. \'Q' l l - "8 g L; - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 0 WATERLOO, ONTARIO * SI INCLUDING CST 4 ‘b‘ ' F‘\â€\x Accessr lllty [ . , 63 a growmg l l ' . ., l in; A} o . concern wnh ‘ ;.» l "a o r CHASE l . 1 ~ \ ' ING new condo % ' ii . I " ' ' A . a“ . _ ’ \ b ‘ m l - '- “a, ; --" 5g l Fates developers . . " â€" g were“ u?- '7“ '1 1 l ' ~ 5 g . " . 4“â€"1 BY Gnu; MMIDONAU) ? K ‘ a: Chm/rule Surf] ’ " ‘ i . "N [ ARTS Focus e“\ j . c . new lowâ€"me condo dewlopment will ,- i ‘ Royal M edreugl Pa"? Age built at the intersection of Park and l i (at . Page 1 / Ilen streets. despite concerns _ d > , n. F ‘ _. , expressed by neighbours and councillors .- . " I ~ “~‘ ' ’ ‘ (wraccessibilityand trafï¬c. ' 5 , . I V ) The project. dubbed 133 Park. will be . t 3 it" ‘ a - ‘ ' c -‘ erected at the northwest corner of the "' (a, 3 f ' 1 two uptown streets. just metres away . -. A ‘ "5 7,4â€; . - ‘ fl , from two high-rise condominium build- ., f t»; _ .- P - o_ ings currently under constmction â€" 144 a U Â¥ - i f " o. ‘ Park and the Bauer Lofts. . c _ M ‘ ' ' ' The new building will be a “terrace J, (i , . ,' _ "1 f a ' , , ’ dWelling" â€" essentially three rows of “ '__ _ . p}, we ',,f .. ; ~ townhouses stacked on top of each other. ‘ , 9 “if ' ..' , _ , 7 “I think this is exactly the kind of _ ‘ -. ,. 1 building we need in the city," said Coun. ' . Mark Whaley at Monday night's council .-_ \ / meeting. '- . ‘ “It will ï¬t into the neighbourhood." Terrace dwelling is a new style of in housing for Waterloo and one that . SPORTS caused some concern for (Toun. Karen ,_ . Siskins 75th Scian. ~ ‘ . . The plans for the building provide for "a, ‘ â€"â€" anniversary two handicapped parking spots. but no 49, g a reunion accessibility to the units in the form of ‘ “my ' ' Page 20 ramps or an elevator. ' \ 1 That might be okay under provincial l ~ ' law, but it's not logical, Scian said m "I think that in this day in age, it's J f' .7 ' I; absolutely absurd to bring forward a 4" if ' planning proposal that excludes large -. . 3 I sectors of our population including sen- 3 ' x .{ iors and the disabled." she said. _ to \. . . lim Hosepian. a member of the condo ‘ ‘ board at the nearby Chippendale Com- mumbm mons. also had qualms with the building. l POCket Change , “The Ihke bogus W.“ supprorttge 0? the Wilfrid Laurier University students Annie Constantinescu and Andrew Windrem count the change they @ (“era l 09 an “if“ 0 (the â€a? GPA collected from passing cars during Shinerama on Saturday. The event, which took place across the city, ( /‘ ment. t tey worried a n" tra C OW raised funds for the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. ‘3 1 Continued on page 7 I ’ ' ‘ \ Drivers who ve done their homework A. ,,, c. ‘ ° 1 (fl Fï¬â€˜ A - a ' w- dnve a SUbaru' . , , -» > ' ' VG? Fagin- “F SUBARU . ** g ‘ ‘ - if ¢ a“ v". ’ Drive over 1,000 KM per tank. ~ cg... _» = ‘ . GEM, MOTORS munâ€"mm."- i . .i . . ovum-"lead. an“: -. 26 Manitou Drive ."'."-»'-f-‘.'l"pefl' . f v* ..-k v, A" 1 Mfg.- F“: ' er ' ' 3 .‘ : Kitchener, ON g; fit 1 5“ ~' f: . 3153.1 "itâ€. gaff.“ $33,133. '7~.’i- “ . “ ‘ ‘ ~ a, ; r: pufï¬ng?“ “ifâ€"H" 1 â€": ,« as ~~ . > > 7 7 -. fl ' . , i Tel: (519) 894-2050 if ‘ " ' . "A: ' : _.: t, , . i Toll Free: 1-877-287-2844 up '. " -*. .-~.' ' - . - . . a.vr2~:.'u..-"i41Â¥""v:.' . i