14‘2‘t\ll!il‘H‘lnki’h“If‘i'nliElitulin iu My†,. gin-4 . C C I C 0 Grace Fishbem steps up her game m her second year of university basketball m N.L. :' ‘ Br Grin. MA( Dots/iii) . “VG » W 7 47, 7 Airfifilrilltiltglif‘, 7 > 5 ‘ race lislibein knew she (Ullltl play has “i i - it"; Q ‘ & ‘ Gite-(ball. But despite her innate \l\lll. the , ï¬g . Waterloo name had an uneten tear in , a _, i l ;' _ fl her ï¬rst season of collegiate ball at Memorial 3 ~ "15 ‘ University in Newfoundland ? ' l "r 4†it 2 a But after it summer of working hard on her yâ€: it ’~ ï¬t 1 ’ i' , ' , . it n game. the Bluevale gnaduate has t't’lllt‘lllt'd her~ "‘ a 2 b“ '= ~ ' selfin the rotation int e preseason. â€ab â€5 N" g! â€a â€â€˜k And it wasn‘t one skill she picked up over the ' it“ i ‘ summer that‘s got her back on her game 7 it's 31:1" ' a a just conï¬dent‘e. , ,, ,- , fl A “Over the summer I wanted to work on my ‘ jâ€, ' ’/ ' Conï¬dence so i could show up to (Memoriah e} â€a“; ff f _ and prove i (an really play here," she said. "i '; {V {I . , f ‘1 a A\ think I‘ve being doing that," f iVb‘ 5 < " Fishbein did more than that this past week» 332.332? ' f: ’ s... ' L = ‘ ‘ \ end when she and the Memorial heavliawks - 1 “5“ “if I f? 2 if? 5 -- “ f", 35 _ x played in the Naismith basketball tournament e “if f?» . , fist-33â€, at the University ofWaterIoo, J f, f ' ,, ‘z 15) ‘3 The Sea-Hawks dominated the tournament. ‘ , , ' ..4 f. {a , .ï¬ ( going 3-0 and twinning it all With (irate lfishbein “Over the summer] ‘ ‘ 4,1 J“ a "" i" ‘~ ‘ at the starting forward spot wanted [0 work 071 771V if? ’ She was named the Naismith MVP for aver - . h “ aging ll points and 1] rebounds in three conï¬dence 50 [Could I ames. not to mention 2.5 assists and two steals ' T“ _ genome“ ShOlU up to (Memorzal) “a.“ How's that for conï¬dence? and prove I can ,,, â€a _ 5 "Our oal is to win a national champiâ€" " “A“ 1 , ‘* ' onship."gFishbein said last week, before the really play here x 4 \""‘"' "â€â€œ tournament kicked off. AGrace Fishbein , “Q a P a “it will be good to get some action against on("rat‘kingzherotation 55353,“ g ‘t teams from other parts of the country." she for{heMemorialsea-Hawks _, 14“ 'j a †added. fl ï¬rst " ~ The teams that came hailed from across the out with an injury. so it’s up to Fishbein to tilt in. g, g, $5“ country â€" Western Canada. Quebec, Ontario And it is a big role to ï¬ll , eat," £31â€? and the east coast "(The starter) was an MI-(‘anadian last year t t The Warriors were one team that Fish bein and scored a lot of points," she said. gs†' 5 had familiarity with. But Fishhein is fitting in nicely: Her allâ€" ' 459? She spent the summer working with the girls around game is helping the offensive flow ' from that team and getting to inOWIht’m smootth and the defensive prowess she a “it'll be good to go tip against them." said showed in her high school days is still there 1: Fishbein. who admitted she was hoping to have “I want to play an important role on this a good game against her friends. team." she said , "But it's all about the team," she quickly She has so far in the preseason Her next J ’ added. challenge will be doing that in the regular sea- The Sea-Hawks faced the Warriors on Satur- son and hopefully the playofl’s She'll have a big _ day. Winning 55-49. Fishbein had eight points in test when she heads west to face tough B.(I. ////' addition to 12 rebounds â€" ï¬ve offensive â€" an teams in the ï¬nal preseason matchups, m, assist and a steal, And Fishbein said there's nowhere else shed a w“ Fishbein is hoping that all~ar0und game ratherbeplaying than on the Rock. y t? catches the eye of the coaching Staff. Right now. “I love it there, It's gorgeous," she said, “It's a 2 a , . she's ot a big opportunity in the starting role. ï¬ve minute walk to the ocean.“ Grace Fishbein looks to pass the ball in a game With the Memorial Sea-Ham") my“ “Fe player who usually occupies that role is The Sea-Hawks open their season on Nov. 7_ A. “52 i:2 t~ » WAX; (( .., I t ; s. ‘ l W i 4 . ‘ “W i i - , - . _;_ 9 ’ LAURIER GOLDEN HAWKS VS. QUEEN S t its/{j Saturn/nu, ()i‘liilu'r 34â€; ul‘ I:(N) I’ll, llnim‘rsili/ Slut/ruin 1 ’ a â€" . »a’ .a 115k“! i'ilï¬â€™rl'h’tHHfl ;|"-83‘Lâ€7|“ V413†[Haiti l inimmi mi.- i: um \\ll ‘wiiitlt‘ritu m \liltl|’lyta \\ who. si'ou; 0 'W‘7W le ‘j‘lTrli’gx r a t l] I (I l i C S ‘ ( () [1] \|Illli u:.lll|l (ti lu-ix Nliiilittils \l v \\‘||l|\ \.'il Sr |\llll I’m-«y \ til â€"- ~_ -