iii-tut l Moot "norm u - “l‘dlicstl-I» in“. â€in†o mm or Asbestos clean up completed at Bluevale 2010 ' - IKMIERSHIP . ll\( H\Nlll||l Plant. l'mkilili â€Ll". \t‘gtll.1\ll('\lih liit'iiiniuhiig students i tlu st howl and apron tum illillllll\ and “insulting (â€l in A 58999 thrown . writ! till[llllilltilIllt‘slllltlillt' staidliiri llttllll' -l< lliil lllllllitil xii ll: iietisrtiritph-ti air sittiiiiht‘y tests “mp. u ’4 ‘ (Hllllll‘l ttllllltlllt‘l til ll“ llll‘» st‘li. nitik it, at iii\ the strait is i trail helm, 2325755337 ‘ Q llil\lil‘\lll\ll‘llltliillrlfl‘ll\ltll ltt‘\lt)l lllt’\\<ilt'lltii) Region l)» l‘itlltlllall hitlii, ‘iiuiiiudi'iiilril studytitsteiiiintuit 1 \ .? ‘ lllllt"..llt‘(thit’ljlilll"i\i\tlllfl liltl\lilt)lll“tl.lltl in lltillr'r [triltlllslll Writ-mil: siii litslillllll‘."ll'lll‘(4‘lllll lot iris .. | -‘ llt‘ll‘l!il\l‘lllll weekend ltiiiiiigihe i‘lHlts iheaslu‘stns tlt‘lll\riir1tlillilt‘ihilt‘sliwrl‘lllitsti ttl\l t rtlilittl illstd‘l“ trout " b â€ESWINTED loom it! trained rillil tilltllllll‘d lin'piooling nits entapsnliiled iii .i at that st hoot ashesios t'\|)iisiltt‘ are more Melt f“ Mavrjgï¬ii‘ tlslltNlUN aliatetneiit itlllllriiliils tt‘lllt‘lllllltllh \llll\lillll(‘ltlilllllrtlll \lttlklt“illi' saidslieisniiimare to deirlop in people who llrt‘rt YOUTH,“ lfhinflw‘a' ' ll has liven working iii the high it oi ans dilkll‘H horn parents [hat llt‘t‘ll exposed to high llllllt‘llllil witfli‘ “a, â€a ï¬ï¬ï¬‚gm \l hind met st‘\t‘l.il in‘i‘keiitl» â€\\li.it \\t‘ haw loiind ls Ill the iliiesiit lllt‘illl thete tllt‘lll «on lltbll\lll‘tllit’llll\ lll“\l‘lt1l1llli‘ LT. » â€of 45 ‘ H .' -" It‘lllll\ili . .isl|rstos hunt a thiid third floor tt‘lllll . s Mitt“ it set-ins (t‘llls hut l hrne not heard wt lt‘lltltl of tune \shestos makers t k i l ‘ lloot tetlitigspate to he deteriorating“ (ntiltlt’l said lilt‘llli she s.iltl lainili Jllt‘lllllt‘l s and residents “llie st liool “as limit in WT: \lilll|\ n Nliii'kleiitA an ex“ (i (hinder \.|Itl lllilll\ st liools Ill Min h\l‘ ( lost to asliesios Illilit's nil tin“ superintendent at the llllitltl the hoard i'spet ialli those huilt proi essiiig plaiiisate inost llhl‘“ to “A? ‘ said asbestos aliaterneiil is lingo prior to l‘l‘lt)‘ lime asbestos ion he diagnosed with asbestos relal "i " mi,t throughout the siliool hoards raining materials It is loiiiid in eddisinisi‘ "‘ buildings \lllllt‘ mounts are so inani ilill‘slllltlltlll materials Mglilllidtllt'\[itlsllll‘ltlilslit'sltis f tnnior they do not tediiire ant llltllttllll}: floor tile and ieiling llll'i nit teases the risk or lune, ( ant err thing more than lianduasliiiiu thermal insulation and drum“ inesotlielioriia and non lllrlllglltllll ‘ - ' i ' - . h ' ' titteiurird and i.|rerits are not (our round luri rdisorders ll'/‘/III Vl/eu'l'; /// ‘01.