WA! Hll l I) (“RONM Lt. ' Wtdnrsdd) Newt-tuber 30, 200‘) . :7 1' ' ' " “ T "V ""v" ““\Tâ€â€ "“T T“'"’ Region Of Waterloo l ‘ l' 9 PUBLIC NOIICE ‘ 1 l mu l\ H l l ‘ CITIZEN APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, l i - . ~éz‘1éir . -. . ,« i . s3, 7 41' ; g; 7:3; . . . ADVISORY COMMI I IEES & SPECIAL PURPOSE BODIES ‘ ., 1 ’ 1,1 ,t a» {a s '3‘ 31:,†.- a ' , 5 « , , i i , , . , ‘ ,, _ . , .t , 95 l . Q. \ â€" ‘ g a .- 2 K jig-.4 .â€" vou, roo, CAN BECOME ACTIVELY ENGAGED ‘ . -,-1 - / - - ' .v a I i 3" ' 3": ‘ ‘ 3“" Eh R 'M ‘1 *1 'II i , l . ' , - _ , at: year the egionai umCipality 0 Waterloo advertises or applications om the pubic and dDDOlI'lIS citizens to rail . g I i . ‘ /‘ v *3" nus Boards, Commissmns Advtsory Committees and other Special Purpose Bodies required ior a particular yea/is; or ‘ ' ' , a ,5. 4,... Come“ term at otlice These apporntments give crtizeris til this Region horn a variety ol backgrounds an opportunity to l -. . , ‘ " .- . a t ' *r 3: volunteer and become actively engaged as a member 01 a Board Commissm Advrsory Com mittee or other Special Pur . ‘-. ‘ ‘ ‘ l / 5 1. 7 pose Body .x‘ - ii K ’ . ‘ . ’ . .. ‘ 'w. . wiser . i . .i- his interested Citizens and incumbent members are iriVited to apply tut apporntrnent to any DI the lpilowing r â€(37‘ l 7 . . g , / i J V, f al ECOLOGICAL mo momentum Aimsoiiv connotes (we) 1â€,“ ' - , A " 1"“, M m required tor up to a four-ml Mm ending December 3| 2013 and Mo Wis recurred tor a "in 1 if? - i 7a.â€? 1 . you Mm ending December 31, 2012 Persons with knowledge interest prolessmnal anchor technical qualilications in ' . I . AMT-(ilk enrironmental issues related to such discrplines and policy areas as biology ecology hydrology lorestry, agriculture, ‘ IL A,» ’ ' ‘2 _ I I wtldlile management and uroarti‘rurai planning . 7-1,... .‘ ‘ o- v - f .- b) HERITAGE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE (RPM?) ' a , g .. ... . x. ’ ‘ ï¬st-ff , -" 4-. as! r . Mmrequired tor a trim-year Mending December J1 2012 The Heritage P‘anning Advrsory Committee :’ , . - ‘ m ‘ ‘ , , . ‘ - a): ;_' 5 J lHPACl adiiises on Regional heritage issues and DOIlCleS, in accordance with the Regional Ohicral Plan The Committee 1 , ,. . -. . ~ .1 - ~ 4 w - ,, . , Ir“ ‘ ~ ’ A: " Z we" ‘ ‘- - " ‘ also assists the Region in promoting Regional heritage and in rncreasrng public understanding of heritage issues lhe Waterloo (‘hronit‘le learn of the Members of the Waterloo United I I in 1 Week is the Waterloo llnited under-15 girls under- 15 girls soccer learn, pictured C“ gagam?“ my"! ENTALLY SENSITIVE LANDSCAPE W LIA \tM’t‘t‘T team lhe United went undefeated above, are ll‘iael‘r row, from left) Iara Mmreouired to! a Woo-mutinmding December 3, 2012 The Laurel Creek Headwaters Envtronmenraliy ‘ iii the rel ent l rtn Mills lagle (up tournar McPherson. Willi Ninth lassistant roach). 39mm“; Landscape mum 06.50†Committee “0,0095 3 communityrbased lorum to manna mum, and “mm pen merit \\aterloo United stained mth a SH) Shelby lzr‘setli. Rayleigh Bell. Melanie odic aGVICe to the Room on how best to implement the obiectives oi the Regional Planning Follows for the Laurel Creek 1 \\'HI over Mississauga Falcons with Sara Mitchell. Marina Drygala. Madison Headwaters Envtronmentally Sensrtive LandscapesiESL) \‘oistn st wring two goals and Aliya Roga Thompson. Rose lodoen (manager), Taryn ‘ itdlilllg a single. Waterloo followed that Li, John O'Brien (head coach). {middle 5' REGIONAL CYCLING “NSC†COMMITTEE We“) Wllh a to will over lirin Mills, Waterloo row) Chantal Shaafi. Sara \"oisin, (from Mmrequrred '0' up to a M" Mending December 3112012 and Mom '0' a “'7Ԡm" i met the North London Meteors in the row) Janelle Simon. Samantha Ireland, ending December 31‘ 2013 The Regional Gym†â€â€œ5â€" Committee lRCACi â€was on the CNN Mm†p13" and l \t'lTIII‘IIICtIS “inning HJ. lit the ï¬nal game. Meghan O'Brien, Aliya Raga. Aysun Elie:ï¬ggzhgifgsglaggnmt;rawggygagozmigï¬sV5323 magnum construction, â€a“? polmies and 1 \Miterloii laced the Niagara Rapids and ()smariasoy, Kiara Reyes. Suzanne ‘ n9 ‘ rimmed the truphy with a l»0 win. Boroumand and goalie Shannon Iodoen, 9) NW snowy" mm grungy / “no TRANSIT PUBLIC