mu Hi I n it “norm u. 'Wtfllllt‘yldt thinner? JUU‘I ~4i 5. g ‘ THE CITY or g Waterloo For more information please toritatt City of Waterloo 100 Regina St South Waterloo Ontario N214A8 P 51978864550 F 51974778760 TTY 1-866~786-394l I HYDRANT TESTING City of Waterloo I - I MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Policy Renew on Ice Allocation [he ( ll} of Waterloo is conducting scheduled maintenance of lire hydrants. rhis In our continued ellbrts to imprme poliCies and procedures that affect Community ongoing program is designed to ensure that the hydrants “ill operate properly when organizations in the ('in ot‘ Waterloo. the Recreation and leisure Advts‘ory Committee needed lhh )etirs program \\ ill imol\e all hydrants in the cit) and should be comâ€" and stall‘hax e been working to re\ my and de\elop changes to some ol~ Recreation and plL‘lL‘tl b) the end or \o\ ember Leisure policies These proposed changes are around Allocation of lee that are . lliis maintenance program I\ qune routine. howe\ er. it may cause sortie temporary designed ‘0 align more ellieiently “"‘h the current needs 0' the community ‘1’“! ineomenienees such as poor water pressure and in some eases discoloured water “dig†the opportunity h†growth ‘“ ““Sl'ng groups Urg"â€â€"““â€â€˜ and the opportuni- Please eheelt your \xater before use and it‘diseoloured uater is detected. please open a ‘3‘ '0' new groups [0 deselop‘ cold water tap and allow the water to run until it clears This is a temporary situation The Recreation and Leisure Seniees AdVisory (‘ommittee would like to ll“ ite 1-2 lhet m ot'\\‘.iterloo l5 aware that some residents may be Ltomxmcd about the water rcprescntatnes ol‘your group organllation to a community consultation on uorlt that being Used as part ot'this maintenance program, espeeially in light ol‘the water use has been â€mm“! '0 d3“: restrictions in place this year The testing ol‘l‘ire hydrants is legislated. StillYW‘lll City- ofWaterloo Policy Review FOCUS Group keep water use to a minimum while performing the testing necessary to meet our leg- ' ~ . islated responsibilit) ICE ALLOCATION The City of Waterloo Water Services Staff thank you for your co-operation and RIM Park ' PrOgram Room 207 understanding. Any questions or concerns should be directed to the Water Tuesday October 20 _ 7:003;um Services Customer Service Representatives at 519-747-8613. ' , refreshments provided ' Kym? ‘ ' RSVP required no later than Friday October 16 to lit; 0 § " , _ Lynn Dicks-Egley at 885-1220x225 or W, M W Email lynn.dicksegleym - 4' information on ice Allocation is available at or contact . .V Lynn to make arrangements for a package to be sent to you via email. ' PUELIE fl \ ': await Ki; T710 Mayor and Council of . a the City 0 Waterloo . ~ .f . . .1 PARKADE IT cordzally Invite you to 0 THE MAYOR’S “I'm-I": an" = OKTOBERFEST LUNCHEON ,,, a! i“ I) '2, W“ '3! THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2009 EM" 1- d ll:30AM-l PM a 4 {9 The Public Square.Waterloo's P § willâ€ it it t . in NEW gathering place “a '3 “W i t , ~ W 3 at the corner of King Street &Willis Way “QR-“h 5% “A V " x j ‘ ‘ l " a Free delicious traditional food (while quantities ’3 i? last). served by the Mayor and Councillors ' MC for the dayzAngie Hill from Kool FM Traditional music by the Black Forest Band ‘ . ‘ "l Sponsored by ‘ r, Ploasv don't drink and drive. ‘ l l . ’ . . V. l WAYERLOG ‘ r M \‘7 “W “2;: Waterloo (-9 MM“) - 741/ UpTOWn Waterloo « (~â€" , t L-N\_). www. waterloo.c. ' ‘ linfllenwgs