zo-wnmuoo ctr-omen! ‘M’Ifltly. My 22. 2009 - M , , M 7 7 l | '-.-“ _..= . _=»=. , A.ii »,__fl_â€"_MWW , - â€" - " “ ' ‘ ' ' ' “ " gm ' ' 1-8005674600. . days and Thursdays from 6130â€"9 pm.. Fridays ' Â¥ l l l l Stage mm ma from 7:30-11:30 pm and Saturdays from 7:30- _, l “I Galleries , A .mm~sx The Stratford Shakespeare Festival presents 10:30 PM V's“ mï¬mmmm- ’ ‘ *’ ' Bartholomew Fairat theTom Patterson Theatre Rude Native Mound lounge. 15 King St. S.. “t v' T ‘ use “<1: 4? ON “5 in“ _ . running until Oct 2. For more information visit Waterloo, presents Tim Louis on Tuesdays. ‘ M Theatre on the Edge presents hve unprov come- www.stmtfordfestival.ca 0, call the box ofï¬ce at 8016 Restaurant andWIne u 83 Erb St w HAMMER m dy everyThursday at 8 pm at the Button Facto- 1-800-567-1600. Waterloo. ’ - ’ . ' The Harbinger Gallery presents [noise , , , _ presents the The Arte Trio featuring . . . ry. Adrmssion ts $5.th wwwtoteca , A“ 13080" bass Fred Nelson on iano and lamche. Tammy Ratchfi‘. Maria Pezzano pnm- n. HHSFVQMTS d' p a makingandmixedmediaatZZDupontSLE, â€ms-f- , B9†Gm" °“ â€ms my 25' 9 pm '° "“ Waterloo Call 519-747-4644 LEsusssousmusmam m "We“ 5’9'747‘5622' ' ' ~ - . MMMZZOKingStN Water- K-WUttieTheatre molashasrons Dan- . . .. toSundapluly26,8 m. “gm mmuovtsmmmx loo,presentsBosswich,Wednesday;Ember CANADIANCLAYMDGUSSGALLEHY Seteuses. Y P. ' The MUSIC and Movie in the Park outdoor ï¬lm. ~ Th y. H0! Kid. Friday San _ The (hmdian Clay and Glass Gallery presents St. E.Waterioo.1icketsare$lS.Cal1519-88& mmgmwyzajpmmhewgmm “M: m 's: y - dmn Gabe" Po. Lvmdomofm“ 8pm (1560 or 5196784570" Park bnntkhell. The ï¬rst M is Hotel f°f ' and Xuaniis at 25 Caroline 8L, Waterloo. Call BMW Dogwithmusicfrom’l‘heShckstoopenthe \|||\|( Cnnfgmpor’iry 519-746-1882. Drayton Entertainment presents Blue Cham- Show. Admission is a donation to the Food , ’ ° " pagne at the Festival Theatre. 33 Wellington SL Bank. Visit wwwparhnovieson for more infor- s.. Drayton. Tickets are we szo for children mation. m w" EIILOO commurrv A" ' seen ' “E . _ - . . _ A " The Waterloo CommumtyArts Centre presents under18.Call188844944630r5196385555. , 1,5 ...-, r .. "m W _ Society 5 (215m Image meg/up? “mtg; tag/gm ' e - ChemberMustc presen Regina . ., ate 00. ~ . The Stratford Shakespeare Fesnval presents mw.mn “if?†urges OrchestmOUW, a pm. at S7Young St, w.. Macbeth at the Festival Theatre until Oct. 3L Dance MYS 21288 m astum:i"’K-w Nammfl â€L Waterloondtetsare $15, $10 for seniors and Visit www.stratfordfestival.ca or call l~800-567- “on. 31 swaps; b} mum It Mm as for students Call 519-886â€"1673 1660. . " . . malesonsawwmwmmw m lmmmmm mwtmmnmssmam/mn -- - Be part of The 5mm†WW “5m“ PM“ For more information, an museums or DAV!) m The importance of Being Fame“ at the Avon visit Win/waterioosvvingoom The K-W dumber Sodety presents flamenco on ï¬le scene Theatre until Oct. 30. For more information ' ' guitarist David Sinclair and flamenco singer â€W k, us know of imam and visit wwwstratfordfestivalxa or call 1-800-567- m Ferriendollenos limb. luly 27. 8 pm. at 57 mminmemm 11x23 m, 11,- lmo. mmmmm MStWNVneriooAdmissionisSZOJIS duratimandticbetpriouhxmalgs-ég- Juuus CAM 1114: University ofWaterioo's Earth Sciences senior. $10 student. Call 519â€"886-1673. 51388. Newâ€. dim-raw mm 1,41 The Stratforti Shakespeare Festival presents Museum is open daily from 8:30 am to 4:30 iulius Caesar at the Avon Theatre until Oct 31. pm. Admheion is free. For more information For more information visit call SIS-888456796. 32469. ‘ '_ v, | , . , www.stmtfordfestival.m or can the box oiï¬oe at. 115 m m m ‘ ‘ ‘ l" ‘ “‘ ‘ H“ I ' I'H" II'.“ â€500557" 1550- TheWaterloo Regional Children‘s Museum fea- “A†mm... mmmas-mmm ,._......... annual-lulu The Stratford Shakespeare Festival presents Cece! in Genome and Talkin‘ Bout My Genem- sun-w. . ' - Wes} Side 510W at the 551i“! Theatre running tion: Youth Revolution and Music Change the a? Wm "I. u...‘ “I" unulOcL3l. For more information Visit Worid to Sept. 7, at 10 KingSt.w.. Kitchener. Qum'm" ' l _ . ;. ,- ; www.stratfordfestival.on or call the box oflice at Tickets are $10. For more information 519-749- um um- “l.“i I“... 1-800-567-1660. 9337, is. wail-n , v v ‘ Amen-an “ ‘ †- immature-mum was.“ a 29m... IIIII III... The Stradord Shakespeare Festival plucms A aim in; a..." “ll...- FunnyThingHappenedonthewaytoThe """"’" â€" nun-rum " n Forum at the AvonThe-tre until Nov. 1. m surmount: stock ammo-mu l.“...... more information visit wwwstratfordfestivelee Beat 91.5 Rocks the Block with Finger Eleven. 2 m s d a. E , ‘ . ._ oralltheboxolï¬oe at Lam-5674660 Marianas'li‘ench. MidwayStateandothem “:ml._ “in i.‘ “ll "mm lulyZSmoontollpmattheCentreBlockat SJhomhm . mwmwmva-wmm WWW-mm m- ill-lull“ ThreeSistenatthe'lmeattersonTheeu'emnâ€" NBS/CUBS “jA“MW - a -, ; nirtguntilOcL3. 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