I4 . “Ml filth ll “HUN“ I) - Wednesday \meiiitx-i ll .‘tIU‘I EXPERIENCE THE VERY FINEST ,- WALKING SHOE ON EARTH H’†" “" "’ o o Finn ,. Thought patterns cause food addiction ‘ Comfort In my |)It'\l()l1\ atlttlt‘ I iiiditaied that food does out myself h hat is the H ' tit IIIt'tUIHk'IllIIIIhll addii the substitute model hut liaiiii in ii ten Heats“ r ‘ ' ’ ' 'V'†" ‘ â€â€™ " “ Mat‘CUIUUSlY handcvatted luxury EU'UOean . there ate certainly some sittiiliiiities I .itiiig Add“ plus It “Ill make llll‘ ‘ \\I H I H\(~ 50mm†lwmea' W‘m unparallei MhODed‘C â€990†I ' [liiits are thus toiisideietl a helia\ total titlllll llttli Ii'el hetiei l ‘ ' . ' I SHOECRAHERS ‘ U '. . much like titltllt tion to shopping \Itlt‘ll gaming oi ‘l W“ il l escape the l\ 911/2 Weber St. W., Kitchener 519-719-0787 gambling i all of the \ ending ‘ U“ “I! â€I ( ‘ ml“ 4 I“ â€â€th I.“ N I“ l m I. w . Some experts suggest [hill regardless oi the type of mm tune I often stop ‘ m h“ “mm“ WWW-int.» addiction. the addictiye thinking patterns are the on the way home, iisu same Addictive thought patterns are said to start with all\ at a different store. , < the conclusion, stith as "I'm going to eat this" and so I don't see the same i - ' - - t then hutld the case for this ionclusion clerk I buy two or three . Farming IS your llfe 5 work' Russ “Chemo W “A CD“ Healthy or norriial thought patterns assess the situ chocolate bars. or a hag 3 . but do you have to work your whole life? v H- Mmnomad-m ation and usually result in a wellinforiiied decision. of candy or ( hocolate “*“““‘“""""VWW“ This might outline why those with behavuoral chips I eat quit kly so i ' “ ' V" ‘J‘ in“ " ‘ “ awisaszn’i m m addictions make rational decisions iii nearly every no one sees me and y ' ' ‘ ' ‘ " ‘ \ other aspect of their life, â€its may also suggest why discard the wrappers Call Us '0 Md 00‘ how The Plan" can MID YOU f those who recognize their addiction cannot simply before I even get home. I DREW “up" ""4 and W" "m“ l is stop the behavior, I or only a moment I I HARVEY ; “I'm a successful person I work hard at e\ erythiiigl feel better hut what ‘â€"~â€"â€"â€"w~â€"â€"â€" y ThePIan ’ do. I‘m not stupid I manage a team of people and a tomes next is a lasting ,’ household. why can't I Just ï¬gure this out?†Karen said wave of guilt and shame I‘ve done it again Why can‘t I .81VESL:OI‘S when Visiting the Healthy Weights (.linic stop?" . map Karen went on to say: “It starts with getting dressed l the karen‘s exaitiple for two reasons. One ~ it u ' ' f ‘ V ‘ ' ' ' " " mm‘“â€" in the morning and Wishing tltat shows those who don't suffer just how powerful food itty clothes looked better. I spend and eating can be. Iwo ,, it shows those of you who the day racing from prtljct‘l to do stiffer that you are far from alone in this battle. 1 proyectr I‘m not very hungry duh l'he good news is that there is help Simply i ing the day so I try not to eat \er_\ .ickiimvledgiiig tlte fact that yoti struggle with such m - m I much. , . may'he some fruit or a thinking patterns can have a profound impact on couple of granola hars. In the them. . afternoon I hau- a stron iir e to I will outline a cou )Ie of stratc ies for Ilillllnil/Jll‘ Carep()rt centre â€" 270 LonQWOOd Road SOUthr Ham'lton eat something sweet. llefzoreglong these thought patternls and zirtftililzy‘ navigating theifi a I (Located at Aberdeen 