s- vim Him CHRONICLE - Wednesday. July 22. 2003 - ;' .1: W. V" “ï¬gs“... â€rigawe‘we ‘;1 ,, ~ a. f . Wty'wwr' 7* ~ ' ' »- 49’? W t . . a er ac V18 8 c en e . - .3 , . 3: ,. . as it s A' , . I 9» 3“).w"’â€i.ï¬":";%«f; » it (5': 3 (â€f "3 ‘ a" . - .~ 5. «A. was: - ' . a 0 0 ‘ '.‘..‘,iaii:&‘i‘: it " H‘l' . \ _ _ ’ .' (ii~lniiitlitiintiis.( niiilnit \liuis . . i ' -. i \. r h â€I†\uLIi I'.iiii BYBOBVIUMNAC “It just shouldn‘t be a debate at “Where's the source science a .. PM†Hi I N “I" (.hrmm‘lP-Vafl this point in time.†said Kirshen. which proves that swallowing water - ' ‘ _ who took over the presidency of the fluoridated with hydrofluorosilicic | Lil lutl llieli \lt in d | tel, “illlliiiis The president of the Ontario association in lune aftereight years acid actually causes any reduction . mg I." â€I: ‘ hm h“ in: 1‘ “INN†‘ Dental Associationis defend- on the body's boardofdirectors. in dental carries?†said Fleming. \ 'I l’ ‘ | l \ 1' . ‘ _ mg the use oi fluoride in drinking "When you come out a read that “Opinions and endorsements M In i tins. M NH it I \ water. despite repeated calls for the World Health Organization. arenotscience, I,â€. l “mu“ \kiii. “my“ “mm “H. source science by aWaterloo advo- Health Canada and the Centres for “If water fluoridation is to be ‘ a _ . ‘ . ‘ . cacy group. Disease Control in the States are in decided the le it see odd I'M â€Hmâ€: “'-""'l‘_ I “"‘ ( J" A I "l" """" ()niario Dental Association supportâ€"they also have hundreds that the :yeoplepdgh't have $33 sciv I‘t‘l‘lll;ll1ill|:|\‘( ltllilllltills . it i. M“. . no... .i. President Dr. Ira R, Kirshen has ofstudies in support of the science ence and the costs to fluoridate so Mum“ l [ml ‘ A“. A â€H†offered to. provide the local anti; not just one ortwo." that they can weigh it for them» ‘ I fluoridation group. Waterloo Robert Fleming of Waterloo selves.“ n‘;,.,/,,,i. ,:./, ,.,.,,,» ,,,,/ m H “"â€,"/ Watch. the science behind the Watch wants the association to Kirshen acknowledged that the I“ wâ€. \ (“In A l/ll/li/I M 1/. WA MW}. [CW/f MW†association's-support, of water provide a list of scientiï¬c studies. optimal concentration of fluoride 2 '_ H . a"... 1“?“ W? 7" a ‘ .. J _ . 4‘ ‘ . ‘ fluoridation. its benefits and its economic analysis and dental car- in the water haschanged overtime. @5542“; 1 , '13-? ' :. r 1' _ _ a. Q. . cos!t<-.eff:ctivengss.hl h u The most recent change was in .' a."'l,,.l'°d - “ . c -.~._{ . 5.751 4"†â€S 9" 535 i I 35505 ' ' ' ' ‘ . -; (â€â€˜4 .5 h "a; " 3’ aï¬g‘asé’j‘éai tion doesn't hare thee srfurce s:â€" Itjust Should" t be a Eggzavgge:0H§alit:n?::ag:orfiche - g , y ‘ ' ._ L41â€, ff; sggvgrgigkes ence in hand, bodies like Health debate at this P017“ water. ' Canada do ' in â€ma †“There are advances in science.†As recently as 2007. Health said Kirshen. I Canada reviewed the scientiï¬c lit- '11" men “We we‘re seeing some fluorosis. 1 ‘ ‘ erature and still came out in sup- PMWMOf'hep'f‘a'iO but it’s not a disease and is easily 1’ \ port of the benefits, safety and Denmm‘a’w" controlled. It's not a risk compared f/K . ‘ ~ I I I I] L v “Only the cost~eï¬ectiveness of water ï¬uori- ' to the beneï¬t the people in the . g/ L I/ '7 _ .7 Best 1mm dationmpreventingcavities. rihes comparisons that supports lowest socioeconomic levels \ ,4, 4,, 1 . our Family . t oseclaims receive from this†1 . g . MLS _ to Yours" .- ' “The Ontario Dental Associa- Kirshen said he's only seen a I. 3» . 20 - “I 25 » . tion touts the beneï¬ts and safety of couple of cases of dental fluorosis . a; » » Y Y "'5 Modern lndla drinking water fluoridated with which cause pitting and the discol- '.