WAIIhootJHRuNicu ‘Wl‘dltmï¬dy rumba .‘l zoos - II Page ogram hElpS [OCH] bOy see democracy in action Bti Botthuusiu duty Hatred Nept I1 and ended debate iii a â€11th parliarnentar» would (H to trad tip the pages "When .i law Is getting made (liroririre wit/J (Kl H Huang said he got interefl sitting In the house With the other during a partir ularh horirig sex you‘re actually in the tharriher tor ed in the program because he pages. siori the deferred xote and t'dt h Ml’l’ 1\ mt 1.1 war old hop haw tï¬lflft's to prartlt’e law xomeday, \o what were ~orne of the lt's “ l he» would tell yoke» and xtanding up picturex of their ldHlllrIlt‘ and wanted to see how a hill xons learned in the high presxure stall," will Huang You see the law heirig tirade rock star or ~ports hero on hetoniex law. torts class that had him running He alw lelt lot the rneInherx ol before a lot or people than really the walls of their hedroorm ~ you “I Want to be a lawyer when l hills and amendments from rrierii parliament. who were under a lot (“UL and you can turn on the I'\r‘ won't lind man) With a photo nioII grow up. so I think law has someâ€" hers of parliament to the Speaker of prewiire to get their pull!“ and say [was there " Iage 0! even member ol prmirit Ml thing to do with politiu." he bald. ot the House? acroxs while juggling their respon So does Huang have a taxonrire parlitunent "When I lound out I was accepted "lt‘s really hard to expresx voiir siliilitnw for their ridirigs Huang polIIII Ian or part» lrorri the But right oxer lorn llllttllg\ bed It wax great, l “ax really hoping to point when there are so many peo mud he learned a lot about leader t'\[)(‘l’IL'Ilt l‘f' In l]|\ Waterloo hoIIie l\ a list of he picked " ple yelling at you.†said Huang ship through the program. xtaying "No, pages are not [Lilllmlll he e» eI\ elected otlII Ial at Queen \ With all lhe lawyer'x who end up .ihout one ol the unique aspects ol l.|llll “hen lacing dillerent’tw ot Mild Park. \\iIh part» atliliatioris and In parliament. llh prernixe might parliarnentar) democrat iex where opinion and the work it takes to IniIii\Ieriril pt)l(l()l|ll\ llelore \ou riol he that tar oll Xo Wllll encour- the loyal oppontiori l'acex oll inlluerite people and gain support wart thinking the tirade H Httdt'lll agement ol teachers at his xchools. against the government In It dtiil» He is now planning to deliver at laurehxood pIihlIc N hool ha~ he applied to the program to see question period, “l don‘t think II\ .I hix own Iesxons learned to other some Weird ta“ llldllllll tor politic» what provmcial politm were all good thing to he yelling. but It does school children. llllrUdllt trig how a v “1510, II was all preparation lor xerving III about. demonstrate dixagreement, and .is new law Is made to local tirade 3 r f} l‘ the l L‘glxlttllve Page program at the Huang Went into the procexs the opposition that's their |oh " studentn. He was expeeiailh excited ,. W's » provincial legislature. trying to absorb all he could. He While it wasn't a lexson In decoâ€" that he wax able to Witnexs the hill 5" G4 5 After heiiig accepted Into the even got a chance to put together rum. Huang lountl otrt that to ban talking on cellphoriex in 1¢*\4.»-./\§ prextigious program. hm term of his own hill and it was chosen for democracy does get a little me“) cars become a law fl,†‘ 5 (â€a g ‘ at times. And "I know how Important those 4 , 5 ‘ , 9 ‘ M ‘ " M F ‘ it‘shumorotis sheetsolpaiperare." said Huang, "I It ‘S Coming ' " , . ; at times too. as didnt realize how much they could ' 4 ' " i ‘ - ' June 4-6 2010 9. ' a - ‘ 4 sortie speakers affect our lives before. _ , _ ‘, .i; 1 , www.wcralumni.com ,. e. .... a... . , ~ k i v " Q..;§"7I§ Hg... 1 - ' . ' - . fl; -4 .. .. 4 4-5; L ï¬gs - LIONS CLUB OF 3 4.4, (can It: .4 J vl’l‘ ; kâ€:- I'» \ 4 .~_ .. f 3 p . . . M KIICHENER - ' 4 is. ' - ~ ‘éi I‘rI-rnvne {i m4 (f: 4 13339611“ a â€a t â€magma? 3“ 4 , "if; .. i" ’ . of Kitchener 4 4 x» - a x r - e - . ;. l’ ..â€"-‘ £4???" 4 (it a? I“ SEE r- ‘* " .if-svzs ‘ ‘4 4 ‘ - , â€" -, .i a ._ E . “a, "3 “ ‘ ' s‘y’A‘h s, . \ -4 ‘ Santa needs “33mm I , ' ~4 Fl 1:9 B d c s a - 4â€". , ; 0a , an an orporate 120725073. '\ lg n (l " W†33 " BIG 4! a . ~ 3 The annual Santa Claus Parade wants ._-.¢j.~ 5533‘- k t 2. YOU . . ’ Egg :. a 47 . - to partICIpate. .- . J" " . * a s. â€"' â€" - - ‘ Compames and nan-proï¬t groups welcome! "' . SANTA CIAUS PARADE: SAT., NOV. 21“2009 a, . .i‘ A .‘~ , . x 4 ' ‘ spy . “s , >~ Parade Sponsors- Conestogawlail ROGERS was, 34a}? 4, g. . truth. 5. ï¬t 4? 4 33A}. .A Jan:â€" ..4 if: . I; l I) l k l’ | l , _ _ \'ie In ingt on I'. - at" )i\ mp Waterloos Tony Huang retently completed the Legislative Page program and studied up for Hm“ \ K "lit-ti“ I...†in†SI,â€,‘~“,.\hip his dutres With a wall montage of the members of provrnmal parliament. nos wsMAc wo'c 3 | â€_")TN_7")"" 3 | ,,_7 “4, WT» hm nun if“ muplelenl'mri (lljjtllï¬xhoph‘ hotmitilmom Iâ€; f- 4. 4. I vs ,»-.44:.4"‘44’a 44 -, 4 _ . ~ ., 1 .1 3, . t , v , - . , N. a». . -»:4â€"4~ ., ' g, -4 A4, 4, = x, .. 1471‘s 3 . ;.r .. 4_ J -~ »4 . ~u~,..=t.m44. 4 a , .;_ gays; 4.; an“. . “ i 4 . . I 3 “ At LASIK MD, we correct. 4.4 - l mâ€" N . s 4 x , i “h“ I , ‘ .. i 4 LASER VISION CORRECTION [Z Neorsightedness ' “a; , 4 it. . 1 Starting at l†‘ I s |, ~. chrncrng available [z Forsrghtedness 443.4 . l with low monthly I I payments I? Astigmatism Dr Omar Hakim Dr Nimesh Desoi ‘ '<4 “4: .. " ':J-.~~ 9â€: , $3,343? .‘3'7’3‘553’-'i3'“l§’:?3 *†3‘3eâ€.f4""“4“‘f‘ ‘ -ï¬Â§â€˜â€œâ€˜ f†it“; 3. “' 4’y;;:‘:4‘<.7£;‘“"'§!' 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