WAlHtitK it unoNit‘ue - lVetltil‘sdd» September its no“ ii ' â€" ° ' h ' ï¬ b ï¬ ? Excess weight IS H a p ys1cal or a mental ght to e t. Hm is the {iii/it Ill ii \t'll(.\ of attempts and one sum-ring from where an overweight persons than ( onteiit “(Ill him you look tom/rim on the emotional (Ls/R1 ti botits ol depression \\ I I( I I I \( weight ior appearant ei is, and It there are indeed sutiilarities of “1?th [mi III Il‘llSLUlIlIlllli 1 Will explore ' ' ‘ “Ilt'lt' they Wish it to be I'liese between a tlepressiie and height possible parallels between the IN reminders happen when trying on loss mindset, it would ooh make n the preyiotis twoameles I indi mindset of a struggling dieter and outfits eat ll morning betore work sense to ineorporaie st ienntit (ated the most frequently over thine feeling depressed when passing mirrorsi when shop ‘knowledge about depression to looked tam" in weight loss is the At't’tll’tllllg to the ( ‘entre for ping tor t’lothes and the list goes further understand n eight loss emotional state alsoknomi as mood .'\(ItII(‘ll()n and Mental Health 0, on ‘ People are tar more likely to eat depression is charaetenzed as fol, a» lo make matters worse the (nntlnued on page 13 Welland ext-Rise when they are lows. -. - more unhappy a person is Wllh reeling good about themselves \er "Iver, one experiences unhap- i their appearance. the more sus being in a negative mood state piness and many people tnay ‘ unhappy they are WIIIi their overall d d' . the term mood in this eomext become depressed temporarily i ‘ self o er†0 la encompasses a whole range of when things don't go as they would i ‘ Before 1 continue, Id like to 2 ) bash; feelings from joy, sadness like Experiences of failure com» ‘ i throw in a quiek suggestion for ‘erffkntf “80 anger and fear to eoriiplit'ated monly result in temporary feelings ‘ DREW i those who are unhappy With how 0 beliefs such as teelmgs of made? of worthlessnes’s and self~blame i HARVEY f they look. /0 quaey, unwonhmess and low self- Such feelings are normal. and they i â€"-â€"» â€"â€"â€" â€" â€"â€" râ€"â€"â€"‘â€" â€"J Your body~image is not the esteem, usually pass after a shon time. This things not going as one would like same as your self-image. Even if OFF l previously explored the simi- is not the case with depressive ill» are synonymous with repeated you can't convince yourself ofyour B 1 b ff t larities in thought patterns ness." weight ms; attempts. outward beauty, recognize that uy u e ' between an individual in the ‘l wole like to emphasize two Adding further insult IS the con- you can be happy with who you get 2nd 1 5 0/0 off throes of repeated werght loss pointa Experiences of failure and stant reminder of the gap between are as a person, despite being less Must be presented at time of purchase Cannot be used in (miundion With any other . . ) spam or ï¬e Oneoponper truer (iii/Justify†«97 (if/aw Jenn/[y Me {If/llâ€? (fill (ï¬mdg " you are planning to pass the torch in! “thin al C“. am i valid 7sdays°oerï¬woek brief valid ï¬rst, 3mm ' dtlflki purthased with each rhea; A large selection of British PM and Chocolates be careful no one gets burned. s. in: may... ‘i (mitts Sept and/09 We Nair Sell Search Pm. Sausage Raw, Steak Pies, Potato Scam and Soda Bread Scouts ‘ i or M t â€it it â€it [it i m K w- â€W“ °f 096mm"! L a W 4;st "my " ‘ ’ “ "‘ * “ (siiimnwm in ‘ i Ailweek Ham-109m “ ‘ ‘S i ' - ‘ Buffet Lunch ev da ltz3oam-Zziopm 0 w C? Call us ma; tor our tree Special Report, ' i i "yr y ' . ' {I f l "8 Preparing toyRelinqulsh the Rom; " ‘ who“ Mon'Fn “Mina" f y : rgu Sat a. Sun 3:30pm-9:30pm ' i ‘ lb ’ 7 I i TakeOutopenallweelittaanpm ‘ WM? ms ‘ 4344 King St. E. Kitchener _ i m _ i I we; ; (519) 650-4424 The Shops tannins St. lambs Simon Fax “mam j" " “' " ‘ ‘ ‘ ' “ ' ‘ “ ‘ mmrr-M’m-k i www.modernindia.ta ,, \ “do ,“,d , \§‘,Â¥,,, o,,a4 , _ } ' ,, z w ,, It' N t Y . â€"- ~ S ews 0 011 . ., » *,‘ oNEa'IfN, , . a . 1 Every week our Carriers aw \ ‘ THERE i t? i D ~ ( g g . . f' a ,- r ‘ carry on the tradition of 9g, _ ._ » R0 ‘ i t ‘i l . . / off:â€" i : ~. ‘\ “in its ; bringing the news to the “23 a, .i x is 5, . it , I ‘ s “ft" 5 homes in Waterloo. 0 \ “a; ago; ‘“ . ; “5&4 , , i - i For their dedicated ¢ a} f ., WM A, . t~1':,;,»__5§; A, ' , . ‘ ' .~ 0 ' ‘ “if ' x a" . ‘ “ , » ' efforts, we salute our ‘ f ‘“ t s «- 1 Ԡf «i W - - I J hardworking newspaper , “:\ Carners.‘ ~ ; ONTARIO JUNIOR CITIZEN if‘.\ i Showvoursuwortfor ~\ or THE YEAR AWARDS - o ,_ x.‘ l i at)!" 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