h N t Kl AK J (.HR()NI( Ll: - “rdllexiay “n"ptx‘tlibel 10.1003 ' I“ l l â€E! ‘ TH E CITY OF if _ waterloo FO/ more mtorrnatiori, gleam (Oritdtl City of Waterloo 100 Regina St South Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4A8 n P 51988671550 F 51944778760 TTY 186677863941 0 www.waterloo.ca City Of Waterloo Mid.nm leandirplï¬rtpwimproted safety and security and a healthy Public Notice . i l a . ' committee “ecru Meetings: Monthly or as called by the Chair urban Design manual ‘. The t ity of “aterloo Council is now inviting applica- Staff Contact: Kave Crawford 5l9»747»87lb. (city Design Guidelines) “m“ â€Um members "l the â€1le Who â€Wk 0“? kayecrawfordiu waterlooca Council Chambers, City Hall Fromm" mm a “we“. or Tofkfnlhc ( "y 0, “a“ TRANSPORTATION AND TRAILS ADVISORY Wlteï¬oo City Centre ‘ . oo and who wish to be considered for appomtment to N , 100 Regina Street South ‘ the Committees below We encourage qualified and CO“ iMlTTLE , . ~ Pur Se: Advise ( cuneil on the lannin and d velo - Monday, September 28, 2009 ‘ interested Individuals to volunteer their services and to po . . p . g e D No earlier than 6'30 m have input on various Issues that atTect the Citizens of merit of a sale. sustainable and accesSIble transportation . . P . . . . Waterloo system including a network of trails. multi~use path~ Take Notice that the ( ouncil of The ( orporation of the < , _ ways. Sidewalks, cycling fatalities and streetscapes. (‘ity of Waterloo Will hold a public meeting on Septem- Please note appomtments are tor mid-term vacanCIes Meetings: Ten (10) to Twelve ( 12) per year. held on the ber 28th. 2009, no earlier than 630 pm In the CounCIl mm A term ending Nowmber 3020109" â€m" succes- last Wednesday ofeach month at 9:00 am. Chambers, 3rd Floor, Waterloo City Centre. [00 Regina 59†are appointed. For further Information relatIng to a Staff Contact: Karen Anderson. 5 l 9-747-8738. Street South, Waterloo. to approve the Urban DeSIgn ( ommittee. please telephone the staffcontacus) “Sled karenandersonta‘waterlooca Manual. new City design guidelines that Will establish AMBASSADOR COMMITTEE Karen Meyer, 519â€"7418609. karen.moyerru‘waterloo.ca clear design expectations in the public and private Purpose: Advise Councxl on opportunities for mutually WATERLOO CITIZENS" ENVIRONMENTAL realm, City Design (iUIdelines are a Counctl approved beneï¬cial relationships With national and International ADVISORY COMMITTEE document and not subJCCl to any Planning Act appeal COmf'mn’Il“ as a learning and giving experience for Purpose: Advise Council on subject areas from the process. the ( if) “t Waterloo and our partners. Environmental Strategic Plan including matters relating Background: The City of Waterloo Is committed to a “99m?“ E’ghl â€V per year. minimum to Planning 8: Growth. Energy & Resources, Environ- high standard of urban design. On March 13 2009, City S""( (intact: Palm“ Rutter, 519'747"8707' mental Awareness. Greenspace, Water Resources and Council approved new Urban Destgn policies for the patrutterzu waterloo.ca Air Quality (“Ity of Waterloo Ofl‘Ieial Plan subject to a public con- COMMITTEE OFADJL‘STMENT Meetings: Twelve 1 12) per year held on the second sultation and appeal process. These policies establish Purpose: Make decisions on minor variances and land Tuesday ofeach month at 7:00 pm, the pnmary design objectives for the City and will be severance applications relative to the City's Zoning by- Staff Contact: Denise McGoldrick. 5 I 9-74 7-86-42, used to gUIde development in the public and private laws denIse,mcgoldrickia‘waterlooca realm. The new pOlICIes also expand the Site Plan resting: Third Tuesday of every Month beginning at Robyn McMullen. 5I9»747-853 l‘ devejlopnlient approvals (spec‘Ific applrovajl process for \ A pm. robynmcmullenta Waterlooca Site eve opment sue as commercta an apartment Staff Contact: Lisa Morrison. 