( ‘ ' c ‘ l l k ( ‘ N I, ‘Iy ' t/ I“, (N (I'ly I It I/(“I‘ t/' I (ï¬lth/M normed (lrdinarili it is not tonsidered a llie stliool hoard is still (till) 14er? “(Pawn afï¬rm", Foodand Chocolates Asbestos l't'llltl\ill is soiiietiriit-s health risk tilt-ting an inwntor) of its liiiiltl done in toniunction \\itli renoxat "l or example, \\e Iiaie main wigs. and (hinder is unable to sin “0M [Hunkfls - (‘nstal o Kills . “if“ trip; or dtllllllg on to an e\istiiii.,t Hoots that are asbestos tilef‘ lii' which Waterloo sthools “er Scottish Tartans . Jewellers . Kins for Rent “hf†said llie\ ll‘ great floors ll] it'tnis It’tl‘llllvt'ibllt'fllhillliilk‘llll’lll ~ .\s \(lll get it]!!! situations oi Iongexiti Hui ll i\l‘ ut-ie to \\e re still (Ulllt'lllllltlllllLL a The Shops Ri‘trworks.Sl,JM‘0bs “QM-AW Fu519~8us8189 where \ou haw to tut it. and II llll‘s ll‘lll()\l'lllt'lll)1lli the people that tonple proiei is hut note not at the into the {llli we use qualiï¬ed ton renime it need to knon its point \\lit‘lt' \\t"lt' from to Illlllll ' \ tractors" .\lai‘kle\it/ said aslii-srosanil treat ll ill tordiiiglx ‘ ti/e some oi out at [I'- ines tor the AAx;\ST-\Sl~\ A-\A\[OR SIZZLES! 4 w lliese larger pi‘o|et‘ts are llstl.tli\ lor the liluevitle llllllt't t. as \\ith turning will ‘ he said v _, _ ' -, undertaken during titt‘ slllllllll‘l or other large [ll1)ll'l is. (lander said He expet is to llil\t‘ a ioniplete “l Rlll‘R...l\ I leIL I \\ , A A“ ,\ J ' \\llllt‘l hi‘eiiks while there are no tKIIllltll tors lolltm all the rietess.it\ list of llllllt'l ts hi earls Jill†A tutti tss tot ;\l lll1RUl\l~ : “g a; K ;. ’ I“; ' > a o o , d o o . 4 a it at...» M mm mm v gflat"; A Board demdes locked doors prmcnpal s eelslon ’ v f; is A (â€ï¬t i)|dv\’â€â€œ_\‘\1x\\' I'lllz.\ll; ’ 3 < -~ Bi (Immoral PRUM.PARKHIU H the illLI(lt'tll t.ttst’thllt‘sl1titls ) . . , . _ , . .. "i 7 â€lmlflii‘lufl a? My “717†[0 1)!†about \\hethei or not doors at pith F()R “\ I ILRFILLT A\r\[1\\(lâ€"r w power[MC/(101711 ht \(llt)(llsitl ross the region should b. , V arents ioiiteriied about school . . be equipped isitli t'lt‘t ll‘tillll sisâ€" “Nth“ \\ â€up“ ’ 5 Q , satiety lt'lt last night's meeting â€1? pm,“ [pH/b (If reins and kept locked throughout \\‘ “INNâ€! “w“ . l \\ “mph.“ eiiipt_\'â€"haiidul â€1dâ€,1du(1151[()& $0 the day as the\ are in the ( atliolii A two~page report about Nt‘l‘llll' ‘ ‘ school board t) that was eight months iii the â€IQ/Ca†“59115; kettli said principals, in ton» BENIMIN TREE FAR" AND Gln snop making contained no reconiinen- basically (IS (I junction With their school L()llllllll dations for change ‘ ' ’ . ,, nines, are in the best position to Open dail\ U - X "We want to put the power hack AUPIJO†mechanrsm. understand the security risks and . t ' i ‘ ~ i with the principals at individual . , . variables at their own site “lhey 4 .. . i . t , ~Hill keith _ - Ir“ APPIL ( Id“ A ( “uh“ ,_ (a r. i ‘ sites. so thev can use its. basically, V ~_ ‘ , ‘ can ask for assistance from us am ‘ _ , , , I « ‘ .. , ,- . (winger of wife n and or “no . ‘ . i, > ( lirm/nim 7mm. (nu-Hen; ;s_ w 5 as a support mechanism, said Bill time. and we would pronde that. What/h» Hatteras: [flu/u.