In†N11Xl( mum“ lk-isetitiesiia‘. \qilt'tlilbci In. mm- is ' I I I I I I D lhzgczmfl thin mm?" "' m 5/ ‘ / I ,' I m until I M 11 “â€1110â€:lllllflllldlltlnvlsll Rude Native Bistro and lounge. [5 King \t M m tum straitordfestival t a or (all the box tillite at Waterloo, presents l'itii [unis on litestlavs, â€my "W554“ 5016 Rest t dWI Bar 811' 1 st W CECILIA GUARTET Waterloo-[Trias't-‘tit‘snthe LII)†“A“; â€I“: l'eatiin Hie It’ll/(hammer Musit~ \m‘iety presents the 0" THE EDGE m . ' ‘ , 7 . ‘ (xx'ilia Quartet, Sept. :2, a p In . at 51'Young st liteatre on the lxlge presents ll\‘t‘1ntpni\ (1)1111“ :nEIlJEZIIIIEIIIaII‘i Ensigmégkgainlgrgms W. Waterloo. Tickets an: $25. 810 senior. $11 In every Thursday at 8 pm d1 the Button incur w ' ’ " p.m. to midnight. Call 519-747-5622. ' “Udell! (11“ 5195351573 ry Admission is $5 Visit www tote (a K-W LITTLE THEATRES ALADDIN M 220 Kin St N W I- I I†eneâ€"fl ~ K»W11ttle Theatre is auditioning for roles in W udc Home. . g .1 “ ater- me , _a _ .é ‘, s__. 4 my Aladdin the Pantomime, Sept. .‘1, 7 to 10 pm. 100‘ presents Jeremy Remple. Sara (Jamar, The REESOH: THE PLAY at 9 Princess St. E. Waterloo. There are roles for #103! Shara: toCmghi. UDrban Masks. “f?â€- m l‘our pert'orttiattt'es of Reesor‘ The Play stains ages 10 and up. Call 519-886-0660. dau Dattï¬idim' flehmllet :2? dn‘ mama" WI" ‘ Sept 18 at the St Jacobs (\hurt‘h Theatre, I'lTh ï¬' ’ " ,. .,,.. I ,_,_ '* ’1 "V3117, 7' ,..,_, ' I†ay‘ Th? Harbinger Gallery PW’HIS 1011156 King \t N ,Si lambs Tickets are $15 for stir \II I \ VEHIS ,‘ L \I I ISII maSSICS ‘ â€â€06“" Tammy Ratcliff. Maria P9173110 print~ dents and seniors (31] 519»&H.1Iwi L †W ‘ ’" *" “’ W‘ _ï¬._*.‘-__l making and mixed media at 22 Dupont Si. 12.. “I!†“MAY Waterloo (xiii 519-747-4644. â€"50"†NAN FORLER CANADIAN CLAY AND GLASS GALLERY THE SECOND TIME AROUND (Ionrad (irebel Utiiverstty College is hosting an PAUL, WMWH . . . _ The Canadian (‘la and â€a†(ialJe presents The 111mm: Theatre (Intiipam Int: presents The author event featuring Nan Forler author of â€â€˜9 k“ Lhamber MUSIC.&KI()W presents dab» (“1an “may“! \Izlmamms t)t‘1)iscsrySpirals ‘ ~ \et‘und Iiine Around until Sept 3(Jal1ht‘l‘llnlr Bird Chm}. Sept. 19, g to 4 p.m., at 140 Wesr 5'93} [Kl-â€ml“! Paul (“3“â€qu 59p“ 11- 8 p.m,. 3‘ and Xuan'isat 7'5 (kimline St Waterloo (all rt! lheatre. Th Howard Ave . Illinll’ii lit'kets are mount Rd. N†Waterloo. 57“)â€181?‘ WaVi'aterkï¬o. 114d?“ zllrt'EZS, $20 5193451188" _. \ I I 518 Stilist'ri "tons. int'liidui all tour shows % senior, - Sill ent. ('3 5 «335 57" ‘ â€â€˜ this seawn, Eire available lorgas little its 5w \IIISII: COH‘IQWIpOFaYY my K0,"? HOUSE COMMUNITY GALLERY Ticket packages are available tit the( eiiirt- iii SILVER BIRCH QUARTET â€â€˜9 “â€117 llnuse‘Communit)‘ (.allery presents the Square but tJIIl(‘t' til 519578-1571) \‘isit MY _ Some Plou- 01†â€I"? by artist Bl†hinyth. I“ \mwelmlmmâ€mm,“ SPIRITS hieï¬-wgranohï¬edesneca VI); 2‘33? performs sept. 25*†171 King st, s., Waterltm. (at 519- BRIGADOON The Starli ht is holding a (11) release party fea~ :31"? in [gySZUZIr‘gI “5:2“ Argws‘i‘X'géagiue ‘4‘) 844’) 1)ra_\1t)n IznlL‘rIillllnit’l‘ll presents Brigutloon Iii turing Emits. mth Sex Dwarf and \"acuity. Sept 5119â€"578-1570L0r 1-8(l()»76578977 ' B f the festival llieatrv, .l.i\I\'elllngton 51.5..