WAIEHUX)CHIONI(1£ 'Wednesday. lune 17.2009 - s . ‘ ) r v r V ‘ l V i ll I I His 1 ( ) â€It (.HROMLLh Bouncmg around ing party. Are they less Canadian for involved the GO train to Toronto! . . conservative their service? Most of the others were very cones W] e mudsiin An intemtin anecdote has 0 to the ro’ because th s pposed p let-1 9y ' come up as result of the Mulroney felt it was too expensive. it was too m°ï¬mter inquiry. mmuemwowdnm Lone Gunmen . . , , . The former rime minister, a eno of the area. '1‘hls letter ls m response to the Id]. wellknown Corfservative, sent three’ They agreed that an improved i ll I d t ti c 1 t d epgngomgmgggï¬om- of his kids out of the country for bus system would be much better. com £310 frequentlylmhd FBI ands ml thing has Canadian because he has their education With money that I was also surprised by the num- Scullyon theX-Files Hem ofa covert trio of - lived and worked (“1de on†should have been paid in taxes. her who blamed the local politicians t I I me [we G pa" 8"†country. , I'm sure Brian "W“. object to for â€18th this project to make And yet Dean Haglund. the actor who played the long Do the Conservatives think we minchlldren'belng considered less themselves 10"" progressive. blonde-haired Iangly. isn't quite as tech-sawy in real life â€" he mmmnsmssm omeco'j‘mnm‘. nonaglgsmy legitimisemï¬iaasazso’mmuwip their childish, simplistic kinder~ vote or a ong time lnto e ture. Curl Kuhn-n eâ€"mail l sent him. "i updated my system and it trashed all my garten style ads? ' Wamrioo e-mail in the process.†We should be so lucky to have a I I IF I wanted to speak to Haglund because, as a big fan of the Xâ€" man of lgnatleff‘s mtelllgence run- Waterloo Files. 1 had always been intrigued by the shadowy characters ning the country! A well known. like the mysterious Smoking Man and The [one Gunmen progressive Harvard man is present . My wife and I recently rediscovered our love of the sci-ï¬ ly doing a good job as President of lots of people . show after renting the entire series on DVD from Generation-X the United States! haven’t heard of m -' Video in Waterloo. Although The [one Gunmen were relatively One has to question the intelli~ ‘ 7 _ minor characters. they contributed greatly to the overall mys- aiiiziitsirrgsizg‘mi. Duma- mammarmmn -:~ .‘ $33.53:§§T§$‘£°£§f§$iâ€mmdâ€mmâ€"3"“ in the middle of worldwide crises of beâ€??? talked :.0 atrtflfpeoRglï¬ â€˜ “ 1990s \ x , a i marJyhdiflebrznt song. d wh Transit. e plans or e slit .5: . / , ,4; Haglund agreed: “The only thing I \ I ‘ \i I! I \ I represearitaourucltilinntri’sfailrgaji foroall I was surprised to ï¬nd that over I; i - « I I l f j ghsï¬hmmwï¬geï¬ï¬wtgfihhosteï¬s \ I I I \ of their working lives? They are gov- haldf 0}: thefrphhad‘nev: heard of "a flat .. to} 5.95:“ : . '5 a > 5:}: to â€:55 generations" 8 emrnent oï¬icials. chosen by the rul~ an I 3“ ey ad.t CY thought 1‘ w v" 4- »~ v†w , ~ ska» Like the character he played. ‘ Haglund enjoys hearing a good con- .‘ ‘ spiracy theory. he told me. “While " a B d . ' d th most conspiracies have proven them- ‘ 881‘ all rum msp1re 88p Oll tS selves true â€" like Cheney's own per~ “ ‘ sonal hit uad. we are all wire- Well. aren't you people nice? ‘ South Carolina there is a deï¬nite dividing line tapped, e: â€" they offer no solutions Assuming there's more than a dozen readers of between the have: and the have riots other than the ability to say. ‘1 told you " this weekly diatribe (which i admit. is a large it’s no surprise the vast majority of vacation so.’ There are some that still offer fas- assumption) most of you have never met me. But mon is flowin to international co rations cinatin if not sinister conclusions ‘ MARSHALL ey 8 mo 8e . you've been very decent about sending best wishes There's nothing wrong with that. They are making like a moon base that has been in WARD for my daughter's wedding the investments and taking the risk. so they deserve existence since 19â€. Nazi anti-gravity ’ And i appreciate that. It's comforting some return. machines. Saddam's multidimensional portal 40-miles to know people care and still have a belief ‘ But it does fuel some interesting south/south west of Bagdad. and Mn Towers built in the '60s in the power of love. i ) i I i I i l l questions Are we supporting some speciï¬cally to be a target in 2001. I tend to scare the crap out of f lJOn that notekllleréï¬bsg‘me reflections ii ( H i l i K I form of entangmic slavery by Gandhi; people with this, so I dont talk about it at parties much any~ o owingawee n ’ ingtom e esetrips?0rwoul it more.†it's funny how, with a constant flow of worse to walk away on principle and But. l asked Haglund. what about the existence of aliens? beer and Cuban rum. just how easy it is to 2 abandon the improvements made? â€The emplanet search that is being carried out these days is solve the world's problems ~ " There's no doubt when we give out mducin a fantastic number of laces that sit in the Therewasagmup ofuswhospent ~ tipsto resortworkers theextramhis Igoldiloclt‘ii zone’ â€"farenouyl bst not toofarfrom ltssun to largeportionsofeachdaysolvingtlmse .. appreciatedanditmeansagreatdealto sustainllfeâ€"andtothinkthatwearetheonlylifeforrnsinall troublesStrangelyenoughtnooneever themButlsthatJustawaytomakeus thebillionsofstarsouttherelsalonelyarrogantthoughtat takesthosesuggesuonssenomly. feelbetter? . but.Hm~ever,lseveryweirdlightinthesky‘tl‘-em’corning _ 312"'m°'“"b°“'“’""‘°°°-“mm“ W"‘°‘°"°§i°n¢“‘â€â€˜â€Â°'“ 9"" “'whue"m“wmom“mwum'iiï¬Â°$°m'“md“omâ€Â°"iln"‘giy"‘â€Â° we 5 some more serious , my â€" ter- â€" is reflecting on the impact of tourism in the a Lg l've been in a fortunate position this no expert in computer hacking, he did launcheli‘igown compa- Caribheanflherewereanumberoffairly ‘ year.tobeabletodoafairlrnoumof nyGeekOilcm,wludlsellstheOuflPakacoolinggelpack ï¬ggimvlglmmu groupgllong â€gm travelling Every time mill": if; designed tapped up a no‘tve‘lrook computer. Hopefully it will never - "RIB away. What!!! preven e- crashes†. tuned to the islands before. discussions about moving to one of Or perhaps Haglund'; recent e-mall crash was caused by Thereweremanywhoweresurprised diesewnnydestinationsilgnlmlfllink niorenefariousfomesliketheworkofashadowgovemmcnt atthelivingcondidomofpeoplethelowwagesand it‘btheinfluenoeofbeermdnlm). hackinglntnhisfllestoseewlmsecretshehasunoovered? more Anditseemsnaturaltomnderifthcmoney 0fcwneforswedrwhereeverythingislndu‘l- AhernEaslhduridpointsoutTheloneGunmenwere mudolegutfozctléeseu'ipsisreaflyï¬lteringdownto git’sprettymytothinkyouowldï¬tnlcelylmo apparentlykifledhinnepbodeofmeshowbut.'\’ounever epeop inn . litestyle. awourbodlealnthecolfins' Suretheinfrastmctumtheroodsandotherunh lbvedliscmmtryarldallh‘rglvenmlhrtl'mso SoX-Flleshnsarelefltowonderwhether'lhelnneGlm- thingsintheareaoftheresomisimpmved.<ttnt tiredofwinterarldtrmsotheldenkeepopopplng menaremllyudeaduswe’vebeenledtobelieve. isnotthecaseinsomeofthesmallertm upEspedallymaaweekmywhld‘itendstosdr UkeallthcconaplncytheoriesexploredonTheX-Fllesthis Therearebillionsofdollanflowlnglntotheoe diocedmmslhtthere‘snothlngwmrgwlth omlsjustwelrdermrghthatmvhohmitmid’ltbem. countries.mudrofitfromClnadn.andinrrnny mutilate? casesthecondltionsdonotsoemtobeimprovingu “‘ fastutheynhould. WMAMlberofdnlw3mm Ofwunelwuldsaytheamethingahoutsome Wmmhrmdwdbymufla wwuawudmwlnmntflbnm mohheUnitedStatesOnmy-nnualnoimnuto Wm WIBWMWLWM