5 9-747- 796. ' , , ' ~ ~ * e ' ' ~ ; ll\3 morrisonia waterlooca I 8 gaLiï¬liprgECONOMlc DEVELOPMENT 53532355; Shztztsipicoivgllfh'lfheeijiililibzzllgleZTgfieahgdn MUNICIPAL HERITAGE COMMTTTEE Purpose: Advise Council on policies consistent With lmplcmentatipn policies allsohs‘treng‘tlhen the role of Purpose: Am“: ( QUflCllflon matters mVONUg conser- the intent ofan economic development program includ» dug? gufï¬im'sl throug ,[ " dcvtgpmc'nt ru M} vaiitm and Preservation of both public and pnvate built ing advice on matters of Industrial and commercial process. T‘ (in po “1,6,de reactant fir? approval and natural resources pursuant to the Ontario Heritage reqmrements. Zoning. transportation. utility services. and age in at unhamj are to Se rt crgclinid and Llab~ l A†. tax Implications and the Industrial land sales and acqu1~ orate on I roug "e“ c "y esign lgu1 e lmb’ Meetings: Te" (10) per year. as established by the sition. The Committee also provides the Economic The Urb'" Design Manual: The brban Design Manu» ( “WNW at the been“ “he fem usually held 0" Development division wnh Information and intelligence 3! is a set of City-desert gwdehnes that w.“ implement the tourth Thursday ofthe month at 6:00 pm. on the community's markets. labour force. etc. the City's Urban DeSIgn ObjectIves and POIICIes With Staff Contact: ‘karen VandenBrInk. 519-885-8828. Meetings: Ten (10) per year held on the fourth Tuesday emphaSIs on the Site Plan Review process. The Urban karenvandenbrinkm waterlooca ofeach month at 9:00 am. Design Manual includes guidelines for general Site PROPERTY STANDARDS AND FENCE Staff Contact: Marlene Coffey. 519-747-8539. devempment l General City Design). Specmc types of vARIANcc COMMITTEES marlenecoffeymlwaterlooca development (such as ta†buildings). updated stude- (Separa(e ( ommIttees with doint Membership) APPLICATION INFORMATION: lines and standards for the Site Plan process and SUP- Purpose: PROPERT‘ STANDARDS COMMITTEE Application forms. Committee Terms of Reference and porting retegencc matgrial. The Lrban DeSIenflManual t l†he?†“WW“ [0 ‘Property Standards Orders adminis- the Committee Policy are available on the City of bf the†SE Jest to: road FonSUImtléT process and Is lfft’d h) Prone") Standards Officers relating to the Waterloo website www.waterloo.ca, under Mayor & 00mg pranmel if?†tin?“ or â€W?“ ' Thhe lib?" l roperty 513"dafd> [fly-Law. Council. Committees. Committee Recruitment or by ‘signa anua “L “M pnman y by t e tit“, Opt FENCE VARIANCE COMMITTEE contacting: "m“ '" â€my ‘"' fpmpa’a'm" °fd?"°'°Pm‘"‘ â€a“ ' ‘ .. _ 1 _ , ‘ ‘ and also, used by ( Ity stafTin the review and approval To make recommendations to ( ouncil with respect to Julie Scott. PTOJCCI Manager. ofseveral types ofdevelopment applications. ’ ipplications for variance relating to the hence By~|aw. Electronic Records and Document Management A c ‘ “(h , d Urb De 7 M ‘l ‘ ll be i Z eetings: As reqmred usually held at 3.00 pm. City ofWaterloo ' UP) ‘ ‘ 3 "W“ A" . an Sign anua “I _ l Stafl( ontact: Mary George. 519-747-8714. x233. Tel: 5I9-747-3798; Fax. 519-747-515 l0 a\ailable‘ior review on the second floor Planning Pin. . marygeorgetu waterlooca [1mm]: committeesm waterlooca sion on September 16th. £09 and “Ill be made avail . SAFE AND HEALTHY COMMUNITY ADVISORY Appmanon forms may also be Naked up 3. FOR further information regarding the above mat- COMMITTEE , ‘ ter of should you Wish to make comments on the Purpose: Advise (“owed on a scope of issues related C lerk S Department. 15“ Floor â€PO" 0' guidelines, please contact Ryan Mounsey to matters of developing and sustaining a safe and 100 Regina SH?“ South, Waterloo ‘ City Of Waterloo Development Services. 2nd healthy community including advice on programs and Applications Will be accepted until 4:30 pm on Floor. Waterloo City Centre, Waterloo. Ontario, by sen Ices, pohcws, community and partnership opportu- Friday. â€Nth“ 3~ 2009 calling (519) 747-8589 W by email at ‘ nities and proactive approaches, issues and Situations ryan.mounsey0waterloo.ca.