â€1‘11)‘ 17, 8 pin. at 47 King St. 31.. Watering Tickets ‘ - ‘ - e rt 0 ton tickets ‘tlrl‘ $.18, $20 for children under 18. 2111’le for more information call 5197885- “my (3115197tx'ilt75555. 4970. DANNY "on on 8 scene 2 HANDS 4 HANDS gummy The K-W Chamber Music Society presents "If ï¬zflfnlf‘yflézzwmffl only “21:03â€? SIN-7111,"! [)rayton Entertainment presents 2 Pianos 4 KEANE P131115! Danny H011- SQPI- 1918 Ptm-I at 57 dines Sm“ and rift-et‘pnrii‘ax thufemé’fghg_ Hands to Dec. 20 at the Schoolhouse'lheatre, . , 1 ‘ _ Young St. W., Waterloo. Tickets are $20. $15 sen- â€(13' or "m†editon'al@uowrloochmmtle m 1 1 Alben st, St. lambs. Tickets are $31, $20 for The “inâ€? "J â€'9 5‘1wa Wat?“S “an“ . ior.$10 student. Call 519~886-1673. ‘ ' ' students. Call 519438-5555, With lights. Sept. 19, 8 p.m., at 101 Queen ht. TH N., Kitchener. Tickets are $32.50~$39.50, (all I III 18%“ URI) III. I.“ “an E RICE BOY . , 519-578-1570 or 1-800-265-8977. ’ ' ‘ The Stratford Shakespeare Festival presents CUES ACROSS 15 ‘ , Waterloo playwwight Sunil Kuruvilla’s The Rice m l Watering "0‘35 In. “I. Bay until Oct. 3 at the Studio Theatre. Visit ELIZA GILKYSON 5 Baby's bed 17 vswwstratfordfestivalca or C3“ 1'300‘557' The Princess Cinema presents Eliza Gilkvson 9' Voicanic craters ' “I “I... 1550 Sept. 23. 8 pm, at 6 Princess St,W.,Water100. 1; mtpear. (â€we 20 ‘ 21 22 ‘ CYRANO DE BERGERAC T‘ lets are 32112111 519-884-5112. 16 Chimich fried burritos ' . . lull... Thle Stratford Shakespeare Festival presents PUBS/CLUBS i7 Pitcher Ti ()0 m Fenre in (Iwano De Bergerac at the Festi» Sm: V ~ v » . , r 18 Aeneas a...“ “I. val Theatre until Oct. 31. Call 1-800-567-1660. mm “‘13:; guyï¬gggigsgklwmï¬gloo, 19 Comb-plate . 27 _. WEST SIDE 5mm days ind “Mme from 6309 Pm, â€â€œ13!“ 32 "M3354"; 5"" “I ill-Hi“ The Stratford Shakespeare Festival Presents Ergglolwil-mgm and Saturdays from "30‘ 24 Dined 3‘ 32 “y'. “I I l ‘ West Side Story at the Festival Theatre running ' pm, '5" ngstreettnocom. 25 Afï¬rmative 26 ox in take out 36 I. 31, Actress Tomet ‘ ‘ 35 Sentient 38 v n . ., t . 1 as be mow III?“ “I... \ 1 N ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ llic l\â€"\\ .lotilcssott M11001 Inc 33mm “I..." “I. . m v WT: m 4i Conditions oi balance ‘7 «a I. q t il\1.11'\\L1\t; 10113 t‘iititi mm iii‘r: ‘3 ““30‘3"°°“V°""°9'E“'5 “I "In“ . . 45 Central processang mitt RONIC . 46 Take tome llmtt “a“... . 55 , Prrva te School I? "awn 51 Popular seafood appetizer 56 57 ‘ 58 . I ‘ __ mmmm MW llll Illl ~ at ‘ . 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Hit: 122: 'Wm . 2 AutnovJonn Cowper CnIna“ author Swan ‘2 Oman otAnkara ,- ~ - WWWW A ‘ I New 3 1 celled protozoa (all sat 22 Pesetas u lncteaseIrI volume =_' ' ' 1'1": .“ Huh ‘ ' M locations In ‘ â€IF" A Dime was sennus 27 Blood clams genus 45 Frog utterances i :11.f.;l;.:i;.-I: - :1 - KIM/Waterloo w 5 Neanetohoomood 28 Havingaslanted ‘8 Speak g. . . _ ._ m so". you. “m ‘A 5 Com meat In an oven direction 49 Wmmtcd g _â€";,; ; :54! y \\ 7 Linear unit 29 Emttcoherenl mutation so mammam . 5159-7424051 8 vacuum 30mm cm W 2-3:»: 3.35.; an: . .1 . L. W mm 9mm 3‘ 00am 5' Soaummm