u - ‘i\ \l l M t it it â€RUN" I} “A: in" Nit]. st l‘“ nth. l m mow J" "fl â€"‘t D l - ,, as, " ‘,?lf'g_,,, Ii Local martial arts master brings sport to g] bal d' no nline Bi BUHVNMANu it tie Ill ilearinehotise (ll marital lenst litter said the site is also ill/lllr‘ltl‘t‘ writ/l arts out there important tor people nirh rnnlti ‘lhts is the ultimate worldtside ple blat it belts looking tor the -r Waterloo “mitt hnn master martial ailslearnirtgprogram principles behind their martial »' \\t'lll\’l I en“ hirer has alums ‘lhe\ (l'll'llllllt‘si girttttlinasters arts lroni st hools int hnta or other dreamed aho’til hutldtngatoittrritt and others rimmed represent the plates 1,“ » , ~ 31.75 ' llll\ til martial l'\l)\‘ll\ grandmas bestoltlieliestortlheplanet ‘ It t\ill eliminate atressiliilitx Lifer , ‘- . lt‘l\ and telehrllies to share their lot a ntortthh lee people tan issues and the hardship ol Iran-I 3.5 ' ' . _‘ , philosophies and tnstghts about Join the site and attess high tit-It in hittigtrtg t‘\('l'\llllt‘ together in a “‘ " v q. 3 thesport\\illttl1ereslolthe world IlllltHl institutional \l(ll'll\ one strippottal . ‘ f Ihis “eel hes getting a step lllllllllSr message serxtces and letischner is planning to do a 7, ’§‘ v .§._ " t loser to realixtng that dream \\1lll other sot ial nemorking tools thal solt latinth or the site met the neu M \ i, 6,153.5 f his onn martial s airs \\t'l)\lll‘ tonnet t members \\‘llll e\perts ten weeks A K ,"~ 5 _:§7r, _ g' ‘ [he sire trt|)llllt'\ more tltari l eust hner said it otters a lle‘ll lorrnalh introdute ll dtirâ€" , .’_ 5 Int! tlttlerent riiarlial arts slxles tremendous amount of tnlorma mg a planned press conference iii ï¬at}; W and lllt‘s to distill them down into tron that “I“ he collected and (lctoher tltat \\1ll lirtiig in smite ol 23, f’t.â€â€˜-“" their purest lorins so that anmne organt/ed iii a user lrieridl\‘ man the celebrities leattired on the site jn' “W st if ran learn them llllllllt- at net to prmidesonie starpouer ' \ on“ idontarttalarls tom "It basicalh has t'\er\'thing that Ieust‘ltner said he‘ll release ‘(J to lhe ltll aI entrepreneur arid a martial artist is looking fort" he more details about the launch "ï¬g!" ° , martial arts promoter â€"â€" who said latet‘intlte tall “f ' " made a lug splash in the rnarttal lhe site also alltms people to Martial arts has retentlv if __ arts “(llltl \\IIll his I11()\'Il' t'hroiti» ï¬nd training partners and btiild up en|o_\'ed a renaissance, espet rall\‘ ‘ . w thug the All)? World Black Belt connections with people who with the growrng poptilarin oi fl , ( liamptonshtps â€" has brought havestmilarinterests. Mixed Martial .v\rts. -" sotne or the biggest names to the l'or instance, lieus‘t‘ltner said. il Letischner said the Internet is a ’ \t'|llllrt' somebody in Mumbai. India had a perfect place to htiild on that -« 5 â€rev tnt'lude Hill “Superloot†particular interest in a specific awareness and share some of that - ‘Q \\.lll.lt‘l‘, a former world ktt‘kbox martial art on the website. the) expertise. _ 4 mg l'lldlllpr and grandrnasters ll] could find other people iii the "This is the future.†he said Waterloo menial arts master†Werner Leuschoer "mm mm Grandmaster \artotis styles like George l’it'ard same geograpltit‘al location and “I've been ant)l\ ed with the Gary Lam as part 07 till Exercise for: the new website wwwadomartial Rick l'uyel (tarry lam, Keith ( urts. build up a follomng to the poirtt ol martial arts for 34 years and I only â€151°? flaring! '5 laudnchinlgt e we "1's week, It WM teach people Rielt (iarnboa and \\t‘aterloo‘s tmtt landingtheir own IllslruClUIZ want the best involved with this moret an ' erent “Up mes st‘EMt'llttthtw Roman llatashrtai a former “lhe internet is the future," he project. 1 , _ , l i l 5 ‘ I f h b , Olympian in Judo said ol'bi's learning program. lit-uschner hopes the site will “N on“ d mont I W" 1 out um- ntht)t) th rpm} 1‘ it THI,I]I;-I~;lg 1†"No one else has done this." “Everybody has computers and connect people as passionate (“H's ‘ ‘ , l f' l P†“I; 9 r“ 1 “it h)? I“ d l n â€f'" said letisthiter. who scoured the [Vs even in the third world couriâ€" about the sport as he is, He said h 501?â€th †sguugrzvm 51m “11111“ “SQ“ "m I llâ€??? I I†ran - - K n r i t ,, ‘ . , ,. z . t t web to lind ll there was the same tries the website Wlll be updated at I t g I “M “r' “l I I“ “H“ l“ Iâ€! “r omt â€15 “‘ ‘ , ‘ c ' sun? \ , Y . . r 1,7 . tr t. l ' l r ‘.; ’ t.» t f. '\ a} l' A " n.- - A M fa -t'\â€" , 1 l ‘ f \ L, ’ |'_ t :‘5 , ' h .t\ . A. ' , 4 5 ._ ' is; . ’ ~ . 1 ; _ . for~ ’ I I I If t .â€" ‘ I i . $- . ' , r" " ' s d s b 19m . . , r; atur av, eplem er t“ a f l r _. ,. ~ N , , , r ' 4 Whats Happenlng b .- . a? » ' .‘ 963; v ‘r 3 ‘ ~' it V i! . . , * Doors open at 5:30 pm. Post time at 7:30 pm. it ~' it Watch and wager on a championship night of racrng % .' $1», featuring the $1 million Canadian Trotting Classrc, as r ‘ A“; A ' T ‘ t K . v _ up .- s i , t Meet John Campbell, 2009 Canadian Sports Tn , he; , . K . 5 5 ' A s . Hall of Fame inductee, at a FREE autograph at 5 ‘\~ ""‘~"'». . . . ‘ ‘ «. M a. k ,., . a . Signing at 6.30 pm. - I ' , h \ r *,.._ , k s-'_ . ’ * ~ ' .%, - u . “" "was" â€r s ‘- “Inâ€! Lin ‘ a “1†“-»_>.,‘.., _* y. ' - r a , .~.-.~. A_ s ‘ 1'17‘45‘i25w .. - it FREE admrssron and parking! tum“? Hwy 401 k: ‘ 35g}, ,g~‘~g;~3: ‘ †' “M i: M “We.“ v