WM I Kl i u I ( MRuMLu. - Wednesday, ermbfl )0. sum . 3.1 W I THE CITY OF Waterloo For more intolriiarion. please turitatt City of Waterloo 100 Regina St South Waterloo. Ontario NZJ 4A8 P 51978864550 F 519-747-8760 TTY 186677863941 www.waterloo.ca MID-TERM COMMITTEE RECRUITMENT The (It) othterloo (‘ouncil is now Inviting applicu- SAFE AND HEALTH Y (‘OMMITNITY ADVISORY requirements, zoning. transportation. utility sen Ices. [Ions from members of the public who reside. own COMMITTEE tax implications and the industrial land sales and acqm- property. own a business or work in the (fly ol‘Water- Purpose: Adv Ise Council on a scope OTISSUCS related sition. "’0 and “h“ “ 'Sh to be “9"5'der6d tor â€WNW“ I†to matters ol‘deyeloping and sustaining a safe and Meetings: Ten ( l0) per year held on the fourth Tuesday ’ the ( â€mm'm'“ below We encourage qualiï¬ed and healthy community Including advice on programs and of each month at 9:00 am. interested Individuals to \UluTï¬cclrgi‘Z†ze‘rvices’andtto SCYV'WS‘ [wilt-“6* community and pannership opportu- Staff Contact: Marlene L‘ot‘l‘ey. 519â€"747-8539. hay till'lpUl on whom issues I at a u! I e citizens 0 nItIes and proactive approaches, Issues and situations marlcne.colTeyiu waterloo.ca “41““) leading to Impr0\‘ed safety and security and a healthy ‘ _ Please note appointments are for mid-tenn vacanCIes community APPLK AHON INFORMATION: “1th a term ending NM ember 30. 2010 or until SUCCt‘S- Meetings: Monthly or as called by the Chair Application forms. Committee Terms of Reference and stirs are appointed For further information relating to a . _ , ' . , 7 the Committee Policy are available on the City of ('ommittee. please telephone the statTcontactls) listed, StaITContact. Raye ( rawtord. 5'9' ‘ 47’8716‘ Waterloo website wwwwaterlooca. under Mayor 8.; kayeerawfordtwwaterloo.ca (‘ouncil Committees (‘ommittee Recrliitment or by “MB“MDOR COMMnuE 7 g ‘ H TRANSPORTATIONAND TRAILS contacting: ' Purpose. Astt. ( ounctlvon opportunities tor mutua y ADVISORY COMMITTEE Julie Scott. Proiect Manager. han‘llCIai relationships With national and International , , ‘ communities as a learning and giving experience for Purpose: Ad» be ( owed on the planning and develop- Electronic Records and Document Management , ‘ . .V . ment ot a safe. sustainable and acceSSIble transportation . , y. the ( ll\ of Waterloo and our partners. . C [IV of Waterloo ' y 7 system including a network oftrails. multi-use path- “ _ Meetings: Iilghl (8) per year, minimum ways. sidewalks, cycling {flames and streetscapes. Tel: 519-7418798; Fax: 519-74185â€) Staff (â€â€œ30“ Palm“ Rutter ‘ 5 I 9‘747‘8707' Meetings: Ten (10) to Twelve 1 ll) per year. held on the Email: committeesiu Waterlooca patrutteriil uaterlooca last Wednesda ' ofeach month at 9:00 am. A lication forms mav also he icked u at: ) PP . P P COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT Staff Contact: Karen Anderson. 5l9-747-873X. Clerk‘s Division. [st Floor Purpose: Make decrsions on minor variances and land karenandersoni’u waterlooca IOU Regina Street South. Waterloo iseverance applications relative to the (‘ityis zoning by- Karen Moyer. 519-747â€"8609. karenmoyeriu waterlooca Applications Will be accepted until 4:30 pm, on M†g ‘ VOLUNTEER SERVICES ADVISORY Friday. October 2, 2009 Meetings: Third Tuesday 0t ev ery Month beginning at COMMITTEE 4'3 ) . . . . \ . ( p m Purpose: To adVIse ('ounc1l on best practices. gUIding 5â€" ( ontact: L's“ Morrison. 5 I 9'747‘8796~ prinCIples and organizational standards for the effective lisamornsoniu “a‘CTIOO-Ca Involvement and recognition of volunteers. ensuring cit- MUNICIPAL HERITAGE (‘QMMnTEE I1en engagement to the benefit ofthe community, Purpose: Advise (‘ounnl on matters Involving conser- Meetings: Four l4) per year held 0" the fourth Thurs- _ vation and presenation ofboth public and private built day ofthe month at 5:00 Pm- and natural resources pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Staff Contact: Mary Thorpe A“ Phone: 5l9â€"888-04()9. Email: Meetings: Ten ( I!†per year. as established by the marythorpeia waterloo.ca (ornmittee at the beginning ot the term. usually held on WATERLOO (‘ITIZENS‘ ENVIRONMENTAL 31$t Great OktObEI’TESt Barrel the louth Thursday of the month at 6.00 p m, R 1 d F P k B kf I Staff Contact: Karen Vandeannk, 519-885-8828, AD“ '50“ “WWW†, ace ‘ n fee anca e rea as karen \andenhnnkiu waterlooca Purpose: Advise Council on SUbJCCl areas from the ‘ A g _ , y ‘ Environmental Strategic Plan Including matters relating Sattiiday, Ottobm 10' 2009 PR()â€;RT‘ STf‘NPARDSAND “3““ E to Planning & Growth. [Energy & Resources, Environ- FREE Panmke Breakfast starts at 700 â€HUN“ I“ ( QMMITTEES ' mental Awareness, (ireenspace. Water Resources and am (while suppliws last) (Separate Committees With Jomt Membership) A†Qualitv. ' . ' t ‘ l t L l V P“"P°5°- Meetings: Twelve ( 12) per year held on the second TEN“) R King FREE to W “(I PROPERTY STANDARDS COMMITTEE Tuesday ofeach month at 7:00 pm. 93'" 'Pg‘smm" 0" 5"" 930 3'“ To hear appeals to Property Standards Orders adminis- StaflContact: Denise Mc(ioldrick, 5l9â€"747-8M2, Rle9 5‘0"“ (it 1000 3'" tercd by Property Standards ()lTlCCl’S relating to the denisemcgoldrickia waterlooxa All mocmlds (10,101â€; to (leglgnitvd Property Standards B)‘~l«a“- Robyn McMullen. mommaâ€. 10ml an...†FENCE VARIANCE COMMITTEE rohynmcmullenm waterlooca F I f l t' tit, am 3 in To make recommendations to ('ouncil Wllh respect to WATERLOO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ' y t W _ applications for variance relating to the Fence By-law COMMITTEE For more Information Meetings: A“ required usually held 3‘ 37Ҡp.m Purpose: Advise (‘otinCIl on policies consistent With WWW uptownwatt‘w100bld ‘0’†hm ml! Staff Contact: Mary George, 5l9~747»x714. \233. the intent ol'an economic development program includ- “(es'htm marygeorgeiu “aterloo ca mg adnce on matters of mdustrial and commerCIaI