“ ' l“ Keith. manager of health. safety A “WWW W2“ Yt‘qllt‘flt‘d I†But Keith said there are virtually , ‘ M ‘ §i 5 and security Maffh after 11 man robbed a (“UK no funds available in the current , ( rm, Butte/ii turd (â€It [rents _ s ' .. ' _ ‘ 1 h ‘ l ‘d » , i, l 7 ‘ , v» 4 ‘ gt "fog. 99,» lhe report made no reLom- store at“ I_ L“ H out “l d my†sthool year to pronde imprint-â€" 4 km lroni Weber St. N Y†S, t I mendations about installing elec- mm" at WINS")?“WWW“ during merits. Enhanced security could Watcrltxw on Bernamin Road 1 ' I 4 Ironic door locks or front entrance the SChOOl‘dilll â€If“ “Chm“? front potentially cost riiore than 55.000 C [g ' n security cameras at elementary l’lll‘l’flnft’ is â€01 â€SIM? from â€W per school. which would have to he 519-699-5000 3. c a, v" lg schools, mill" 053C?- considered for next year's budget ‘ - w â€"--â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€" ' a , in; f, HHISTHAS I w Milly-t! ‘ a 5 A t ,. a es | . , g h K- , , ï¬ 3. moms CUNC “mandated , E cms : FlNEAUTOMOBlLEBOOYANDPAiNT ' ‘ ~ a v < . , W'Fflw . I ta, $43 a â€12: t if gs - - infant com†| » , '1“’ -.~ .. ,, . . w , if, r†, s 4 a a v .* N _,ï¬. ‘ ~“'~ ( iistoiii (li'lliotics.( niiilorl Nlioes 9 M A ~ xi A j E ‘ Wt“ ,‘ “ l ‘ j" . " AW“: ', .i"f~’ ' > I“ ' \l‘t‘llt‘â€t't‘|t“ with in... mmâ€! it _ é -Mult : r“ “ â€" I'laiiliii‘ I .l 'iilis ~ '1 ' r fl " . r ' ' ï¬n . . ' a ' - Free Blood Glucose a was - m. . '.- | , _Q -\\\\\\\N WWW * Hal Ieel lliuli \I'\‘llt‘(| In I. “unions Monitor & Teach.†’ E has “to ~ l _ "i |II- Ioeiiiuv‘l lut~ Inuit: it‘lllllll‘l‘lll _ l___‘ é “3 ‘ ‘ l" G \ h I _ ' i . , ., -_ a. \;ii| I'rolileiiis. \;|il Mirueiw ' Free BlOOd PTCSSUR g ,‘ l - .~ . _ I I ,, I)i'_\. I-issiii'etl \l\|ll. \|iurts \letlii me ( hL‘Ck E v‘/ I loot â€dour. â€liIlN'llt' loot (are \\ I tlllt .ition . (tinmouddiné é ‘ , . 9 l SpeCIalizmg ln . . . . a ‘s ‘ ‘ v llcrniiitologn ( ontlitioiis it...“ “it â€itâ€. m. ,f a | BMW PORSCHE JAGUAR Sum,“ hm, ( MM“ “U†Friendly Professional’xeam... ; _ | , i wheremr [adhmllhhoï¬rgnall S {I \ EMF-aggl MEfCEdeS Benz Dealer AUthOflZEd â€hip/om 1:1/1‘1‘1'1l/llIt/Hii‘i \\II/"I/ ' é v i ll Meticulous Restoration , left/rim «WWW/â€MA /' l‘I/l/IIA i//u u//// i/u/m 373 Bridge 50. Waterloo (1, ‘ L“ '| Original Paint Finishes * v, ~- --.....-..J A _ , : Serge Petruslc, 336. Demmmmlfl) 5 I 9-747-0320 a MARKET SQUARE“ Unsurpassed Collmon Repair l . K-WFOOt & 0mm Clinic, 279 Wm“ 3.- N Unlt17.wmnoo. ON www.thphcrmo<y.¢om 3 â€minnow“ â€7an ER 15 Centennial Rd. Kitchener ‘ airman-cam J, 5‘9'571'189' mm. “m .. . it.» i r, , ms! PARK'NC' “7 TH! 000†5 Mnn~Fu iiiâ€"5,3.“ 95 Sun I2'3 519-578'2052