84403) I start thinking about food, I when theyoccur . y _ think, what could I pick up on my front the prevention side. certainly focusing on ' y ,â€" ‘ way home from work? healthier eating patterns rather than strict caloric conr LIQUIDATIO b - N , _ " I 7' r l i "first I say no to myself but trol is the ï¬rst place to start, ‘ “i" r “i "g i 'i . "ta l f ‘ then the thoughts about food get Further. dieting patterns sticli as overly small poi OUTL T i_ ‘ i y 7:; ‘ t’ i J ‘7; stronger and stronger. My think- lions. skipping mealsand forbidding foods have a pro- , , - , V; _ : 5 J, «J “7* " ' ' E iitg changes to ‘I dost-rye to treat found effect on triggering addictive food thoughts ? 1| ’ ' P i y y y 4‘ I - Plus, the constant restriction of food is mentally ‘ ' . i . it I l l ‘ i I exhausting. www.lquidatl¢nsup¢rsale.com T Think of strict dieting like wearing an uncomfort- :l I, y y f i ’ StYIe for the able pair of shoes 7 for a while you can manage but ‘ y y _ , y y ‘ i with every passing moment your thinking becomes i O P, W focused on when you can take them off I ' a . 0 , -- ‘ us oman f by“? “if? the best prevention strategies. addicth e by , y . lt()( t otig tpatterns are sure to occur. :3“? (9 a’ ._- “ The ClaSSIC Plus woman l'he first step is to acknowledge them, ‘7’ Toys 3‘ _ “ It cart be helpful to name the thought pattern such if: ‘ ’3‘ .u i SpoR-“NG as " I’here goes my sweet tooth again" or “I hear my 9“ 3 I .00“: V0 \ BR'DA 00$ cravmgs calling you might think to yourself lhls "“3 . 0 7 I. Go Classic pieces helps separate you as a person from your thinking ‘ j: 5 \ WEAR For Your The second step is to think about. or better yet. do, :3 _ something else ; preferably a selfinurturing aetivuy . "' " " Wardrobe that is incompatible with eating. ‘- V ss‘ve Sho In Event Sizes 14+ Going for a walk. calling a friend or taking a batli ' 9 often provides the relief you might be seeking while . | passmg time long enough for the atltlictiye thinking patterns to )ass AmaZIng deals'"one weekend onlY' At this pint†these steps likely seem obvious keep 1381â€"1 Victoria St. N. I: mipd that Mi§’i(i[nif thinking is (llesiglned Ito ohsctiire r- t e o )Vious ant c ta en e rationa in, n oi ier wort s, “Mime†ON N28 9A] what seems mttiitnely‘gohyious at, this moment is 'h"‘lla"5"'tâ€â€œâ€˜womâ€"(dgn'a'l'"m" exactly what escapes the addictive thinker during a W 519-745-1894 Illiit’ (if challenge. Store Noun ‘ y'" OUTLET SALE HOURS Mon. ( 10““; '1,“an mmmpm Drew Honey, M N‘ i ( Al Ls flit-founder(trilliliri'i‘tnr of _ sat loam spmi Sun, Ime 4pm the IIeultIiy’lli’igliLx (VIIHIt'i ( hunter him I’ll! “IA ii'elty'ite Friday 5 ~ 9pm - Saturday 9am -7pm . Sunday 10am - 5pm my. WWW. utter:tIteull/Iytm’ighrs.cu or mi Mogul II’Il'Il’dft’fllri’ii.t‘(lltl PEARSON wm-mmmâ€"mam -YOUNG-STANLllY-HOOKER- HICKORYCHAlB-WILDWOOD LAMPS ‘ SHOWROOM FLOOR MODEL SALE ' "W 2THE ~ * Ex 5 Open to the public for 1 0 DAYS ONLY WHERE Fridays m mm l g E D E SIG N Wednesday. November 11 to Saturday, November 21 THE IOP Closed Sunda s x ’ . DESIGNERS V “we" am 50°/ * OFF . (L ._v, § Every 3 ' 0 Day 1 SHOP 20 Howard Place non-mum Jimmy“: a c E N T R E the saw“!s Day 2 - Sale prices reduced an additional 5% Kitchener y a 4 hi 9' D . | r' “ wit" ., (flour " " ’ “" †' i H get ilil ay 3 Sa e p ices reduced an additional 5% etc W m†m 519_570_1 103 WWW†M i m,M-mnm-mmsm-mm‘em-mmm-muwmm l