hr lull liii ii it "RUN" I} - m in“ “l.“ \1‘lll4‘lltli1l.‘li,’ll"l 0 “mm: m 1. CEI‘S on OI‘SC ac BtS con 1 t (if " ,_ .,L,,'"ï¬ â€I! mm Al lih‘ stub“) rut It l By.â€,l,i,l,,~,nl‘ilt){“yim “ i' . , l _ “e ':’; ‘ ' 0-«".. 1. ‘U. , l â€i llefeel were 4.- __ x} ‘ , “if ,’,, Z: - ’ “ ' ‘ ' ‘ .' f r “ o Twenty first Annual Slrf’H'hINg â€18585 l ~ ~â€- ' a“ u a " ‘E' ' triteisiin hoist-limit \\lll ‘ v.a ,. .- .O\‘=‘ ".a- J Mary'Allen soon he ti lt'ttlll\ In Hair! dollars [0 (I greater l ' ‘sl ‘ o .‘, , N I if f; . loo llegion illlt‘l the polite , . ) , ‘ 1 , .. l ‘ w r. . . 1 Studio Tour & sale scii lt es k,llt1[(lA“Jl)rl,\“(jd inn "lt‘)"[(‘fl(1(lr‘ $01,115 l . A " ‘ , , , $3 1" “- . . . . ' ) ‘ i 1 ~ ‘ ' , ' ‘v' t Uptown Waterloo untiti pilot l‘))llI:]Ili‘l to ll\t llltitllllttl {U I((()ll( (lblg881 . .. ..4.“. A “I ‘V \ _ fa ti lt'\lll i ii ‘ .." > ‘> -1 ' ._ , mummy Sept Jh’ [he prolett \\lllt h Hill rust [NHIngr our bll(l\i l ‘ "t\s~.9 5; “T." J -- main stun About 5 luiiiiii lll start up and Matt lorigian l , M .'\ '. t - * \tllll‘<l) N'pt J? Si‘iililil ii win tiller thin to llltiill rliterHum/ii“[recur/in! l , " 4? ‘ l-‘ it'll ‘ will [run \\Ill he paid lot out iii the I'ii/itewri‘iii‘ - y ' , ‘,. †. ‘.' -__ ' l‘iillllrlils is nuns \\dlt‘llilll llegiiiniil l’iilites minke! , ' v:- (- iimmim 1» mi. «in Illgtllltllt'tllllllllt‘lll budgets iiiililitll‘nlllll'W‘l‘tv-lls'il’iilliiilitҠ. f r» k ‘y ‘ l‘iitli‘ii, not†i loom "he tee! “in siren lniig these l ll“ Pill“ 1‘ Wl \ ll l“ ll"-'lll " {A " l I 4 i. min it «hum i minus dollars I“ A “ft-"hi, “to,†and A“. ylpllllfll‘kl the priin'it .n it meeting ‘ I - _‘ ‘ ._ it thrown Mini two N l~ y ~ going to lt‘t l’l\t' it liigger lung tot liist neck Ilie sei'uie is now in the Q. ‘ 'l' . 9 my \ it it l\riirts l k‘ y . l 4 \| [ unless (ll )tlltll isin i mo horses " ii“) / '\ ' m ... w N “WWW our int , pii it 1 L iii . att on i l i t. , 4 . ~ ‘ ‘c a f . y gm†“ml, .iddiiig tllt‘ win“- and equipment lorigiini sdltl It in t m miniâ€..iii,,i i an received strong support for the hasn‘t yet been derided how thvi'll is . }‘ 51m 74h in?“ prawn [rum [he umnnunny sl’lt‘t‘l which illi‘lt’t'rs It) train liir “ r. n it.â€" lSI‘Di 745114“) “ l lii'se are dollars we haw to "taunted duty. lint sand the) \\‘lll ‘ _ u ' urc- wvm Indudllt'llltmrit)!†spend anyway on recruiting and come from the patrol will» lhe . ‘ _, u ; â€" messaging and advertising, Why Toronto Police Seryiee has agreed to provide the riders and horses with four months of initial training < PRESSURE POINT THERAPY - Com limentar Worksho 3" “O‘Chfl’gt‘v c ‘ p y p According to the piliii project .» .. u“ w? 4 f? ". g - . i: . . proposal the white \\‘lll primarily ". ‘ " "a“ ‘3‘ ‘ “171? "A‘ a "'='"‘ 4" ' ’ ' With Dr. Bryan Lawrence, D.C. ‘ . . - c: “s; r , " fl _,,. r, « - i use the horses tor patrols in the , f‘ '~" _z- mwflw - if, ' < . " . - . - .~, , , if '. v“ â€as "saga-u; , ~ , y Pressure Paints are Areas of Stored Stress on a Nerve Pathway ‘ "T; â€l “S“; l“ l ‘lll‘llr‘i’l‘ â€U“ . x - ", effifli-Tflf ' r “a?! a flying} 'A.‘»\ 3 ant iir s ieciu events. ie re iort .4'u7*.",\-‘¢57 n“- , A" . “ -.'- .- , ,. -~' _' A5†' -: ' 1‘ You Will Learn How to Find A Treat the Pressure Paints For: also sa , it , , h , t, , l » ï¬g???“ ' at; “$2-‘e_’~‘-‘ '~ ' Tim“.- fl} lï¬ï¬‚l" iffy f' <2 . ys t it\ c ustt to assist in . if, if?“ A -... 3 -_,gur _ . r‘1 e - FATIGUE - HEADACHES - Low BACK PAIN . NECK PAIN Mining â€ï¬shing News“ and m- ; ..\.. aft-$3. ..,3’f;1‘,.5?* JR}; ° 4'1’1 £54 ° S'NUS 5 “games ' ARM & WNST â€I" lcm Tm Smm‘ den ce recovery In remote areas H} v- i' ' tï¬'ï¬f'ihj â€Â£3 2 â€I l. fl’flb’é’L “: - NUMBNESS & TINGUNG iAmss Legsl year round A "iii-f, â€"; ’_“* g.»- ;., "Q’s‘. ._'_ '¢hf «it . ". s!,.":‘,;“;¢;_€':~,_.. “n a}; mehow [tel taunting? me-masmamumwsm' ' ~ _ . , " _ ‘ W . . V ' ' ' ‘ ' _ M m _ “I?†y â€10 “WWW “in“5 (0 hi“? thl‘ Waterloo Regional Police Sgt. Shaena Morris, right, rides Brock, a horse When. Wnimm-QW'WWM-mWaâ€"vam‘vwm project up and running Within a borrowed from Nia are lice in Waterloo Park in Au ust Local lice PaniCioants are asked to bring a non-perishable tood item to be donated to the local Food Bank . . 