e t i" in 581\9-i~181:-\‘;13’1;lf flir:,’;$;;5 1“ I“ I 1 “be” St M; “if?” Tickets are $41, $3“ for The Starlight presents Swollen Members Dec. . editorialé1 ll'(11e'r1()0("lr("iil‘[t‘.(11. students. (all 31941386555. 3 9 pm at 47 King St N \\’aterloo Tickets are HANDELS MESSIAH “as 3” ‘ $18. (all 5l9-883»497l). f" f j , , 7 m “my i (RUSSHURI) l 12 .3 7 8 9 , V LIGHTS CUES ACROSS 10 11 t ‘1 CHRISTKINDL MARKET The Wax Night (iluh Presents Lights. Wllii lets 1 $4301 not ands ‘ m n i l'hc annual (Lhristkindl Market. a Germanâ€"style Overhead, Def. 5. 7 pm, at 125 King St. W, ; “$12“?er ’ ‘ is 17 (”hristmas market. featuring music. dance per Kiteheiier. Tickets are 518. ("all 519»T44»44()3. 10 Change posrtion a ‘ I“ ll'oriiiances,‘childrelr;stigtir'ti'es, food. vendors, PUBS/CLUBS 12 Mediation counCiI is 1 20 ‘ «iâ€" L“ twill?“ mm“ H” ‘ ‘ Q as??? {W} King Street'l‘fio. 65 University Ave in. Waterloo, 14 Pakistani rupee 7 a ‘ l . a“ i. on in ( an], to 4 p ml at in ( nit (My features live jau four nights a week; Wednesâ€" 15 "1 bed 22 23 24 26 Hall. Admission is free. (all 519-741 -JJHT. . , . ~ . , ; . , .. 16 Chancel l days and lhursdays from 6.30 9 p.m,. l ridays HORSE DRAWN TROLLEY RIDES from 7130â€"1 1 30 pm. and Saturdays from 7:30â€" 17 Mid disturbance 27 28 . lip Itm'ii Waterloo is hosting horse drawn trol- 10:30 pm. we" kingstreettriocom. £8 $3031“; m“ a le) rides through iipitn\ii\\‘aterl0o and Water Rude Native Bistro and lounge, 15 King St. 5 ‘ 22 insect Imn I)?" colonies . loo Park to \'l(‘\\‘ the Wonders of Winter starting v , ‘ ~ » -. . , ,. g 32 Watt rloo, presents Tim [nuts on Tuesday 5. 23 an caliph 01 Islam Dec 1 (let your free tickets at Waterloo lown . .' . ‘ _t . r ‘ , , , Solé Restaurant and Wine Bar. 83 i:rh St, W. 25 More iade'WS Sqiiari Sdiilllli](lilaiitflg-Hflelrigli. , . 7 P1 36 l37 . Waterloo. presents 1111]. Dec. 5. 9 pm. to mid- 2 3mm 3 new CfOD » SAMMY night. For more information call 519-747â€"5622. a? mndp‘mumm my 38 39 A CHRISTMAS CAROL Maxwell‘s Music House, 220 King St. N. Waterâ€" 53" MW ‘ ‘ ‘ Emmanuel United (Ihurt‘h hosts a dramatic loo. presentsWiIl Currie and the Country 32 UbOO 40 ‘ 41 42 reading of Charles Dickens ,-l ”iris/mas (lira! lâ€"rem‘h. The lilwins, Thursday: Two (irown 33 Crosby. Stills a Nash song “..HH 38 Flexible armor ‘ ‘ 39 Hypothetical surface of 45 ‘ i .‘6 .n 48 V9 -,T ' & ' . m I l w the earth 50 51 53 54 ; ‘ 7 N L . ‘ 40 A Single splash _ k A "P ‘“ , “- a ' . 1 ~ l ' 42 intuitive knowieoge . ,, ' , xL 45 Deliberately hurt the 57 . fl- .. - it?! v 4 a... til-ll all. I ~ +7 47 Lease 158 60 WOODLAND CHRISTIAN is WWW _ fill. “- l v ~ ~ 50 Not suitable to lood ‘ _ p - _ "to" serioot, _ ,._ 53 Cavalry Sm ‘ , Will-RI: Mini AN!) l.lx.v\ltNlN(. MH~ I 55 Te 7 7 lndaan News 1058 Spitzlg Road tut.” tin-slim. UN NOB than i 519<648>2114 g? Emr’m‘zqmgm 5 Take loone‘s was 31 Healunit 52 M3 7, 3,5an Woodland (Ilirisliaii High School is holding its annual 58 Springsteenaka 'The B u 5 ML], 5895 m9 "0m 33 Excewvely 54 Sweet Wilbeveraoe s ' ‘ 7 Views sentimental 5 H tar paste GRADE EIGHT DAY 59 Sam the“ a aim at Oleaomous 3mm“ ° '°°,' , m (in Thursday. December 3. 2009 from 9:30am to 2:00pm 2? “WM“ Spain 9 Unitoftenms play 35 Paysltme attentmio . - .umlf‘ziwm' . v . Unidi- light students are inl'tu’d In attend 62 39W“ to a'mmq 11 “my Tokyo 36 ice cream may)“ zf:fij.:1:fi:fi:.:1:fi.fi:l Woodland Christian High School is an independent Christian high school which offers: 63 ClairVDyance I3 Annoy perustmlly 37 Several W acorns $2557.72“: ° " :~:"_:','~,', -extallenifacilities -|Christinnemphuinlnaliputsofourpmwun 17 3000035 38 Mammal”) “"‘f“ "O" 4 an exullant academic program which allows - Mamie support for students with special needs out; I)” 19 [mm mm A! CNN 8 Turner -‘| .: . g i: gum-tea to uni the Ontario Secondary - a wide rum oroo~curriculnr programs 1 mm; W m ‘3 0m" f' ‘ :“ ~ W“P‘°‘“"”¢‘°’""' post-secondary -buslnmporution lhmughouliha mamWoodl-nd 2 Micmwsmm 21 WM ‘4 ”99093 ”f" '~'~-' opponumfimofuleirflmrholw as my I 24 immaiWaiensua 46 minimum 2s';.'x't', t‘Z-I‘T'Zflfi Please mil the school In regtxlr'rfor Grade I-igltl Hay or In arrange a visit! 4 mm 26 The 17m Greek letter 49 Ship's on deck _:¢: ' flf»z~: ' :t:‘-: For further information please visit our website at www.woodlnnd.onicn 28 Strives b match 51. Bias -'.'o a}; u‘.'-

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