ADVISUIV [:0me L , (FEMS/RT) "no perm redoired for up to a Mix-yo: term ending December 31, 2013, two representatives with skills and demonstrated expertise in the areas DI education and busmess are required, as well as one representative from the o communtty-ai-large mum required tor a moi-ml Mending December 31, 2010, representing students at watCh I "8 you r Caiestoga (bilege the Unwersrty of Waterloo and Willrid Laurier Unrversny respectively The role at the RGMSRT Public Advisory Committee is to advtse the Region on issues related to the implementation at the Regional Growth Managemem Strategy, the development at the Regional Transportation Master Plan and the Rapid Transd initiative With the conclusion - ol the Rapid Transd Envrronmental Assessment approaching, Committee members will provide advrce on Im related t ‘ to preliminary down at the system. public automation, and related land use planning initiatives The slabs of these public advrsory committees will be renewed by Council in tall 2010 1) BEGIN OF WATERLDO Wm MOSHE Inc. (Rowan) M palm reddired for a Woo-mt term ending December 31, 20t2, seeking community represematives who ‘ L - demonstrate knowledge in area such as community housmg programs, property management and community develop t . .~=:.« ' merit. The Region of Waterloo Community Housmg inc (ROWCHl) Board members provide input and inlormation to asst .3; ’ 1' ‘ " i. g Regional stall on a variety of matters that allect ROWCHI This board WI“ also DfUVIde guidance and assistance on rec . 1 fl - 1 ommendations that may originate from tenants, salt, or community members fit ‘ ’ . 9’ WW†'W' mm“ â€'W' mm‘ “'3Ԡ, ’3": ‘ 32.}; ‘ % _ - 1 Hum required for a Mmbrmming December 31, 2011 The Specialized Transrt Sewices Advtsory Com- if: j 3,}. ‘ :1“ , mittee {STSAC) wrll amuse and provrde assistance relating to the development of Special Transn Servrces policies and '- g" A ,; .>,. , service that best meet the needs at the community » w, t “in“ ,i It) NATEmOO REGION iiousmc mamas Anvrsomr couumEE Mitotic) fl“ 6 of ' The term of office M" be up to has my ending December 31, 2012 and reqmres the loliovving representation am “fl†9‘]? m residing in any at the townships at North Dumlries. Wellesley, Wilmer or WOOIWICTT. one person (896th in the I o“ N City of Watertoo, and an: m reading in the City 01 Kitchener These appointments WI“ give citizens ol the Region .1 B / who have a variety of backgrounds. an Opportunity to volunteer and pamCipate as a member at the WRHOAC . l/ ses |ectricity expen The Misery Committee provides input and mfumatlon to assist Regional start on a variety 01 matters that altect Water Trim your e loo Region Housmg This Committee WI" abo provide goidance and assistance on recommendations that may originate h 5 $150 a yea“ lromtenants, stafl, or community members it would be beneficial for community reprwerilauves to have a demonstrat by as mUC a '“ iCk up ed We in areas such as community housmg proorams, property management and community development e I Contact US and W p ‘d Persons interested in servrrig on the alorementioned Committees must ï¬le an application With the Regional Clerk prior to d recyc|e that O ' 4.30 p m on Friday. 0cm 16, zoos Weapon terms and Terms ol Relerence may be obtained from the Mice at remove an _ the Regional Clerk, the Regional website or by Contacting Stevie Natolochny at 519575-4450 or by emaiiing liste- , . t ffidge of yours VieOregion waterloo on ca ineï¬iCien ' Advertised vacancies on a particular Committee may be ï¬lled by incumbens whose terms have expired and theretore. ‘0' free- the number of actual vacmcies may diner from the number of advertised vacancies ‘ Kris Fletcher Director, Cmncrl 5 Mgrstrative Services/ Regional Clerk L - - 150 Fredenck Street. Floor Book your apporntment today at everyktlowattcountsra mm (Wm M o3 Personal information is collected under the authority of the Memoipa/ Act and thI be used to determine suitability to: ‘ m... ln0r91+ ( )WMD m w appomtment Questions regarding the collection at personal intumation should be relerred to Stevie Natumriny at 519 " ““ L 'â€"'__" ' ""‘ ' 7. ’ "'"â€"""'" 575-4450, Office ol the Regional Clerk 1 l i l