9 DO ‘ g ' DO few months. will be purchasrng two Similar horses, MkliNOA DAt'Dh mm CALL 519-746â€"6022 â€" SPACE IS LIMITED f l . ‘d ° . The Ontario lottery and Gaming Corpo- restricting insider play a es lse gal n ration is imposing new restrictions on insid» “It means that if you're a retailer and you er play. want to play the lottery. you'll now have to ' Beginning on Nov. 3, retailers will he wait until after work and buy your tickets at ontarlo Reg-"atom Approve banned from purchasing lottery tickets in someone else's store. ' More Increases to Car lnsurance Rates their own stores. This new action hlltldS on "Retailers can no longer be both the play- ()l.(i's previously existing policy which bars er and the vendor at the same time." ()l,(ierriployees’ from playinglotteries. The “No Play At Work" policy is part or , s x “ ) r F . i' " ‘ ‘ U ' v) ‘ s x I s l ' - i I Are Rates REALLY Gomg Up Even Further? Under [ht No I lay At Work initiatiu ongoingttTons to tnsurt tht intcgrity oi tin announced Monday. registered retailers who provmces lottery system. sell ()li(; lottery tickets and wish to play a “Convenience store retailers want the lotâ€" i i h ._ _ . in 92:12:12: i e 2:52: is yes the mos't frecentcmund or rate increases aDDFIOVed DY Ontsrio Iotter_\‘ game Will be required to purchase tery system to be absolutely secure rind new 0 t A S coma mt teveryorges wors ears. 3: â€Ewan“ la ash a: con “we on l e" and redeem their tickets at another retail trusted hy all Ontarians," said Dave liryans. if wayt r 9 thwar 5 a af we†" an consumers are area Y coping w" t e economic 00mm†location â€" not at their own stores. president. Ontario Convenience Stores Asst} e mos recs: ipcreizes or the segogiougrter o 2009 bring the average increase across Ontario "This new policy ensures that everyone “ï¬lm†“we“ my 1 e a“ mom 5 to ' ependmg 0" the “meme company you are mm and who buys or caslies a lottery ticket does so "We're fully supportive of this change by your swam†you might be on the road to seeing d°“b'e'dlg’l increases, the same way ~ from the customer's side of the tilt; and want to show everyone in . the counter." said Greg McKenzie, ()L(;'s' Ontario that convenience stores are responâ€" Is There Any Hope Of Paying LESS for Car Insurance? senior Wee~president. lottery. sible lottery retailers who are committed to “It's a simple and transparent way of fair and open lottery play." Absolutely Rates may be on the rise, but the SIZE of the increases can vary Significantly from one - "y, W company to the next and from driver to driver, so don't be fooled by the headlines which suggest .i ;.\ ; " ' - ' v we're all doomed to pay more for car insurance The truth is that rates charged by different " ' ' ‘ 1‘ insurance companies to insure the same driver, With the same car, for the same coverage. can vary y tiger), fl by hundreds and even thousands of dollars And With rates varying so wildly amass Campanies, * ~ “ ~< "- . i f 4 , chances are you are not With the company that has the lowest rate for your proï¬le right now. (K%a ,, 5, .~__ Q}: Start SavingYour Money Now. ' ] Eir- edicva e“ . lnsuranceHotline com puts you in the driver seat by making insurance companies compete for your M _" ’ buSiness. With quotes from over 30 or the top insurance companies, lnsuranceHotline corn is the A Simplest and eaSiest way to make sure you aren’t overpaying for your car insurance , and it's d b "I ' l - l“ ' completely FREE to use. So what are you waiting tor? satur ay septem er 1-9 09 I“ F ’ - \ Waterloo Park West l 11:00". - 6:00†gr . V q, - b . . ‘ . lnsuranceHotline.c0m Your search engine Ra'n Of ShmE! ll for the lowest insurance rates SSW/adult, $2.50/chlld 10 a. under . . . WW I ' 0 ~ ( â€" , COMPARE OVER 30 QUOTES in minutes at W ' Roya l Med I eva I Fa' re ' org 519 27 l 4018 ’ The Royals need youl iiiilli"'r:r5"s litill'flz‘iillet.'.‘ltli'>:‘ rt;