14 - an i m i NH "RUN“ u - Wednesday lklubcl H mm ' Climate change rally this Saturday in Waterloo ‘ Kitchenerâ€"Waterloo residents will be climate i hange crisis, as well as musital discussion. organizers will he leading a LwE taking to the streets on (int 24 in support perinitnant es and an opportunity lot march around Uptown Waterloo includâ€" ‘ oi the {50 t anipalgii an international tneinlwrsol the public toofler their ideas ing a stop at Waterloo MP Peter Brand's i m FI'R ST W? movement talling on world leaders to on how ( anada tan deal WIlll (Innate “mu- tlewlop an ambitious and binding polity tllitllgt‘ lhe( Innate At tron l’rotet’t is a stir III response to l'llllldlt' change [he rally Will take [)l1l(‘t‘ between i p n dent group that seeks to address climate l [he rally will Mature local climati- to i p lll Ill lront oi the (anadian i lay thangt' i-or more Illllllllldlltill Vlsll l ilk"l|\I\l\ and experts speaking about the and (mm (“tilt-n lolluwing lllt‘ open “MWJSO org/waterloo. l i @ Hvunoar m ADVANTAGE k “ï¬isiflaé-‘m %PURGHASE i=,_..-is.f=_;-,;i; OWE“ PR'CES "““ 1" 0 nmucmc figgï¬iiiigérz 7 â€"~ f§_t.s‘;§‘â€"iii§§ ‘ i> 15: 7 12“ .'3 MMWIWWKEDWWHWMHWEILSP‘ '?§§??l§i "a : §s ; Junmmmrrs Slsi‘;‘l‘5g£§: ‘ , “fly“? as . Heft-"tinge ' ‘ I†\ ® “535933“; ~ \, .‘\ A: “T - » gigging; ._, _ , ï¬n ‘ l , 155332335533; 1 ~ .. _ ._ - ~ iiiigiégigég f ( * mamaâ€"i any-inanimaâ€" 9? It“; 5 5 ‘1 _j, ‘ liaiglï¬lgt? ~ 2009 ELAHTIIA L 2009 ELANTRA TOURING L H\ iii 3555 5; Did you know the Kitchener~Waterloo Humane um KATIMM'H! no! Flo†nut-um- not in l is "' a“ 5, Society has off-site adoptions? You can see some of l S“ s ' 3m 3 ' ‘ g a? if}; "3 our pets at the Petcetera store in Waterloo. One litâ€" l ’ , ‘ ï¬g 3 iii? tle kitten named Eli, who is three-months-old IS up A“ “a“ «Ibis; Hr ii for adoption and he's waiting for a forever home. Hill 0% mm; ‘ III 0% raw-cm: l g? E; i Brigg? He's a little impatient so don‘t keep l’lll’l’l waiting, Go son-nox- means- 5 :ig,gsg§§i _ is: and see him today. For more information call 519- ' "‘ ’ ‘ ' ' "" h""‘h*’ *‘ " "‘ " ‘ m! “5 ' 745-5615 wroroumssvmwrwv stunnv i em I i if 3 34733 iglgi f f » ,, 2009 Tucson |. 77 7â€" vâ€"~â€" : is 8314 g » Lanna-1mm mm iggigég.§§§g§ . . . 1 SM 317 995. .... 0.x, gm g§§£5§§t§§§ Distingmshed grad ] Fonanos' g; a“: . ‘ a; h W l f ,, fâ€" ~ ~ ~ â€"â€" 5, gm. gigégiggsigii as ater oo ties , 7 5- , ‘ , v , INTRODUCING THE 2010 scum (it â€if“, £34555? V lime?“ Paul s lady ofinurdegm Dana FEATURING mm“ WEI. mt g 8“ in? g olsin as been named Catholic Secondar) “mm. m“ < {lg-5? E 35"? f recrpient of the 2009 School in Waterloo and s s v % mm gags? 556555 Waterloo Catholic District the former St. lerome‘s m m 57 a School Board distin- hi school in Kitchener, roan-0s. a, 3 5 l ’ i _ agggï¬g' guished graduateaward. Father Paul holds a " ’ " "W ’**"'~‘“*‘ *’ “m ‘m_ gigs; P Q; 3 Father Paul accepted BA, from the University gig; 335555 the award during Resur- of Waterloo and a Master , ,, ,_h“_ g 7p is?“ - rection Catholic Second of Divinity degree front ‘ 2009 m E 2'n a “I \ ‘ gigs; a 555? ary School's annual grad- the University of WWW-“m mm . m ‘ ._ ' “E 755“ uationceremonies. Western Ontario (St. SW $21 995 "I o% rim-cuts . k §§J§ L535 Heisagraduate ofOur Peter's Seminary) in Lon- , roan-ms- \ ~ grits}; gag don,()nt. i ,,,,,,._, , ,, H ,, ,, danish _,,,,,,,,_,,,,,d,_ 5 % £th if? g -------'----‘ He was “a...“ - . - , a 255? egg 5 g ll ordained to the €° $535}?! 5 h priesthood on Oman silï¬iaigéiiq ; (38? "C 8" my 14. 1977 ' . ‘ i g‘rggésgil’g ; , l and assigned as N a. H E Jigs??? 5 'LVFV1-Vr W,“ | assistant pastor a - “5 L ' {Qt m ‘*¢ at St. Francis of c o u a i r I l u 1 ggiggï¬ ggrég g “48“ r w = Assisi Parish in > a: he a 5ng g y I Kitchener nus strummmmmmums 35553333; .. “amnesia: in '»v ' " ‘ 35531 3 iii? g ,-:"_'.""";~â€" l 1996 Father Paul WMMLWMMWWWMNYMIMMMORMM. 2} g??? < 8 .'.'~' . s i served in the mrsmtwmmmmzmammmsmm-smmmm 355? 535??? â€5 ~ ~.-'-'-°'-' 1 . ’ 4| Congregation of ~ ~ i 7 "’ i ~‘ ‘ the Resurrecâ€" Rettre Your Ride ~= l 5 3 f S ,.- f" - _ , -. l i , . _. i c H,“ I a r Fun-i 9???“ 3513531353? 2 $0 ‘ ggï¬â€˜s‘antâ€"issligrlirir; -1'Hl;- Egg-333g é 4‘ = as both assistant ' "flu wwwrh undaica 111.1 om ‘ a w â€" pastor and pas m y n 6 ® Hyuan| Eggiggigsii? a \ I tor in several t;_._;_;ry_._x‘_::... Siia ' i‘i ,'. ' parishes, it 3.3 or 5 ‘ A“ “a“ Since 2008 Kncueuen _ WATERLOO cmsntooe gig; ï¬lflgl a - , , . , it ,| Father pal†has Alpine Hyundai Schluctor Hyundai Cambridge Hyundai agg’glljg‘il : ‘ _ Ifu'l'v'lLs | heen Pastoral 44 Alpine Rd. 625 Davenport Rd. 1962 Eagle St. N. [gaging‘g a; mam SQUARL is; Pagffmpï¬zzh Kitchener, 519-742-4400 Waterloo, 519-886~2625 Cambridge, 519-650-5080 llllglwillg s. Unglrgllï¬vg‘mréflérffl and is m“ gen: . _J . ' www.alpinehyundatca www.schlucterhyundai.ca WWW.cambridgehyundai.ca H 3 ills l g is it M H,†M, i, i W , era] 0“th d")- 5 if. cese.