~ ' *â€" hydrofluorosilicic acid, an induse oration of the teeth. in his 29~year ‘ T on Store Made came, Cut 26¢ (a a?“ (“a LLBO trial toxic waste. but yet have failed career. . to produce any science," said in fact. at his Richmond Hill ? . T SAUSAGES SMOKED PORK CHOPS 0/0 Fleming. 'jThey want to say how practice. he's noticed people who ‘ ~ a... . $5 71 k ‘2 59 ID $11 00 k 34 99 cost-effective water fluoridation is. were drinking well water compared , (V 0 - . 0 - "1‘ OFF yet nobody is really tracking these to fluoridated town often had more : : Store Made Deli 5mg 90-95% Fresh X-Lean costs at the municipal level. dental carries. Cooked. Honey or Dinner GROUND BEEF Buy 1 buffet, “Since the newest president of As for people concerned about ( â€AM 81 k the Ontario Dental Association. Dr. safety of hydrofluorosilicic acid. ‘86 0 (5m; 3'“) get ZHd 25 0/0 Off Kirshen, seems to believe they Kirshen said he admitted he does- 85 49 ka.‘2.4g "1 3.09 lb. $6.37 kg 2.89 lb. â€mu Imimo'wthu_ hlave thhe science. I ask they he n‘t have all the information about 3 Cannot new Mommaâ€. with anym p ease s ows us the science.†its history as an industrial byprod~ SATURDAY, JUL! 2.5 whhmoï¬m- MWWMW Flemin ' ’ ' ' . _ _ g made a Slmllal’ request uct. But he doesnt like the scare Come see the Stemmler Meats sponsored “Blue Thunder†Dragster and a “Pimped Out" “I", Lfldgamaggefldxï¬m to the City of Waterloo and Region tactics that are being used in wild Cavalier. Donations to the Cystinotio Research dim mined. Expires July ms of Waterioo in a Freedom of lnfor- describing it. W nuke-rec W Hours of’Operation' mam" “We“ ï¬led ‘" “a" "The °"° "“8 â€k“ â€8"" gm ‘° Wellsohlve “CWk-‘WMNMR FREE mm Al | "my!†' He asked them to produce any me is that they'll trot out the fluo- 3031 Lobsmger WW Heidelberg 519-699-4590 I f] I l doy1i:3t)am-Z:3ll researchthey had that supports ride that gets transported with the 1‘ H . N ‘ ~- . . "I" . . ' the practise so that it can be made big skull and crossbones on it, and â€ion rived are Tim is VF“ a te. 5n . m ». WWW slemmlermeats mmm‘m’m ~ ~ ' . - . .ca MlSun public in time for a planned say Look what person you're put- â€! â€Milan“ II 5131: '11†slebtsctte on the issue being held ting in our water.’ ' said Kirshen. .. .. uring the 20m municipal elec- “But get a bottle of chlorine that / 4344 King St E, Kitchener tion. Merging airgues that afterl40 is supposed to be sanitizing and your 1 a a years 0 uori ation in Water 00 cleansing the water. and it has the autho .‘ . . e , “1‘ 4 . ‘ . er (5 9) 550â€â€œ.2‘.‘ theinformation should be readily same warning “Nobody ever com~ g “ I ’4 ' WWW-m" - available. plains about chlorine in water. and f ‘_ a; for me scientiï¬- . .3" , cally it's way ,1 . n more caustic." , . . ‘ _,. 7‘, Jam. L, m5“ , . ... ( Kirsten said 4 ’ ‘ the association V a c ‘ I ,' will continue its - . f support and . ; ' made a deputa- «1': tion at Thunder % MONTMORENCY PIE . \ Bay council on ~ CHERRIES \ l ' ‘ L" M a day night, He We vo done all the work. , u ~14 1 said while mm- thly picked. stemmed. pitted at flash frozen '- in... "WNW“ he†~ _.. K "W are debating SW5“ s. ’ I fluoridation. the ‘ . CHERRIES numberofcom- BLA‘LK A“ ‘BlE muni‘lies in the . ALSO AVM H 4 K6 I US. that are mud i fluoridated «vi 'i 7.: is um mm :w i a i i: mm i‘l‘j I have gone up I by 10 per cent â€a..." 4" ('1’) M11 0 1m7-40aHIyJ-1mllonotdm in the last 53 “my,“ 500le Human mm“.- Moutwmmmu ~ Immaculate.“ (1°00ch ‘